I ofthe 'Tongue. 451 bNt .Aaroflheldhis pr.sc,Leuit ·I o.;.When 'Pe- 1 A1he which hath not the ruleofbiston~ue, hur. ter hadtaught the Genriks,a~d aft~retllrned ,terh men aswell ab~nta> pre[ent;ne~ther fea, to Hierufalcnt, they of rhe cucumc1fion con- ,nor land, nor any rhmg can h!nder h1m. Ancj tended with him: he then rcndercth a roafon I againe, his throate is likea grauc that hath a ofhisfJ{l,whichbeingmade,they were filent. ven,t in fome l>:!rt,and therefore fendeth forth Forfo.the t<xt is, A{l,IJ,J 8. When they heard notnmg budhnke and corrupnon. I II.As the T(a, 6 . 6 , theftthings, rhry heldtheir peace, "•dgt.rified hol'l menof Go?, when they prea~hed, had G'od. When Gods iudgcmcnts befall men a• .theutongues as 1t were,touched With a coak Matth •· mongvs,ifwc fpeake any thing,wemull: iudge from thealtar of~od:and asgo~ly men wh.en "" •i•b charitably. Blcffidis hefhatiudgethwifoiyofthe they fpeake granouf!y, hauethe1: tongues 10· All.%ol> poore,the Lordj!Ja/1 dcliuer himin theday oftrou. flamed Withthe lire ofGods fpmt:fo contra- '• bie, 'Pfoi.J4·1· riwife, when thou fpeakefl:euill,thy tongue is lam. 1 . 6. Thirdly,tiie infirmities & fins ofourneighkmd!td by thefire ofhell: & Satan comes from bour are alw;~ies to be concealed, vnlelle it be thence with a coale to touch thy hps, and to in thec:.CC before named , that wee finde our fer them on fire to all manner of mifchiefe. fdues called of God to {peak~. Heth•tco>c- B Chryfoft•me faith, that when men fpeake r<thatranfkreffi•n,ftek!_th!.u~. 'ProU,J7·9· If good things, their tongue is rhe tongue of God in mercy coucr his finnes, why lbouldfr Chrifl:: but all manner ofvngodly and curfed thou reueale them!Sat.rmm flith,Pro•·J9,II· (peaking is tbe diuels language. IV. The mol tU theglori~ of a m:tn to paffi byaniP.jirmi{ie. derating ofthe tongue isamatterofgreatdifClnyf. hom,7t;• in Mach. Fourrhiy,all vniCemcly m~tters1 1l thingsvo~ ficulcie S.lamu fairh,Thewja!emttHrcofbeafls knowne,things which concernevs not,things andofbirds,&ofcreepingthings.&c.i<ramedand 'arn,J, aboue our readhare in filence to be buried. bath bintamedofthenatureOfman:but the tongHe ?,8, The perfons before whom Glcnce rnuft bee can nomantame:it io anvnru!JeHili.PtWibm~onc vfed,are thefc ~ 1. M.tlitious enemies ofreligi• without learning,came to acenainem.m to be Hift.Tr:... Mar, 7 ,z. omGiucnotthat which is h•ly vntodog~: n!ith<Y taught aPfolme: who when he had l1eard the par. c"ft yo11r p«ri(s bifore[wine. This was among lirfrvcrf.ofthq9.1'f'llme,I[aid,I wiO kfcpe my Ma<h,17, the refl:one caufeof tndilence,of..Chd{l; be- ' w•ies, that I offendnot in my tongno: would not fore C•iph.u and 'Ptlatc. I I·" B'e'fore Magifutferthe nextverf<tobee read, faying, This fl:rates in t;;1eir open courts: where fi•ch. as verfe is enough, if I could p~atlife it. And come before them are not to !peake till they when his.teacher blamed him, becaufe he faw Al!.s 4• be bidden.Then Piiifl,,ifterthat thegouernorh•d C him not in fixe moneths after : hee anfwered beck_ned flnto himthat beJhouldfPeak!, 4nfwere!l. 'I that he had not yet done the verfe. And one to, Eccl•l'• s. lobJ2.,. 6, Ecd,.r. S·ll. I Il. In theprefei1ce ofourelderoandbetters,. that knew him, many yeeres after asked him who mull: haue leaus& 1iberty to fpea&e firfl:, whether hec had yet learned the vorfe, I am and mull:ofodier~ be heard wi<h m,nce: The fortie yeeres old (faith he) and haueno: yet praCI:ife ofthis w:is inElihu to Elipha~ &Billearned tO fulfil it.Now then,the harder it is to dad. Acomp.a~yofmen(a~.fome fay)is like to rule the tongue, the more tare is to bee had the Alphabct,mwhich a.revo.wels,haltevo\vtherein. V. The fl:range indgernemsofGod 0 d el~, and mutes; vowels ore old '!'en,learned, for the abtifcoft~e ~ongue, efpeciall; in blaf- '"~~:. women, who aretheonly to fr'eak when they Three men confpired together aga(nfl: 'JI&r- <h< ,bufe are askcd:mntes.arethe famepames,who oecsf!iuBtfhop ofierufalem ~ a man that kd, ·f '"' w!le,e.xpert: halfe vowcls,a:.reyoQng men and phemtes and t>enunes;aremany and fea~efi,Jl. 1 "'' '' for ilj!lllOtoccaGon<;d,areinfi)~qce.ro.?ear_ctheir g?dly ~nd blameldfe life'· and they charged ;;";~~\ ' Tir,., ,, Betters. Andhereall feruants & c!litdren mull: fulJl with amoll: hamons cnme: all threecon- • ,, 8 remfmber whe11 they are iu(l:ly r~prooued to /irme tpdr accuC.tion by oath. The firfl: wi!h- ' ' . !le fil<mt; ·and not to anfwe.r'~ny,;hi)lg agal<1.5eth,ifir were not fo, that .he were burht. The Pron,, 6, 1 V. FoQles •nP pratler~ are norro bee anfwe" ·D fecond,that he mightdie ofthe.iaundife, The 4,~. ted, vnle!fdt be to let thefll fee tl)~ir folly.~;:; I thihl,th1-l' he.might lofe his eyes:Afterward in '" 1 .Procelf~o(nme, the /irfl: had h1s houfe feton 1 fire in the night: & he with all his family wer '' .., burnt. 'fl're 'fecond had the iaundife from the head to the foie ofthefoot,& dittdtherof. The third feeing what was befallen thefe twaine, repented and confeffed theconfpiracic againll Narcij[m, and yet for all that he loll: his ey". Ag~in,in the daies ofQ__Mary,as la?r.es .AbCHAP. XU.. .AnexbortatiDn to k,:ej;e th: Tongue. THus haue I in part fct downe how the tongue is to be gouerned: & I heartilyde. fire, that all Chrif.tians would put thefe-~ul9s in praaife. Reafons. [. Ifa m•n foem.e to llee religioJU> andrcftr4inenot hi.! toJtgne> he dtceiHeth himftifc,andhi< religionismvaine. II. The man ofan euill rongue, is a bea!l: in the forme ofa man; for his tongue is the tongue ofaferpenr, vnder which liethnothingbutvenimandpoy– f~n:nay he is wo& then aferpent: for it can– not~mrr, V'nlelft! it beprefern to feeaman, or to b1te him,or to.llrikehim with.his taile:but bes was led by the Sheritfe ro execution , di- Fo,. A~. uers poore peoplefiood in the way,andasked Moo, t~eir ahn<s :he then not h~uing any money to g1ue them, d1d put offall hJsapparell, faue his fhirt,and gaue itvmoth~m,to lOme one thing to fomeanother :• in the git1ing whereofhe; cxhortecl ':oem to be fl:rong in the Lord,and to/' frand .fl:edtafl:inthe tturhofthe Gofpel. While Qq he