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0 f 'l{epentance•. That is a lighter,I Am+~• . . That hurrs or maimcs hts ne1ghboursbo.d1e, Ex•d. 21. >4· · That will not furgiue anoffence,Matth. 5.23. That will forgiuc, but not forget. That doth fare well himfelfe, but giues not almestoreleeuethe poore,Luk! t6·I9· That vftthcrueltie in puni!hingmalefactours, D~ut.22.·26. That denies the fcruants ot labourers wages, Jam.5•4· .· A That loues his pleafi~te more then God: l Tim.3-4- • . That rakes care to fullill the lu!tsofthe flclh, Rom.q.l4· That mainrainesa~:d frequents !tewes, ']),.r, 23·17· That is giuen to drunkenne!fe and furfetting, Eph.5.18. Th,.giues himfelfc to wine, 11eepe, and eafe, Prou.20,.1 3• That for the atloidingof fornication marrieth norJ 1 Cor.7.2. · ,, . That puts away his wife for otoer caufes i:heR for fornication, -(ltattb. 1 9·9· That holds backe the pledge, E<fch.J8.7. That fels by diuets waights and meafnreo. Thatremooucs theland matke; 'l'rou. a>. ,g, That giues his goods vpon vfury :· which is fimply to binde aman to returne both the B principal! and the increafe, ohely for •the . VIII. CO..M. TbouJhalt notft<a/e. lone,E<ech.,s.,s. -~'":. That by his loofenc!fe of life is an occafion why othersfinne. Thatmoouescontentionanddeb~ue , Rt~m. J. 29• That being'aMiniftcr tcachcth erronioufly. That teacherhflackly, /er.48.xo~ That teacheth netat all, 1 Tim. 3·•· Thathinders mens faluation any way,Matth. 2J·ll· . That teekes priuate rcuenge. vn. coli. ThoN fh•lt Tl4t commit,&<. He breakesthiscommandement, THat thinkes an vncha!t thqughttending to adulterie, orto any fin ofthat kinde. That lookes oo a woman to lull: •after her, Matth.5.28, . : That commits ince~, Leuit.t8·U• i. That commits Sodomie, 1 Cor.-609·' That commits fumication with married , or fingle,orcomraCl•d folkes, Deut. 2 a.••· That.vfeth marriage bed iotempetatly. That lyethwith a menftruous womao, Ez:.ech, 18.6. . Tbatvfeth wantonnc!fe, 1 Cor.6;9• That.vfeth occafions.and prouocations toluft, Gal·5·9· · ,_..,, He breakes this commandement, . THat thidkes but a thought tendingto the leaftl1inderance of his neighbors wel– fare and good dbto. Thatlinesin no calling. 2 Theff.>·"· That neglects hiscalling,Jer.4 ~.IO. That fpcnds his wealth in ryot, and prouides not for his family, r T•m.5.8. That is uo; content with his tft•re, but feckes tobericb,J Tim.6 IO· That fels the goous <>f the Church, or buies them,M<~.,.s. That fels fueh things as are meanes to further C idolatrie,oranyotherfinne. That·vfeth powdering, fiarching, blowing, dark~-lhops,tofc:ta glo!fe onhis wat~s,and make them more fllcable. That COQe«aJes the filultofhis wares. That vfeth falfe waights and meafures, Leoit. 9· 35· .' . That vftth words ofdeceit,'l'rou 20.14.' That takes nl.ore for his wares then the iuft price, Mdtth•7• t :z. That oppre!feth his tenants by racking his rents,Hab. .,.I 1. That vfe:h ingrofung of ware S• That raiftth \he price opely in confideution ofa day of payment. Thateitbergiues orrakes bribes, Efa. 1 ,J3. That isgiueR to idlenelfe. Thatweares wanton and light attire, 1 Tim. D 2·9· J '7'tt.J•3• 'l'falme 82. 2. . . That writes letters ofaffel:\ionin wrong fuits. That holds backethings borrowed,£«. 1 8.7. Thatvfethlight talke, and reading of louebookes, 1 C~r.t5·35· That frequents lafciuious places, Eph. 5 + Thatdelights in wanton pictures, I Thef5.•3 That vfeth t lle mixt dancingof men and WO'- mcn,~.M~trkt6.22.• ~ Thatkeepes companie with light and fufpe– .<lcd perfons,'l'r••·7·"· Thatnegle<lsto difpofe his children ill marriage in conuenicnt time, 1 COr.7:36· \ Thatmakes marriages ofyoungchildren: That prinilheth al;)ulferie with fmall ~ni!hments. · -i , .t ••. That marrieth more wiues tbeh one at onte, Gen.,. 24 • That holds backe thmgs found or p•wned. i' Leuit.6 3• . ~ That being luftie lines hy begging. I That releeueth fuch,~ Theff.l· to. , That for gaine defendsbadcaufes,and delaies fuires inlaw. That laies burdens on the people without meaf~rs~-.~.1·13· Et..tch.z2,· ~7· That !Pendsthe Church goods in riot, I Tim. 6o9• T!,at m•kes merchandize of.Gods word and facramenrs,Mich. 3 1 r. 2 Cer. a.lafr. 1 Thatgets'his liuing by.cafting of figures and. by plaies, Eph-4- z8. .•. · That isra!h in fureti!hip,'l'ron.x 1.1 5·&17,18. That