\h;~\r.'0· \ ... · ··f'-.YA ""h",. ,;, ,,,G:e · :A. -.- , I >,i, ..... " '"·~·if·~ ,Y.h~~'fR.~tJ ,t~~~~/;. ! ,. • . ! .;!·.. ,~.-~:.- . J ')th 1{' 1 -~: t't.;');";.:~- ;~ ~.: . 1 .'! ~:·:. .- ' ':, ( 11 . oEpentanro•\is.a' WOtiJQ ,.,£A . li~~'h,id 'Withirnh~ ,b~l<!!.:li rep~m~g~,i~like grace,atifmg'<>fagodLyCox~ the.l>Jld·.d!Jit,~<\Av·JlJ•"'•~ it felf~,~efore eirow; wherehy.a.man, nu:oes ther,blQ{!Ome;~eafq-,QtJtttit ap~~re: yea-all fronndUus .fins vnto.Q:d;> pth~lig~a~t.~~~,rhd!Ca1.tJ, .whi!l;h<~r~ee~dfidl 11nd bririgeth forth fruit'~ IQ f,Yu~~qpl> 'll'~oPilld.e 111anifelbbJJ·••penwortll)';JnebdmCDtofojifo. tanc.e.;:,..•d"fo~ thft4aUfe , Repentance(as I , ·I c;al R:eseotiance aJWnrl<i> ~kcit-)i$lidlpr,caclied.' .. .; ,,... becaufe it feemes not to·be ¥-"qualitie or,pt!. i !I~fh.rrb~~ ..~.repentance rifetl!.ofa rue;i:irhabit, but an a<tie\lolia·r'epehl!antffinA: god)f,(qJ!I'Owin·,c!tt:.h~;art,as Paul teacheth,:i•. . ner; Which ap'[>'eares by tHe fermons,ofthOI Co>'.7;1i>; flodfrforr?W,c~•Jhhrepent~Wce 'lmto ' Pr0phet$ and·A<polHes , .which runne•in·this .C,/u4fifl!n,qm~bctej>fnf{dof.IFiscalled agod" te!lotir 'Rep<Ht,ti<T~tetoGod-endyo~rli•tt>t&<~ )y,foa-Pw;t>r.a ti;rJQ\Yae~ntding.to God,rhat 'whereby theyintimare,dllltrepeman~e is· it111;1y!>e dil\ingililhedfromwor(dlyfo~row: awork...i><hedon·o. ·'·''' .; ··;; . Jl', .whicli;'i:sa•griefe 'arifingofthe.:!pprehenfiOR · Againe , Reptntanct'isinot eucrykinde of P€tfll::w~alhofGl:id&l)ther mifetlr:s:as feare worke,butaw0rkeo£gracesbecaufe i~cannoe of meh., lolfe,of gQo<\ name , calamities in be pra~ifedof any, buc.of fuchas.beein the: B gQPds aoll odlerthiogs,.which·inthisli(efol; efl:ateofgraee. Rea(onsarethete;.i.Nomall' lQw·as ppnifqm.emso~fin:whereas the godly . clln-<epent ,vnlelfehe>firft h:ite finne,andlolia (orcew£~Qthgri8fcfQT.fin,bec""feitufm.And righteoufne>;<tnd llonecan·hatelinne, v~l~lfeJ Jt m~k.es anyn~an,·inwhomitis, to beofrhis ·. 1 he'lie'fanltified 1 and he_rh':' is fani5tified ilr1u1 diJPofitioo& minde',{hat ifthere were no coihfied : anti he that IS 1uftdied , mufr neede•' , fckncetp_acQUfe.,nodipell to.terrilie,no11l<lge haue that faith W'hich voires him to CHrift; ._. to arrrugu~3ndooodcmne,oohelro-t0rmcnr, and make hilltib~neofhis bOne,-and flefh·of yet hewoold be .bumbled ,and brought on his his Ae01.Wherefore lje tliat rcpents,is iullifi• knees-f'lr;his finnes, becaufe he hathoffcnded ed& flnl'tificd,-.n<l.madeamember of Chrilli ~ louing.mcrci/illl, and long fuffering God• . ·by faith: · II: He that [llrnes. to·.God., mull: ··' Fur~ter I tay,thattepeorance ll:andsintur~ ~rtl:ofallbctutllcd~fGodlandafterthatwe n1ng:'~e to God: Man at rhe firtl: was areturned,t~en we repent, I,,., q1.19: S~<rdy n1a-de,a·goooly crearnte in the image ofGod, afiw'7WA<conuereed,'f repented< '4Jidiifte~ thao~ hauirigfellow1hipwith him,whercby hedwelt w.u inflrutlcd,lfmuu vpon my.rhi~;h:Iw.u4jhl(' in@od•.And God iohim, By finnt there is a med,ye~ eHm confoM»iled bec•ufef-didbear~ tht pa1~t_ioo made betweeoe God and man: who reproch of myy~JMth; ., . · .. '·'" IS aheaatdd and eftranged fromGod,& is beSome may'obiell', that repentance.goes bei . 'ome.the.cliildeofwrath, a firebrand ofbell forea1l gracc,becaufeiris liolt.pteached. ·Th~ C the prcdir,:all chdde going from his father m~ firl\-ll:rinoRthareuer was made,was ofrepen' , to.a f'\!'re countrey, the frrayiug, nay the loft tance;preach~<fafGodhimfelfe in para:difeto 1 ·fhr.epo,NQw,wheo men haue graceto repent~ our firll parents' Aud euer fince the fermons ~1\Cn they begin to reoew this fellowChip, and ofall tlie l'roplittS' alld •Apofrles, and of~ll .I /'turn~agaioe toGod· And the very elfencc or faithfull minillcrs' ~aue had repenraACe for , ltatureofrepentance confifrs in this turning. tll'cif&egilmlng andfcope. Tii;antwer he~C- ,whichPIU/lctoth.feero~ to intimate, whe• he t? inaY. bethis : ifwerefpc~theorder ofna> J..flith,AI1.26.2o. That.hejbewedbothto{ew•m/ tUt!,therc-be·orher graCesof God.which goe G{'1tilt;.~hattheyfo•Hidrepent andtnrne to God, herore R~pentanci: : becaufe a mans confCi- ""'"doegoodwork(J worthy .,.endmmt oflife. In e1ice niufr in fantefott be fetled touching•his · whichwords heefets downevnro vs a full de. tl:cti>nCiliafion wlt!-i 'God in Cl\rifr b<ifore·•hee fcription ofrepentance. · c~illlegin torepent: Whereforc·infrificatiM Again<! fay, thanepentance is atutning ' lin!l-t.n<lificarion in order ornature goe be• from fin, t>ecaufe it dothnet abollhorchange tOrerepentaHcc."Blii ifwe refpea'(ime,grace the fubfrance ofbody or foule, or any ofthe andrepent>nce are botli rogither;So foone .U Iiculties~eteofeither in whole or part : bur there i~fire, fo foone is it hot: and fo t0<>oe only rc~hlie and amend them by remoouina as anlan is regen:rate,fo foont he~epents.,lf ' ·the corruption. Irturnes the udneffe ofme~ we refped the outward inanifdh:tionoftlicfe, 1 lanoholly to,godly forrow , choller to guod <w'aine, repema'tfce goes before allother gra- , : •zcale,'fuftneffeofnature to meekenelfooffpi– ces, bccaufcit firlt ofall appearell~olltwatdl·Y· ' i rir,madnelfe and lightnes to Chril.tianmicrh ; I~egeaeratbn is like the fappe ofthe treetha'' /ltrcforllles euery mat! accordingto hi~ ilatu- ·-----------------~Q.si~----- r.TI