M:~tth. s. ... hm.s. '7· 0f'R.,epentance. As for confeiSionof Gnne to men, it is not A tobevfed butintwo cafes. Firfr, when fome offence is done to our neighbour : fecondly, when cafe and comfort is fonght forin trou– ble ofconfcience. His mi!eriewithin is two-folde. The firfi is a guiltie confcience which is a very hell vnro the vngodly men. For bee like a filly prifoner,and the confcience like aiayletwhich fallowes him at the hceles, aud dogges him whitherfoeuer hegoes, to theend he may fee and obferue all his fayings and doings. Iris like a regifier, that fit~ alwaies with the pen in his hand , to record and inroll all his wic– kednelTe for euerlafling memorie. Itis a little iudge,that firs in tile middleofa man, euen in his veryheart to arraigne him in this life f<>r his finnes, as he !hallbee arraignedat the Iall: iudgemenr. Therefore the pangs,terrours,and The third dutie in the praaife of repen– tance is Deprecation, whereby wee pray to God for thepardon of the finneswhichhaue beene confeffed,with conrriti0nofhearr,wlth earnefinesand conll:ancie, as fortbeweighti– efi matter inthe world.And here we mull: re– member to behaue our felues to God asthe poorc prifoner doth at the barre, who when theiudge is about to giue fentence, criesvnto him forfauour,as forlifeanddeath. And we mull: doe as the cripple or lazar man in the B way fir downe , vnlap ourlegges and armes, and fhew the fares ofoar fins; crying toGod contiimally as they doe ( Looft< withyour 'Y'• .uulpitti< withyour heart:) that wee may linde mercie at Gods hands , as they get almes at rhehands of the patfengers. Thus Oft•h in– .firuaeththepcople, Oft.t4·1 ,•• 0/ft.u/,r.– tllrne vnto theLrmlthy God: for thou hRjlf•Oen bythineiniqllitie: t~tk£vmoyoHlJqrds:~ AndtNrne '!Into the L~rd, andf4Jvnt• him, Ta~awayall miquitie ~ and rectiHe vsgr11cioujly : fo we will rtnd.r theube c.U.esif our Iippes. Of 'Daniel, 'D<n.9·t8,t9• We Joe notpref<lltourfopplic•ti· ons Neforetheefor ourowne rightt~ufneffe, b•tfor thygreattendertmrei<s. 0 L•r,dhe•re, 0 Lord forgiNe, 0 Lordconjiderondde1it: deftrrenotfor C thineowne ""mes foft!, 0 IJJ! God. OfD<~J<id, 'l'f.t.p. 2• Hou<rtmcievptnme,OGod,accor– ding to thy !<~ling kf.ndneffe: accordingt• themul– titude ifthycompajf,.nspNtaw~miweiniquittes. feares of all impenitent perfono, are as it were, cerraine flafhings of the flames ofhell fire. The gniltie confcience makesa man like himwhichliesonabedthatistoojlraight, awd Ifa.•S, thecoucring too jhort; whowouldwithallhis ' 0 • heardlecpe, but cannot. JJeljh•UAr when he Thelaft duti<is, to prayto God forgrace and firength , whereby wemaybe inabled to walke innewnetfe oflife:OfDauid,'l'fol.r 1~! 4.0.- Behold,/defire thy<~mmandements, quicft!n meein thy righmufoeffo. And, 143• to. Teach meto doe thy ,.;H,forthou Art myGod,ltt thygood j}irit le.demeinto thelandifrighteoufneffe. CHAP. VIII. Of leg•ll nmiues to Rcpe11tll!fCe. M Otiues to Repentance areeither Legall or Euangelicall. Legall, are fuchasare borrowed from the law: and they arerhrea efpecially. The 6rfl: is,the miferieand curfed efiate of euery impenitent finner in thislife by reafon ofhis linnes. His miferie (that I may expreffe it to the conceirofthe fimple) is feauen-folde. I. within him. 2. before him. 3. behinde him; 4· on hisrighthand. 5. on hisleft hand. 6. ouer his head. 7· vnder his feere. was in the.midfl: of his mirth, feeingthe hand writingon the wall , was fmitteD with great 1 ~eare,fo as hiscounten•ncech•ngeli,IINdhiskpees l/'f11Qtet9gether. The fecond euill withinaman, is the fearc– fullflauerie and bondagevnderthepower'of Satan the princeofdarknes: in that his mind, will, and atttdions, are foknit and glued to the will ofthe diuell, thathe can d<>c nothing but obey him, and rebell again{l: God. And hence Satan is called tile princeofthis world, w!Jich keepes t!.e hold ef the heart asan ar– medcaptaine keepes a skonce or cafile with watch and ward. Themiferie before man, is the dangerous fnare which the diudl !ayes for the deftrulli– onofthe foule. I fay it is dangerous: becaufe he is io fetting of it twentie or fortie yeeres, before he firikes:when as (Godknowes)men dolittle thinke ofir. It is made ofrhree cords: with the lirfi,hebringsmen into hisfnare,and that he doth by couering the miferie and the poyfon offinne:and by paintingourro rhe eye of the mindc the deceitfull profits and plea– Cures thereof.With thefecood,hehopplcs and infuares them, for after that amao isdrawne into thisor that fione, the diuell hath fa fugeD reditouer with line delights, that he cannot but needs mufl: liue and lie in it. By the third, he drawes his fnare , and endeauoors wirfi all his might to breakethe necke ofthe foule. For when he feeth a fir opporrunitie, efpecially in grieuous calamities,and inthe houreofdearh, he takes away thevizard of fin,andfhewes the faceefitinthetrueforme, aseugly as !Jim– felfe:then withalhebegins(as we fay)to!hew his homes: then be ragerh in terrifying ·and accufing,that the foule of man may bee fwal– lowed vp ofthe gulfe of linall defpaire. · The miferie behinde him, is the finnes paft. TheLordfaithtoCain, lfrbou doef/notwelt, lfnnelyeth•tthe doore. Where fin is compaie<J t0awild beafi, which followes a man whither foeuer hegoes, and lieth lur)<ing at his heeles: And though for a time it may feeme to bee Rr hurtDan.s.~. /