Ili.~:.J, 'Ezek.u. ... The natureandpraCI!fe rail confiirurion, not abolifhingit, but redref- A lingthe fault ofit. · kingr<pentance, ist\Jeminiftery ofthe Gof– pel onely,and notthelaw. Reafons hereofare thefe: I. faithisin~endredby_thepreaching, · Further I put downe, thatrepcntance is a turningfrom all finne to God, t~at I may ex– cludemanyfalfc:turnings. The firfi, when a man rurnes from God to fin, as when one of a Prereftant becomesa Papil!, an Arrian,a Familifi. The fc:cod,when a man turbes fror.n one fin ro another. As when the riotous per· fon leaues his prodigali!}', ·and giues himfclfe to the prachfe ofcouetouli>elfe: thiscan be no repentance: becaufeitiS'a going from:one ex– trcametoanother, whereas repentance is to leaue thecxtreames and·keep~themeane.Thc thirdis, Aotwhenamanturnesfromfm, but fin rurnes from him and leaucs him. As when the drunkard leaues drunkenndfe, bcuufehis ftomacke is decayed: the fornicatour his vn– cleanneffe , bc'caufc the· ftrength of nature failes him: the qoarrellor pis lighting,becaufe he is maimed on legge or arme. Thelalt is, when men turne from many fins , but will not turne from all. As HeruJdid many things at the adv.nifemcnt ofl•hn 7JJ!tifl , butcould not oe broughtto leauc incell: J in haui>lg his brother Philips wife. This repentance is no– thing. For as he which is truely rege.nerate, is wholly In body,foule,and.fpirlt regenerare: fo hewhichtruly repeots,rurnesfrom alllinne, andturnes wholly to God. ·,' .;• • not ofthelaw,but otrhe Gofpel,as PAul faith R'"'·l·l'· The G•f}tOu thtpwm~fGodtof.J: Mtio••••OthAthtluueJio,.JAithtof!Uth;t~erefore repentance, which follows faith as afruit thereof, muft needcs come by the preaching ofthe Gofpel onely.ll. Thelaw is the miniftery ofdtath41idt!Amtf#tion,becaufeitfhcwes a •,Cor;), man his wretched ellate , but fhewes him no 7 ' remedy:rherefore itcannotbeaninll:rumental ca~C. ofthatrepenrance which iseffe<tuallto !ihution. Ill. The doUrine ofrepentance ,.a.parc ofthe Gofpcl,whichappeares inthis, B thatthepreachingof repentance, "theprea- Lok. 9· 5• chingofthe Gofpelareputonefaracother. ~=6,. And our Sauio~r Chrift depides the Gofpell L•kc.i-~. into twoparts: the preaching ofrepentance, •7• · andrcmilsion offinncs in his name. l V. That part ofthc word which workcsrepectance, muft reueale rhe nature ofit; and fct put the promife oflife which belongs vnto it.But the law neither reueales faith nor repentaace: thisisaproper worke ofthe Gofpell.Ifit bee wd, th•t thelaw isafchoole-inafterto bring vs to Chnft, the anfwcr is; to bring men to Chrifr nor by teachingthe way, orbyallru:inll them1but by forcing and vrgiogthem. . Neitheris thisto tro11ble any, thaethey can– notknow-all their fins : for found repentance C for oae fpeciall fin, brings with it repentance ofalllinne. And as God requires particular repentance for knowncfinnes,fo he accepts a geoerall repentancefor fuch as be vnkoowne. To proceedc further ; the conuerlion ofa lin1er in repentance, hath tnree parts : The lid!, a porpofe, and refolutibn in the mind:: the fecond, an inclination in thewill and affe– chons:tbe third' an indeauour in life and con– uerfarion, to abandonand leaue all his former finnes, and to imploy himfelfc in.obcdience to Gods commandements. · Neither downbuli!b the law,in afcribing the workcofrepentanceto the Gofpelondn for thoug'l it be no caufe,yet it is rm«<A/IIfl of truerepentance.Becaufeitreprcfentsvntothe eye ofthe foule our damnable eftate, & !mites the confcience with doubtfull terrours and · feares, which though they bee no tokens of grace (for they arc in their owne nature the very gates and the downfall to the pit ofhel) yet they arc certaine oculi<>ns of rcceiuing ' grace.ThcPhiutianisot·herwhilesconll:rained to rccouer the healthof hispatient bycaftiug himinro fome fits ofan agae: fo man,becawfi: heis dtadly fickeofthcdifc:afeofunnc, mull bee call: into fome fits of legal by the mi•iftery ofthe law, that he may recouerhis former eftate, and come to lifeeuerlalling. · Lafily, this repentance mull: bring forth fruitcs worthyamendmtntoflife: becaufe it cannot be knowne to bee finccre , vnleffe it bring forth fruit· Repentant £inners are trees of righuoufneffi of Gnds owne planting: and they grow by the waters that flow ••t of the S411fl,..rie and therefore they mnftbeare fruit thatmayftrNefor"""',41/rJ/uifefor •<'!i'i~r;otherwife the axe ofGods mdgement IS latd to theirr..tes to ftocke them vp. CHAP. II. OftbiCaHft of Repent•n<~. THe principall caufe ofrepentance, is the fpiritofGod, asP••l faito, •·T'"'·•·•5· rnflrul1i11g themwith meek!ntjfo•· rie mintkd, prooHing ifG•d~tt AnJ timewiagiHe them repentance.And Ieremie,?er.31.1S.Co1111m th•u me,and{jh.Ubec•n•emd, The infiromentof the holy Ghoft in worRepentance alfo is furthered by calamities, D which in this cafe often come in the roome and lleadofthelaw. liftphs brethren, when they were in diftreffe in Egypt,liid onetoan- ' other, 9."'·4•·•t•. We h•Ne'lltri/yfinned•gAinjl ••rbrtthrr, inthatwefow tbe.vtg•ifoofl!i;fow/e when he btfo•ght"s,.rndwe would !Ut heArr him: thtrofore urhu tro.ble ""'' "'Pon"''· And the Lord f•it •inOft. 5• t 5. /willgoe•ndreiNrnttl myplace,tillthry .ultt;swltdge their[1111/t &ft•l<f mt,intheiraJJlfaim wiJJ theyft•k• "'' tli/igmtiJ. And the lfraelltcs fay,L•m. 3••o.Myfo•lt h~d them ( 'llany affiittioris) illmnembr..,,..., andu hHmbledinm,. ExamplcofManaffis, 2Chron. 33.1z. Awl ,.hm he lti.U intrib•Lrtion, heprayed totht Lordhi< G•tl,andhHmbledh•mftlfegrr•tly. AndD•Nidfaith,Pfol. t t 9·71 .It ilg••dfor me, that 1hutbttneaJJliflelf, that I msghtleArnuhy jlatHtes. CHAP.