464 -, CJ"he nature and pra'ilife hurtldfe,became i~ lie~ a~cepe; yet at length, A ' that is full of.~ugly ferpents and noyfome vnles men repent,lt w!l rife vp,feaze on them, Ibeafis: in his fall he catches hold of a twig of andre~dour th~ ver~ throats of their fou\os. arreethar growesarthe mouth ofrhe dunge- /ob m msaffl1chon fa1:h, l•b13·26. Thouwrion, andha•gs by it: afterward there comes a tejlbitter thi•gsag•injf me,•ndmak!ftmepoJJeffi b~afi bothlcane and hunger-bitten;which hathejinnes ofmyyouth. And D•uidpraycth,Pfal.. umg cropt the whole tree, is etlet and anon 2) ·7. F•z.g•uemtetheftnnes ofmy youth. If the knapping at the twig on which he hangs:now memory offinnes pali bea trouble to the g.od,- what is thedanger o~ this man l furdy hecis · ly nian,oh what a racke,what a gybbcr will It hketo f~ll mro~he p~t,oucr which hee hangs: be to the heart of him tbat wants ~race ? . ~~ll,thls man IS euery impenitent finnen the Deutol•· ,6, Eze.7.6. Neh,t• 4Jf~9· 1he mlferte on the nght hand IS profpetipit IS hell , pr<pared for the diuell and his antie and cafe:which by reafonofmansfinnes is gels: thetwigiHhe brickle and fraile life of an oc~afion of m~ny iudg<ments. In it men man: the hunger-bitten beafi death, that is pra.'hfed rho hornble fin_sofS?dome: lt puffes ready euer~ houre to knap onr life afunder: vp the heart With dmelhfhpnde, [o as men the dangens fearefull: for a manhangingas fhall thinke1hemfelues tobe as God himfe!fe, B it were ouer tile mouth of hell, when life is >sSenaoherib, 'JX!biteh4dne::.\ar, .Antiochu<, Aended,vnlelfe he vfe good moanes beforo hee lexand<r,Herod,'Domiti•ndid : It fieales away die, he thenfals to the very bottome ofit. · mans hearrfrom God,& quenches the fparkes Ifthis be the mifery wherewith the care!efte ~fgrace.As the Lord complaines ofthe Ifraeman is befieged and compalfed about eui:ry htes,ler.»·>t.ljpak! vntotheewhenthouwajl way,andthat forh1sfins, whydoemenlye in inprofjierity;but thollfoidjllwill not heare: thu the dead flecpe of fecuritie ? Oh! it ftands hathbmehyma~nerfomthyy•uth.It i•tikethe them in hanttt6 take vp the voice of bitter lnie that imbnceth the trco,& windes round lamentation, and for their offences to howle aboutit, butyerdrawes out the iuyce and life after the manner of dragons. If men could ofit. Hence it is, thar many turne it to an ocwecpe nothing but teares of blood for their · cation oftheir dcfhuc'hon.Sa/omon faith ,Pro. finnes , if they could die a thoufand times in I .p ProfPerit"offoo/eubjlroytththe•· When on.e day for very griefe, they could neuer bee the milt lwels, the rdi of the body pines a- l gneuedcnough for their tinnes. way,& when ththeartis puft with pride, the The fecond motiue to draw mentorepenwhole man i• in danger of defiruCtion. The ranee, is the coafideration of the wretched efheepe tiut goes in the befi pafrure , foonefi C fiate of an impenitent finncr in his death, comesto the f\aughter-houfe: &the vngodly which is nothingbut the • wages and allow- :, "!-- man fats himfe!fwithcotinual'profperity that ance that he receiucsfi>r his fianes: and it is Kom.6. hemay the foonetcome to his ewne danation. the very fuburbes or rather the gates of hell. !'' c The miferie on rhe left hand is aduerfitie, • Pmd compotes death to a Scorpion, who n' SIoc. which !lands in all manner of lolfeHnd ealacarriesa.ftmg in his taile,whichis finne. Now . 15'. ' mities;ingoods,friends, good name, and fuch then when impenitent and prophane perfons like. Ofthisreade at large, DeHt.•8. die,theo comesthisfcorpion,andgtipesthem The mif•ricouer his head, is the wrath of :'withher legges,and fiabbesthem at the heart God,which he reCtifies in all manner ofiudgewithher liing.Wherefore the befi thing-is bements from heauen, in danger of which euefore deathcome, to vfe meanes topull out the ry impenitent !inner is euery houre. And fhe fiing ofdeath 1 and nothing will doe it,but the danger iSvery great.The Scripture faith, Heb, b!o?d of Chnfr : let men therefore broake off · 10 • 31 • /tu aftarifuaehing tofaOintothe hands then finncs by repentance: let them come to 1 Je!.eliumg God. He hathftore-houfes full ofall the throne ofgrace,and cnc; yealet :hem fill manner ofiudgements,and they watch for feheauen and earth with cnes for merc.le. Oh! cure !inners that they cannot fcape• .Gods D pray,pray, pray for the pardonofthmeowne wrath is afi:e makinghauocke, and bringing pc_rfonall and. particular ti>>nes•. Ifthou. o~- to noughtwhatfoeueritlightson:yea,becaufe ram~butoneoropof Gods fpccull mete~e 111 heis flow to anger,therefore more terrible:as <:hn~, all danger ts pafi. F.or death hath loft a man therfore fiaies his hand fora time, that h1s lhng; and then a manWithoutdanger may he may lift ithigher wd fetch adeeper blow. put an ougly ferpenr in his bofome. When dumbe creatures melt as waxe, and va- . The third motiue is the conlideration of nifh awayat his prefence when he isangry; .•• h!Hfiate after death. When the day of the the huge mountaines and rockes doe : fr01le Iafi tudge:nen~fhall bee, hee mufi be brought man mufi neuer looke to fi.ind. lfthe roaring and fet before the tnbumll feat of Chnll:,h~e ofa lyon make men afraid, and the voyce of fhall nor be able to efcape or h1de h1?'felfe: thunder be terrible;oh,how exceedingly fhold then ~he booke fhall bee brought out • and all be afl:onifhed atthe threatnings ofGod? all h1s li.naes lhall bee d1fcouercd before The mifetic vndcr his feete,is,heRfire: foreGods Samt~ and Angels: the dmell aod hiS uery man till herepent,i~in as great danger of owne confcletlce lhallaccufe ~~~:none flta\ ~e damnanon, as the traytour apprehended, of aduocatcto plead ills caufe,ho h1mfelfe fha e hanging, drawing, and quartering. A man fpeechle!fe,he fhall at length heare the dreadwalking in his way fals into adeepe dungeon, full fentenceofdamnauon, GD<JOHcurfedmto ____!____________________________________________________ he_c~-----