4:~8 'The nature?mdplllElife thytommand.ments; for thriein u my delight. A ftethekjngJomeufhtao<n. Repentance is alfo . No man mull: here thiilkc· that' a- tep.enrequiredinrberegenerate: bc:caufethcymay tant !inner fulfils the law iri his'obcdience•for haue voknowne and hidden corruption• in theirbell: workes arc faultie before God· ~nd them, which muft bee mortified: and otherwh'ereas tlie faithfull in Scrij>fures are faid i:q whilestheyfall g~ieupufiy: and thereforethat beperfea; we#tuft know'tRat.there be rwo theyn1ay nfe agame ;~they· muft be daily pradt~recsofperfel'lion:perfel:tion infubftance, tlifedinth.cfpiriruallexerdfes6frcpelltartce. an perfel:tiqn in'rhe highdft d~ree. Perfe- \ -.- .. .<'Hon in fubl'fante,'is when aman orb fincerc" CHAP. 'VII• ... ,I¥ 'ep<lcauourto .PFrforme perfe/1 obedience .ro'IZ.lod,nodrifonie,butin all his commando- :Ofthe pra[lifo-ojl Re)"ntanu, m,nts. And this is the ooely perfetlion that any m:ln call haue in this life. A Chrifiian JN r?e pratlife ~£ Repentance f~ri:!f~eciall ,nian'sperfeaion i~ ro bewaile his imporfeltiduttesarerequtrcd: The·lirft, 1ia>diligenr :oh"'' his obedience more confifts in the good and feriotis examinationof the con(rience by will,then in theworke,and is moretobe mea" B the la\j'e,s and command'ementsof God, for '" .1Ute11'y tbeatreaion, then by the ef!'ea. .., all manner t>ffins, both originall and a~uall. Exampleofthe children ofIfra<l.Wherefore;. - •' CHAP. V. the tiH;ng ,;:,. [orrDWfuO I ""'nfoffererbfor hi. L:nD,J. ·!fin: let-vsft~~rch IWd tryour waies~ 4rtd-fHTI1~•- J9,.;0. .. Ofrlu degrees uf Re1ent~nce. ~ ' goinetothe Lord. Of 'IJanid, 1conjidlr;J -,;} Pt>lu .R Epontanceha~h tWodegrees. 'It beitlidr waies,andt1<rnedmJfm•rotlryttjlta;;;t· •· !.. Toilcbi'1.0riginall fin, this Ill ft bee well ot~inary, or c;crraor.dinary. ' . "." remembre •that <me mlul bath not onepart Ordmary repcntahce 1s that, whil;h euery oaely oforiginall!inne,and4nothet rpan an6ChrHliaa is to pC:'rforme encey day : For is ther: oneman thiscorr•ption, ahcitherthar: - men fall daily eithtr mor~or lea:e.ffothe gra~. but euery man; as he receiueafromAd.imthe ces of Go-.!·are proporuonally weaknedday· whole natuti: ef man ; fo alfohe receiued oribyday_. Wherefore theconti~ltali _!eparati'ln· gioallfinnewholly. Andtherefore eueryman tl)er~of muft be made by ada1ly renewing of (notone excepted,fauingChrift,whowas ex~ r~peritance: A. Chtliftian mall is the temple rraordinariTy fanlliliedbythe holy Ghoft in - and honfeof Gods fpirit; bee mufi therefore c thewombeof the Virgin) hathinhim from once aday fweepe it, that it maybe littoen· his parents the corruption and fecde of all tertaine fo worthy a gdeO:. ·· ' fin, which is anarurall difpofititm andproneExtraordinary repentance is tl!e fame' ill nelfe to commit any finne whatfoeuer. Take nature with the former, it dilfers·ooely from a view and confider all rho horrible linnes i~in·Eiegree and meafure ofgrace. that be prall'ife'd inany fc"" of-theworld, ciAadthisisto be put in praaife, when men ther againfr thclirR or ccond table •'whatfofall intoany enormous, capit~ll, or grieuous euer they are;the fpawne-and leede of them offences: w~ereby they doe very grieuoully :ill is CUOB in•that·man that is thought tO bee woundtheir owne confciences, and giue great bell:difpofedby nature. Sotne may fay, that offence to the Church : Of this fort was the experience fhewes the contrary; becaufe arepentance ofPeter, whenhe went forth and m<mg men tha't wahF all manner of religion, wepr-bitterly: and D4uids repentance, alter feme are mole tiuill anll ofd~rly; fame againo he had committed ~dulteric ·['1nd murdered more lewtlly 'difpofcd. I aofwer, that this Yrklh. comes to palfc , not becaufe feme men areby naturelelle wicked then 'others: but becaufe CHA.P. VI· D God by h'is prouidtnce doih limit and re- '' fira:ine mens corruption 1110te or lelfe, which Oftheperfo•~whichmNjlrepent. hedoth for the good ofmankinde. Forifmen ·- might be wholly lefttothcmfelues,corruption M En be oftwo forts: the naturall man, ~>ould fo exceedingly breakc outinto allmanandthe regenerate:Repentance is need. ner offinnes, that there lhould be no liuing in fullfOTboth:for the aaturall man,that he may theworld. be brought from his li•mes, and the i3lage of Jfi examination ofatluall fins, three rules God renued inhim·. Some may fay, t~atmany mufibefollowtd. The r.thatwemul!fear<h natnrall men llue ciuilly , abfiainihg.from all outnot onely one groffc finncs , but cuen the outragious behauiour,and therefore neede no very thoughtsofourhearts:forrepentanct is repentance. I grauntindeederheydoefo: yet not onely a change of the fpeech, apparell, repentatice mull: goe withall, F0t Ciuill life and outward behauiour , but alfo of the inwithoUt grace in Chrilf, is nothjilg dfe in ward and fecret thoughts of the heart. Gods figbt, but a beautifull abhmrlination. ,Therefore the prophet 1••1 bids the.Iewcs tot! ;. The l'harifes werecinill- ,-yet Chrift faith of I rendtheirhearts•ndpot rheirgarmentr:and Pa~l them, Exceptyo•rright!oufneffiex~e~dtherigh-· ·tels the Ephefiaos, that theymu~·.bere~••~l" l j. ath. ,.. tph•4• o. u oufoeffi oftheScribes•nd 'Ph•rifes,JC Jh•fl n..t ' theJPirit •fthtir-mindi: and Peter bids S;mw :!.~· MagH<