Ofl(epentance. _1-~6.5 ------~~~~~~~~~~---~~ hell, preparedforthed;uell andhi; angels. This A!Ifa man be to fnuffe aca,ndlc, he willlirfi fpit thing might moouc the vilcfi Atheill in the 1 on his finger: becaufe liee cannot abtdc the world to leaue his wicked waies;and come to heate of a (mall and render flame. Therefore amendment oflifc.We fee the llrongell thiefe we oqght to haue great care to lcaue our fins, that is when he Is ledin the way from thepriwhereby we bring oodle!fe torment to bodte fon to ~he barre leaucs his theeuing, and beand foule in hell fire ; to which our fire is but banes himfelfc ~rderly . .1\.nd irideede if bee yce inoomparifon. ' CHAP. IX. E Vangelicall moriues, arc two efpccially. The firll is taken from theconlideration ofmans redemption. Hethat redeemed man– kindcisGod himfelfc: as 7'•ulfaith, 2 Cor. 5· would then cut a purfe, it were hightimehec were hanged. All men by nature ale traitours and malefal'lours againll God:whiles we liue inthis world , we are in the way going to rhi: barre ofGods iudgement. The whede of the heauens tomes one bout euery dajr, and winds vp fomcwbatofthe tbrecd ofour life:whcther ·wefieepeor wake, we arealwaiescomming necrer our end: wherefore let all men daily humble themfclues for their finnes, and pray vnro God that he would be reconciled ~nto them inChrill: and let themendeauourthem– felucs in obcdicnce~to all Gods commande-' ments, bothin their liues and calljngs. Againe, after the !alliudgement ibere re– maines death etcrnall appointed for "him: which ftands in thefethree things: I· A tepa– ration from all ioy and cornfort ofthe prefence ofGod.II.Etemall fellowfhip with the diuel and all his angels. I I I. The feeling of the horrible wratb ofGod,which fhall feaze vpon body, foule, and confcicnce; ahd fhall feed on· them as liredothon pitch and brim!lone: and tormeht them as a worme,crawling in the bo– dy, and gnawing on the heart : they fhall al. C waicsbedying,& neuer dead,alwaies in woe, and neucrin eafe. And thisdeath is the more grieuous,becaufe iris euerlalling. Suppofe the whole world to be a mountaine offand, and that a bird mull carry from it butone mouth– fulloffand cuery thoufandycere: many innu– mcrablethoufands of yceres will be oxpired, before fhce will haue carried away the whole mountain<: well, if aman fhouldfray in tor– ment fo long,and then haue an end ofhis woe, B I9•that Godwas in Chrift, reconciling the world ro himfolfe. Mans finne is {o vile and hainous in the eyes ofGod: that no Angell t<or creatore whatfoeuer w:.s able to appeafe the wrath of God forthe leall cffence: ButtheSon ofGod bimfelfc mull come do\vne from heauen, and rake rnar.s nature on him; and nor onely that, but he moll alfo fuffer tl.e mofi·accurfed death ofthe crofle,and lhed his moffprecious heart– blood to fatisfie the inHice of his Father in out behalf<•, Jf a father fhou~ld bee licke of 1fuchadifc~fe, that uothing would heale him, but the heart blood of his owne childe, bee would prefctJtly iudge hi• owne cafe to bee dangerous fandwould alfo vow if euer bee tt were fomecomfort: but when thebird fhall haue carried away the mountaine athoufand times: alas, alas,a man fhall beasfarrefrom the end of his anguitb and torments, as euer bee was. This confideration may ferue as an yron fcourge to driu'e men from their wicked D liues~ Chryfofl•m• would baue men in their meetingsin taucrnes and fealls,to talkeofhel, that byoftenthinkingon it,tbey might auoide it. Agrauc and challmatrone, b~ingmooued to commit folly witha lewd ruffian,after Ion~ difcourfe,fhee called for apanne ofcoales,ri:~ quefringhim for her fake to hold his finger in them but one houre : hce anfwered, that it was an vnkind• rcquefr: to whom !herepli– ed, that feeing he would not hold fo much as one linger ina fewcoalcs for one fmall houre, fhe could not yeeldtodoe the thing for whics fhee fhould bee tormented body and foule in hellfire for euer. And fo lhouldall men reafon With themfelues,whenthey areabout to finne: N<>ne will be brougbttodoea thing that may make fo much as their finger or tooth eo ake: recouered,tov(eall meanes wherebyhemight auoidc thatdifeafe.Solikewife,feeing nothing could cure thedeadly wound ofour finne: but aplai!lcrmadeofthc heart b,loodofChrill; it mull make vs acknowledge our pittiful! cafe, and the bainopfnelfe of the leafi ofour linnes,and llirre vs vp to ncwnelfe oflife. Againe,conlidering the end ofthe redemp– tion wrought by Chrill, was to deliucr vs from our euill conuerfation in finne and vn– righteoufnelfe, we are notto continue, and as it were,lie bathing our felues in finne; for that were as ifa prifoncr , after hee had bin ran– fomm•d and had his bolts taken off, and were put outofthcprifon togoe whither he would, fhould returne againe,and delire to lye in the dungeonllill. The fecond motiue is, that God bath made a promifc to fitch as truelyrepent. r. Ofre– mifsion offinnes, I[a. I .16.18. Wajhyou,m•kt ~oucleane, tflk_eaway the (JI4ill ofJOitrWork.ts ftom btfore mine :J.es:Ceafo f(l doeeHill,&c,ThDHghyo!lr Jinsl:\1ereMmmfon, theyJhall bem~dea;whitea.r f-:thoHgh they were redlik!ft~rlet,they fh•U be a&Wooii.And,lfo·55 .6q.Seek£ the Lordwhile he maybefoHnd, callvponhimwhile he i4 neere. Let the wit:f<!dforfokf hu waies,&thevnrightm~<hi; owne imaginations,4ndretltrne vnto theLord 1 4nJ he wilt haNe mercie on him , for hteUveryp!cnri– lf•ainforgiiJing. I!. Oflifeeuerla!hng,E<:c. t8•32· lwihnfJttbedeathof afinner, bntrather th4therepent& /Ute.And,Amos 5·4· Thu.Jfoith the Lordvnto the houfo ofIfrael, Seekfyemeand Y'fh•illiHe. II I- Ofmidaatingorremocuin~ temporall calamities, 1:;.. 26. 3· St.zndinthf Rr 2conrt