Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Cf'he nature andpra'ilife III. COM. Thou]halt not t•k! thenAmeoftheLord,r§c. He breakes thiS commandemenr. THat doth vnttuerendy vfeGodsritlesin his talke,Phit••• 1 o. That fweares todoe a thinglawfull and good, and yet cloth it ROt,Math-5.33• That fweares rafbly,ler.4·•· That vfcth cuflomable Iwearing in his com– mon talke,Math.5•l7• That blafphemes the name ofGod, Leuit.o4. 16. A t!on to heare Godsword, andto receiuc the Sacraments. That fanc!hfies not the Sabbath in his family priuatcly by reading the word, by confe– rence on that which hath beene heard in the congrecarion,andby prayer. V.COM. HonoRr thyfather,r§e. He breakes this commaundement THat thinkes but athought in his minde tendmg to the difhonoor and contempt That fweares fal(\y,/oh.8.44. That fweares againfl pietie and honell:ie. Thar.vfeth curling and banning. That finds fault withthe creatures ofGod, 1o ofhisneighbour. . B That mockes orreuiles, or beares his fUperi– ours,qm.9·••· That difobeics their lawfulcommaadcments Tharfwearesby the creatures, t51fatth. 5·3'1• 45· That vfethlors in fporting. Prou, 16. 33.and I8·13· That makes and vfc:rh charmes ofherbcs and other things, Veut.I S.u. That makes iefls ofthe fenrences and phrafc:s ofthe Scripture,Efo.66.,. That vfeth figure-cafling,Efo.47· I;. Thatdorh lightly regard Gods iudgc:ments, Heb.;.I6. That liuing dilfolutely in religion, makes Gods name euill fpoken of, z.SAm. u. I4• C I•P•t·3·I5· That makes avow of continencie , or ofany thingnotin his power. That makes a lawfullvow , aAdkeepes it not Veut.z;·21· Tharreceiues blefsings from God, and isnot thankfull,Lul:.I7·8· That teacheth the truth, but doth nor pra– cHfe it,Math.•3·,· IV.COM. Rnn.t.;o.· . ' That isvnthankfull toparents, and wilnotre– leeue them,ifilecde be,z.Tim. 3·•· That dilobeyes God, to ol>ey them, .AfJ. + 19• That exaltshimfelfe aboue theMagiflrate, •· Th•Jf.•·4· . That fc:rues his mafler witheye-feruice£•1. 3 • ••• That gouernes his family, and taofe which arevnder him,ncgligently,I.Tim. >+ That isOacke in punifhihg faults, x.Sam. 2 • 23· •. . Thatis too rigorous in fpeechesand puni/h-. ments,E'ph.6·9· . • That rnarri'eth without 'parents confent. -'· That chc;>ofeth his calling without parents corffent,NHm. 30. .. Thatthinkes better ofhimfelferhen·ofothtrs, Rom.u:.Io.. That defpifeth'aged·perfons)' :c,.,.: I'9·32. VI. COM: ThoHjhaltnotkj_O. ReTJUtnber the Sabbathday, &c. He breakes thiscommandement, THat.thinkes but a thought in his heart >Hebreakes thiscommandement, · tendingto the hurt of~isneighborsHfe. THat labour:dn the feruile workes of his D That ?eares malice manorher.I ,/,h.3·I 5. : ordinariecalling,Nehe.,, I;.I y. Thatts g1ue1~ to haflmelf~,.M.u.s ·•.>· · That trauels abroad on his ordinary bufine!li: That vfc:th mward fretung grudgmg., f~, Exod.I6.,;. 3·14· J:H:• : '-·· That keepes Fairesand markets on this day, That is fro'ward of ·nature, hard to pleafe, ~hem.I;•I5. · ~-I'3"· · . ' That workes harueflworkeonthis day,ExoJ, Thatts fulLof(ancour and bltternelfe, Eph.4. 34·•I· ..:. 31· . .. . That vfeth fports and recreation caufing diThatdendes and,fcor~Wsothers. Gm.ll·9· flracHon,I Cor.I0·7· GAI.4·29-. · · . . · That fpends theday in idlenelfe, Efo. 58. I;. That vfeth ()itterwords andradmgs, P"'!'"''· That keepes the Sabbath onely in ·outward I 8. ' · fafhion,Efo. I.I 3 • That vfeth contending by words or deedos, That prophanes it by glutronie and drunken~ qat. 5•>o. . . · . E h nelfe. That vfc:th chtdmg and crymg,oot, p ·~· That giues feruants libertie to doe what they 3I· 1 . fh' . h lift. Thatisgiuencomakccomp amtso tsnetg • That brings not his family to the congregabourio aU places,l•m.s·9• That