Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

46~ h 'T. e nature and pracfiJe That fieales mens children to difpofe them in A finnes, and acceptation to life euerlafiing, 1 • marriage, t.Tim.t.IO. !oh• J·lJ. Thattakes by fiealth the lcafi pin,t!ioughitbe That repents not, but hardens·himfelfein all for the bcft end. his bad waies, R•m. >·4,5 .Ier.8.6. That is a receiner ofthings fiolne , and giues confent tothefa<l any way, Rom·l·3'· THus much ofexamination:now followes That vfeth deceit ia bargaining,x.Theff.4 6. the fc:cond dutie , which is confefsion of Thatreftores notthings euill gotten, Ez.ech. finne vnto God,which is verynece!farie. For 3;•15· thW"ight way to hane our finnes couered beThat keeps back goods giu<1n to tlie Chnrch, fore Cod, !s to vncouer ana acknowledge tAB.s. 3• themvmohlm.Forhewilliufiifievs ifwe as That waires for a deatth to fell his things deabeing ourowneencmies,accufe our ftiues ·'he rer,Amos.8·5· . forgets our flns ifwe remember them : when IX. co"M. we arevile ib our owne eyes, we are prerious inhis: and when we arclofi to our fciocs we Thosfhaltnotbe•re,c;.c. B are found of him. ' That confefsion may be rightly performed, He breakes this commandcment, I a notable dutie is to bee'put in prafiife in it: THat doth but conceiue a thought of difnamely, the arra~nmeot ofa repentant.lingrace againl1: his neighbour. ner,whereby he i~"J."himje/ft, that h<Tmrynot That cnuies at the profperity of his neighbei•dged of the Lor • . bour,x.Tim.6+ This arraiguement bath three fpeciall Thatfeekesonelyhisowne good report. points in it· Firft ofall,he mufl bring himfelfe That is fufpicious, x.Cor.13 4• fortll to the barre ofGods iudgement: which That giues hard and rafh fenrence agaial1: othing bee doth when hec ftts himfelfe in the thers,Math 7•1. prefence cfGod, asthough euen now the day That takes mensfayingsaod doingsinworfe of iudgement were.As S.H~trom did,,vhoaJ. . part,Matth.>6·6o. waies thought with himf•lfC: that bee heard That accufethone falfiy, x.K:ings.)t·l3• this voke founding in his cares, Riftye de.J That maketh or reporteth tales openly, or in Andcome toiudgeinpJr~ a whifperiHgmanner,L~Nit.I9.t6. Stcond!y, .hemufipu,tvpan inditement aThat receiuethtalcs,Exod.23.1. c gainfi himfelft; by accuGng himfelfe btfore That fpeakes the truth ofmalice,'Pf.U.s1•t ,2 Gc~, by acknowledging his knowne Gnnes That blazetlt abroad mens infirmiuo.,Motth. pimcularly, and his vnknowne generally, ti.IJ• '' \\ iLhoutany excufe or extenuation,or defence That vfeth~nippingarldr'aunting,Eph.5 ·4· . or hieingofthe leaft ofthe: Example ofZI•· That vfeth atterie,Pro1<.20.I9· ~tid: 1k.._now mineiniqttity. 4Nd119Jfinne is tlier beThat lyeth though it be for ncuer fo good an fore me'"g•mflthte, again{lthteonely hal<e {foeml,;. ned.andJ.nethi4eHiN·inthyfif,ht,&c.behold;lw"' Thatdefe'nds an euill caufe, and impugnes t:•e b,muSniniqm·ry~ttnd infinne 11thmy mether co1econtrary. c<iuedme. And, I hauefinnedgreatly, bmutftI Thatwrires or fprcads libels. hauedone thu thing : b•t nowI beftechthee remooHethe iniq11i11tofthyftruant: for¥ haue done X.COM. very foolijhly. Ot Ezra,Omy God,l•m ajhamed Thou fhaltnotluft. and C(Jnfo~mded t6lift 'Uf'IJitte~esvnto theepny (jod.fortmriniquitiesttre.incre~ edoNcrour headJ, He breakesthiscommandcmenr, andour trefpaffe Ugrowne 'VP vnto bta~~cn. THat thinkes an euill thooght againft his D T"i.dly, hemufi with heauindfcofheart neighbour, though hee meane not to as'.a iudgc vpon the bench giue fentence ii· doeit· gabl1: himfdf, ackr,owledgingthat heis·wor• That conceiues fome inward delight in fome thy ofeuerlafiing death, hell, anddamnation• euill motion,though he giue not confcnt to As the prodigall childe,Father,Ihaueftonedaprattife it. gainjf he'R'!tn~tmdagainft th"':~and~tmnr;t worthJe , robecaN,dthycbi/de.And Daoiel,Wehauefimud Sinncs diredly againfr AndComnmudimqmty, rmdhiUiedone wic~dl]: theGofpel. ' yt~,'ltl<ha>e rebeBed,, andha~tedepa>'ttdfromt';?. lre••pts,&frqmtHp»dgmPJts &c OLord,rsg · He finnes againll the Gofpel, teoufoeffi b:longeth vntp.tbee ~ andvnto vs ~pm fo•~ne.OHob,Behold I nm'll.iie,what jhalfl ..,._ THat denies either directly or by confcrt:'~·"".,....,.,...,_ ....,, qucnt that Chrift is come in the lleth, ab e "'] ftife, anrJrepent mc_duj/ and-afocs. x.I•h·4·J·8· . , Of the 'Publican<, Wh• j/andmg fljarr: off, Thattreades vndcr foote the blood ofChrift, • 1 J'9ould not lift vp fo m~rch tU hit ei(s to. he4uen :~ Heb.t0·>9• Ht[mote hil breajlfoying,LD>·dbemercifHII tome That beleeues not the remi!Sion ofhis owne cJ-er. • r · As r,Chro. u.s. luk.lfo J8, Dzn.9. !·7· Iob,!9• ,6. and42-•6 Luk.~S. ~ 'l·