Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

' .TO THE READER VVHOSOEVER. 0 D hathbeftowedon v;greatprofJ&ritie.nd]feaee, with plentie of all tempo– ;ll;:J'/:::;;;~-.;:._~.,A rail blejfing~ that hean ca11 wijbfor manyyumin thU land. Proffierme abufid hAt~beenetheoc~ifionof manygricuom fins 11gai11jlthe firj/andjicolld table: jpwally of Atheifme, neglect of Gods worjbip, contempt of the word,prufan4tion ufthe Sabbath, abHji ofthe SIICraments,&c. Theft and(Nch lsk!Jinnu haHe longcalleddDwne for iHdgementsftom hei:Hm vpon vs; andtheratherhecauft thepreachingofthe word, bathlittlepreU4iled tobringvs to11ny atnendmentoflife. ' ' . whereHponGo~bathnowbeg~n ~0 CAUft hU iHtfgementstoftaz.'e vpon '7Js,jpgcsally by plag11e and pej/zlence: andthatsn the very prmcepall partufthu land: whereby hee himfi!fe ckrh (as lobfoith) round vs in rhe eare, ar.dprettch repentance_fo1n. Wherifore itftands vsnow in httnd if e~r,tq look! abo11tvs .· and if we hauenot rtpented;ob~in tore_ pent: ifweha~ee informer timerepented, u doe it more earnef/Jy. if fo be that weJhouldharden our hearts b11h againf/ hi< wordandiudgemems, andputfarreftom vs the eRill day; vndoubted!Jll'e mufl needs look!for iuagnnentsfarremore terriJ,!etheneuerwefelt 44 yet: ifnot cternaOdejlruEHo~. L et vs be -.kijidbythe<idworld,whomadelightof'IY!!ahs warning,andwere drowned in theflood; by Lots[onnes in Ltw, whorooke their fathers coHnftllfor mocft4ge, IUidWerebnmt withfire andbrimjlone from he<uen; by thefoolifh virgms,who .-erejleepingwhentheyJhou/d haHe beetie f•rnifhing theirlampes, and"''"e Jl'uffrom themarriagtofthe Lambe. Andto direfJ theefomewhat ini~e pra£lift of repentance 1 l_hane pennedthY[mall T1'eatifi; vfoitfor thy benefit, andfie thoube adDeruf" ; "nlej[e thou w•lt beawslfu~murderer , •ndfl~tdthebloodufthine owneJoule. ' Andwhmauhere hauebeene publijbedheretufordn Englij!wroftrmons of Repe;., rnce,oneby M. I BradfordM<rtyr, the otherby M. Arthur Dent; Sermsns indeede wbichha.edonemuchgood: my me11mngunot toadd~ thereunto, or to teAChanother doctrsne, butone'J torenew tWd reUH4c thememorie of that whichthey haue taught 'l{eith<r letit trollhle theethat the principal/ Diuirmufthu age, whomin thi< Treatiji lfoOotv, ""'Y .fieme robeat difference in tre~tting of repentance. Forfomenuk! Jt aftuit~ff•ith,crmtAining two parts, aMclant\: r:YffortificAtionandPiu•ficatJon : ~fl?nemak.!faith a partofit ,G_y deuiding it intocontritWn,[t:tith. ntW Jocis obedimc8 : h fo"!'e ma~ it a a lnewith regznertltiow. The dsifn-etzce ii '!_Otin thefobjl~U"Ke of dtJ[trine, bHt ;~iu~nin the iogicaUmanmr ofhandlmg it. Andthediffermceof httndling,'!!iJ!tk if the dmerJ t:tcceptionofre– infi 1. J· pentance. It is tak!n twoWAies; gen"t~!Jy,andp11rticular(J. 6"ewerAI!jfor the wholeccmNerjion ofthefin~ ap. ~· ner, andfo it ma)'Containecontrition,ftilith~ewobediencevnder it,andb( cimfou7!dedwsthregeneration.It par. 9• ist4~enparticulilrlyfor tht rmoNatimofthelife 411dbehtlHt-ONr :andfo~t.U 4 ji-HitoffAith. Andtbi4 ofleiyjinjiaoelfo/lowinthuTreatiji. \ I, verfei. vcr(es 1 ver!'e4. vcrfcs, Jhaueaddedhereto 4 feWhp,es iifthe combate benveene tbt Flefh IUidtb.f~Spirit; becaNftrepenta,ce andthi& combatettre ioyn4dtlij,lthlr, and tbe ene isnot pr4£lifed/w,thom tHe,'other, tUappMresby rrfoluing,Pfol.)I. . . , . Spim. Haue mercy an me, 0 God, accordmg to thy loumg kuJ4ne1Te. Flefh. 'lea, but thine4du!teriecomprehends infiniteftnnes; theref!r! ~oo ...k!f()rnop~tt-don. · Spirit. According to the multitude ofthycompafsion~ put .-v:t\'m~·pe iniquities. Flclb. Thujinnehath t('k!_nfoch deepe pU.Cem thee, that >t wsO be1J~rd 1p•rd011ed. Spirit. Wai11 me throughly from mineiniquities,and cleanfen1e_~bmmy linnc· FleOt. ThyfPecia!lm!faj[euag•inflman. ~· .J(:!>,:j Spirit. Again!l: thee, again!l: theeonelyhaue I finned. Fleih. Excepttht< onefomee"J)ife H'Unl!iameab/e. V , Spim. Behold I was borneminiquitie,&c. , Y Yea,the btft m•n that i4, in the pracrifoofgoJ/inr!fo, often ~J>pt#fes to bee vnlik!bimftlfe: ad the E•od•••. ca"fi uthH fPiritltaO combat e. The JleJI} otherwhfks.'!"'ktshi'J'ft':lileaDdmourne .mdgoedmping,pre– .,. fonrlyafmthefPirit puts into him ( .uwee[")) tbej,rarrofgra/fo, andm4kes foim tnt<~nph•gainfl the ~~~~:o· jle~1, the diue!l,the wor/J, Mofos WIM cozm1giom at the redfta, ht hef•iledat thewAters DJ jtrife. lob lobi."• firf/ praijith God,andofrerwardbia!fbtmeth. 'lJauidu o(renfai.ringin miftry,yer by andbyrmined. & 3.1 . Wher~forethere isgoodcaufe why theconjideration oft'epmt411Ce tmithe combatejho11ldgoe together.-th4t Na\.6'. r. ~oman afur he ha:h begun to repentmight drea'!lle ofetlje tohUJlefh : tU. thoughweJho_utdgo:to heauen ~~::.':: utb(Jds of downe: butratherthatwe mightbe refolued,thatwhenwee bt.$m to doe_ n.ny thmg ple4jing :mro 10 , u . God, thenwe muft lookt.for_nlJthing bt~tcontinu:t!l moleftati~nftom ourv,kandwwk(dn"tures. Wrrtten Anno 1593· Nouemb. , 7 , I WILL I A M pER. K 1 N s.