Rom.t. . ,., Aa.,. f1o cHAP. III. .,' j i"''.Repeotanceuwroughi. •: 457 A ~Mortificatiol) is the firll part of rcpcntaace, which conccrr.cs tUrning frotri fi'nne. :~Men turne'from linne, when they d~ not onely abllainefrom aauall.fmne, butalfovfe all meanes whereby they may both weaKell REpentanceis wropgptin tli~ i:er- &,fuppre!fe thecorruption ofnature. Cbirur.· taine lleps and degrees. Firll of ~11, a gions when they mull cut off any part of the man mull haue knowledge of foure tbtngs' bopy; vfe to lay plaillers to it, to mortitie it; namely, ofrhclaw of God, offinne againll that being'wirhout fenfe andfeeling it may be, the Jaw,ofthe guilt offinne, and ofthe iudgel c,iito.ffwiih,le!k paine. In the.fa"!e man1wr 1 menrofGodagainll finue, which\s·the erer- 'we arc to vfe all·helpes and remedtesprefcrinall wrath ofGod. &ed in the word which ferue'ioiveaken or kill 'Then in the fecond pJace mullJoiJow the 1fione,tbatitl death it may be abolifhed• .Applic4twnofrho former knowledg toamans ·And it imilhot fecme llrange, thai I fay,we o~n~epedon, by the workeofthe confcicni:e mull: vfe mcanes to mortifie our owne linoes. aiSill:edby the holy Gboll, which for th:ir B For howfoeuer by nature w'e cannotdoeany cauteis~led !QCJPirit •{bandage: and thisapthingacce~fable to God,yer being quickened r.lieationu made i>1a forme of reafoning, ea!- and niociued by the holy Gholl, we flitrc and Alii agi• tda praaicallfyl!ogj(me,onthis manner. mooi>e eur felues to doe rha~which is truely mu;, The bre•f<tr •f~ht L<w il gHiltie of ttem•ll good. And therefore repentant linners haue tle•th, f•ith theminde: grace in them whereby ther, m\)rtifie their Jim IIIPI".b"pk._er.offhel.rwoj'G..I,Iaitluh; ownefin~es. PaHlfai~h,I b<4ttdllll'tte"'Jbodie, confcicncc,au witne!fe and anaccufer : •ntlbrPtg rt mtofub.e/ifson, And, They which•re Thmfore lamgui/ti•of eternallfh~~th; faith Chriftshauecmcified ihefltfo,withthe a/fe£1joiii the fameconfciencc, 3$ a iudge. · c·, . andU.f/stherrOf: and, Mo~tifo thereforeyaur Thirdly, from ~his application thus made, e'Arth!JmemlufsJornictJtisn; vncle1U1Rtffe,.thc-ln~ tCoi.9, ·~Gal.f.l+ Col,j, f, ari(erh fe~rc and f 0 irow.i\!pefr of G.ods ] 0."Nn~te 4/f'fion~tui//cooclififtence,anilcouer~H/ iudge'llents again(l unne, commonly called nejfe. And,/foiiJmanfurgehimfelf•fr•mt~efe, ~,Ti"'·"- theftiRgf{the conftienct, orpetiittnce, and the hejba!lbet<vejfellvn!OhonoH,r. And,S;~intlohn cloli.l; '""J•nffliRofheart. . faith,' Eileryiilifwhichh<tbthu hop<inhim, pu~- l· Now this compunc!Hon, vnle!f~ it bee de- ~cthhunfelfe; deu• he"'1nre '· and;hewhich layed by thecomforts of the Gofpel, brings C u ~egottenof_(;,dprcferueth himfdfe, andthe C•r•f• men to,defperation0 and to eternall damnawicft!done ioileheth himnot. - . · 18, rion. Therefore he that will repent to life e- · Mortificadon hath thtce paris, a pqrpofe uerlall:ing mu_fl goe'fourc llepa further:.Firll; inmindc, an inclination in will,and an jndeahe mull: haue knowledge ofthe G.ofpell,_and tiour in life and'conuerlatiDfi to leaue all finne. entcrinto a ferious conlideration of the nierRiling to )lCWncffe oflife; is the Jecond cy ofGod th~ein r~nealed. Then mull follow part qfrepentance·concerning fincere obeditheapplic4twnofthe former knowledge by the cnce to God'. · confcience, renewed and aiSill:ed,by the fpirit Aiid it bath alfo three'parrs. The twofirfl, ofadoption, onthis manner. area rdolution i~Jthe minde, anp inclination . Hethat uguiltieofettr!J411de~~t~. ifhtt denie or lull in the will to obey Qod in all things. h•mfelfr,•ndput hu •!Ji•n&e inthede•tho[Chrift, BArnabA<exhorts themofAntiocbia,rhar with A~~''; fh•OhaumghttoufoeJJt•Miifeeternali, faith the purpofe•fhe4Tt tht) would cleaue vnrothe Lord, : ,, . minde enlightened by the knowledge of the Examples of.. ~oth thefe are many in ScripGofpell. turos: Oflofbu•,Ifitfe•,., eui/1 '1/nioyoi<tofenu l.oth, >44 But I btingguiltie..f etern•U de•th, deny my the Lord, choefe}•• thu tiAywhomyouwillfirlie, ' i• felfr,&putmy•ffi•'1Ceinth•deathafChrift,[aith D whether the Gods whic,~your F~~thmfmttd, or the cOfc;ience renuedby the fpirit ofadoptio; the G,ds .[the .Amorites,&r;.butI andmyho•JeTherefore, l fballhAurright<Oufnej[t 4nti lifeebaldwill ferutthe Lord, Of '])auid, Q Lord; Pfal.t! 9 , Hert.f/ingby Chrift. thuu 4rt myportion, I haue determined to~eepe ' 7• Thirdly, after this application there folthycom1tl4odementt. And, I hauc fworne, And Verf.Io's l~wes ioy and (orrow: ioy,becaufeamans fins wiOperformt .it, that I wi4 k!epe thy rlghieo/J l'fa.•f,-8, are pardoned in Chrill::[omll',becaufea.mans iudgemmu. And,Whenthoufoidft,fec/zcmyface, finoesqauedifpleafed·him, which hathbecne mine hear;t anf,.md vnto t9u, 0 Lord, I will · ( fo louing and mercifull a God vnro him. I feel<! thyfacr- And, J h,au~applyed mine heart :·~:; i ' 9 ' Lallly, after this godly forrow followes RetofulfiO tf'J)/f"Htts •IP(4ies euen to theen4• pmtan<e, called a Tranfmentatiou or turning Th'j,!ur_d part, is an ~nd~auot•r in life and ofthe minde, whereby a man determines :ind· conuerfa~iQn to obey God. Ex•mple of'Paul, refolucs with himfelfe ro finne no more as lie .Andherein I take painestohaNe •lwaies acfeere All,t4, bath done, b"tto linein newnca; of life. cOjiience toWArdsGod&to!IP<rds "'en:Qf'])•iiid; '"• ' O'fth~p~~~R;p~;.,._, • . ~•ueh":,efPeftoall.')'yco':'mandemenis. And,/ ~:'•"9· · R ') r Jtet ~en,t f~4J6jtrHttJ, ·gndthyiNdg(mentJ Verlejo. : l>pentaoce hatk two parrs: Mortific:~tihaue llaiqpefere "!'· And, .I hauecl;aucdtothy 3 ,, _on_,_a_nd_R_ll_im_g_t_o_n_e_w_n_effi_,e_o_f_l_i~_c. _____ tefl_•m_on_u_•._A_n~d, dsreFl met in the path of 31 , ~----------------------------------.~ 4 tf'J