Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.Q f'R..epentancc. 459! All.8.:, Mogustorepept& prayGod, th~ttherhought A 1 ofhi< heart may beeforgU.m him. The fccond , rlut the very circum!lances of finnes done muft bee conG.dcrcd, as the rime when , the pJacewherc,a!ld the manner how; as narnely, whethtr they were done .of ignorance, or know!edge,ofweakeneffe,or prefumption,or obLHnate malice. Thirdly,in examination it is very meete and conuenient, that wee paffe through all the commandemcnts ofthe moral! law laying them as mofl abfolute rules to Gur hea:ts and liues: and by this meanes wee fh,,u be able to make large bils a:nd Catalogues of all our finnes, cuenfrom the very cradle to aoy b part ofour age following, as the f<:ruanrs of ~~al::;;· Godhauealwaic:s don_e~ Thus itwill come to 1 B ,,. paffe that we fhall plamely !eecur wretched e!l:at; and acknowledge that our finnes be in numb;r as tbe haires ofour head, andas t~e fands by the fea fhore. ' the ancientf?.ithfetdowne in the writings ofthe Prophets and Apo!Hes. As did the Manll:hees, Donati!l:s, Arrians, Anabap– ti!l:s,&c. That fo holds one religion~ ashe is readle to follow another.I .Kmg.1&.2i. . That is full of prcfumption of Gods mercie, Efa.7· 12· That falles away from the knowne truth:/ 2 • Pet.2.2.0· That addes to Canor.icall Scripture; 'I>eHt., •· la!l: verfe. JJ. COM. Thou ftJ<lt mal<£ to thyfe/fe nugrauen lm•t,e,&c. :~ He breakes this commaedement, THat reprefents God in an image, Exod. J2.6.8. A Diret1ion for examination ofthe confcience. That worihipsGod inoratimag~s, as cruci– fixes,and fuchlike,>. King.r8.4. That kncefes downe before an Image. I.COM. That is bcdily prefent at malfe, keeping his heart to God,1.Cor.8.9. That retaincs the moriqmcnts of Idolatrie. Thou}halt haue noneother qeds,e·c. E>·od.z3.I 3· ii: · · That marriethwithi"fidels and fuch like:Gen. He·breakesrhiscommandement, I 6.a. ; THat knowcs not the true God,Ier.4.22· That makes leagues ofamitie with fucb ,. 2· . That.denies Gooin his hoart,bydeny- c Chron.19.1· ing hisprefence,iu!l:ice mtrcic,&c.Pf.I4·5 ·1 That wodhippes God accordingto his o\vne Thathates God , and fhewesitby difobedi. fantafie,{oi.2.2J· ence.Exod.a8.5·1Wm.I.JO· Thatworlhippes God with lip•feruice, {fo. Thatdothnotfeare God and !landin awe of >9•13· asourcommonpeopledoe·, which. •Lim. , ' place all the !e10ice of God in pattering Thit feareth man or other creatures more and mumblingouertbe Creedo and tenne th~n GcxhMatth· Io.3~•.Apo<.z..Io. commandemenrs for ptayers,aBd theLords That fiues in open finnefecurely, not fearing ., praye~ without knowledge ofthe meanihg. Goos word or iudgement, '·ThefT.5.6,7. That bath the lhew ofGodlineile, but.dthies That is forrowfnll for his finnes, onely in rethe forceofit.2.Tim.1.5. fpcct ofthe puhifi>ment, o.Cor·7·IO. That giucs wor!hip tocreatures, as Saints and ' That tcaresGodbymens traditions, efo.29· Angels:'7'fai.I 15.8• . I 3• '"· " That refofctt\ fo,hearc the preaching of the · Th0.~ cloth not belecue Gods word, but c.als . Gofpel,Luk.,I 4·19· , th~ Canonicall Scrjpture in que!l:ion. ,· That neglig~.nt)y wodhips God: ReH.J·l6. That dcfpaires ofGods mercie." D J'hatomit;s(npocotiobfGQ<l'Ulame.Efo.64·7 That hath a dead.faitb without workes, lam. · Thathear""'fcrmons ; bnt when he is reproo- . ••2•20• , __;;· ued,railesmldrages, an,d.profi<S nothing. That puts his confidence in the diuelland his .Amos·9·IO· workes,as ~ekers·towizzards.doe. Th.,rchaag~ the worfhippoofGod inwhole That loueththe creatures, as ric~·an~ hoorpart:Dmt.u. 3>· •. QOQr, and his owne filthie pleafures more That makes either open or fecret league with. thenGod,Eph.5 ·5• . ' the diuell, P[a/.58.6. That puts con6dence in his ilrength, wifeThat vfeth witchcraft,·forcerie ," ot enchant· · dome,riches,phyfidans, ?..Chron.I6.9•I 2· mems,'.Veut.t8.I 1 .LcHit,I9·26. Tl)a<i$ i111patienr vndet the croill;; rll1ath.1o. Tharconfults iVith wizzlrds;Lcuit.zo.6, 38. That weares Amulets or .Charachrs about :r_h'IJ_tj!mpts God; Mattli+7. . · 1! his necke,and putsconfid0;11c.eih tliern; That feekes for the things of this.)ife, more That hinders fchooks·of relig.ion and good .the11 for Godskingdome,M•tth.6.JJ• lcarning,Pfo/.74·6,7: Thatmurmures againft God.I .( That leekes not (within thecompaffeof his That difputes and holds there hno God. calling) the good e!l:ate of Gods Chnrch: That holdes and maintaines opinions again!l: but feekes hisowne things.'7'fal. t 32.3 •+ 111. COM.