SJm. 1..-14· M 9 ith.t. M~th.9• ll,Iz, 'J• Matb,zt, i&· 46( The r;ature andpraffiJe court ifthe Lords houfe,andjpeakrunto an thecit- A ~man to haften his repentan(e,at<d therath.;,. tits of[W.h, &c. 'ff fo be theywillheark!n and becaufe many are dead; who purpofed with tun:eeuery.manfomhis eui/lwgylthat r mll} rethemfelues to repent in time to come : bur pent meof the plague which 'f ha1~e determinedto were preuented by death , aad !ball neucr re-· bringvp1n them,becauft ofthe wicl,sdneffioftheir pent, I!. The longer a man Iiues in any fin worJ;:s. And, I C~·I.I·l i·lfwewpul4ifldgeour the greater dangc~: becaufc by pratlife finn~ ftlu", we fhouldnot be iudged, rhat is, afBitled !\<ts heart and ·ftrenRth. Cuftome isof fuch with temporall pnnilhments. · torce,tllat, that which men vfe to doe in their I ioync with tl)e r!'111oOuing of rcmporall life rime, the fame they doe and fpeake when calamities the mitigating of tbetq-: becaufe they arc dying. One had three pounds owing they are not alwaies taken away when the hi1n to be paid three feuerall yecrcs, whenbee partyrcpcntcrh. After Daiddsrepentance the was dying noth~ng could bee got of.him bur cbildedycth,and the fword departs not from three yeeres,three pounds. Againe,by defer. his houlc : And rhc Prophet Mi<ha brings in ring repentance, men tn:afure vp a .. the peo2le bumbling thcmfelues before God gainft theday ofwrath. If amalefaaour fof vnder atcmporall punjlhment, faying, '/ wiO B his punilbmenr, lbould bee appointed cuery boare thy wrathbecaufc'f'h~ueftnned•gainft thee, day to carry a fticke of wood to au heape to An:! it is Gods pleafute that rbecha!tifement burne him twentie yeeres after, it muft needs !ball remainc afterthe parrie is reconciled vubean exceeding great punilhmenrar,d mifery: rohim, th.rhe may by that mcancs b.eadmoand this is thecafe ofeuery finner, who ncg• nilbed ofhis fins,andre an example toothers. Ieaing repentance from day roday,doth therAs God hath made thefe mercifull promiby imploy himfdfe in heaping vp the coales f« topenitent finners,., fo heehath faithfully ofGods wrath to burne hisfoulc in hell,when performed them, fo foou• as th"J haue but the day of deatllcomes. I I I. The more the beguato repent.E~amplcof'Daui 2 S~m. 1 2. time is prolonged , the harder it is to ropent : 1 3.Thm Dauidfoidvnto N athan, Thy,[m uforthe longer a man goes in fickene!fe without giuenthee. OfManaffi>, 2CI>ri~·33·I2.· When phyltcke, tbe harder is the recouery. And he was in tribulation ~c prayed vHtQ the..LordhjJ where the diuell dwelslong, he will hardlybe, God;andhumbledhimftlfegreatly bofor.e tke 1;-ord remooued : The belt wayto killa ferpenr, is God if hi<fathers,•ndP.r•ycdvn10 him .- dndGod to crulh itinthe head when it is young.I V.Ir '""' intr«tcdofhim,andhe<rdhi<prayer. Ofthe is as meareandd~inke"' thediuell roi'eemen Puplica~Lul:.! I3.IJ· The P•hlican,&c.fmore C in their finnes , deferring repentance: as on hi< brcajl,Ji'ying, 0 LordGod be merciful/ tomt o:the contrary,thereisgrear ioy among the An· aftnner: 'fe.Byou, thi< ma•departcd tUj/tfiedto gels ofGod in heauen,when.afinner doth rehuho1{<, rather then theother. Of the thiefc. pent. V. Late repentance is feldome or neuer Lul:[ 23·4••43· Heefoidvnto left,, Lord, retrue repentance. For ifaman repent when he membermee, whenthoucommeftto thy kingdDme. cannot finne- as in former time, as namely in Then [if mfoidvnto him, Ven!J, '!.fay vmo thee, death : then he Ieaues not finne, butfin leaues to day]halt tho11be with me in Paradtft. him ; wherefore the repentance which men Hauing fuch notable promifes made toRe· frame to thcmfelues when theyare dying, it pentance, no man is to draw bocke from_rhe istohefeared left it die with them. Anditis praaifc ofit, bccanfc ofthe mulmudc of.h1s very iuft,that hdhould beconremn~d of~od finnes,bur rathertodoe it.The Pharifes faid to in his death, who contemnedGod mh1s life. Chrifts difciples , why wes your mafter with c;hryftf/ome faith, tha: the wicked m_an bath "Fublicam artdjinners? When 7efm heardtt, hee this punilbmenr on h1m, that m dymg bee foid vnto them, the rvhole needenot the Phyftti4n, lbould forget himfelfe, who when he_was libllt theyth•tareftck!: And, [c.menot toca/1ehe ningdidforgerGod. VI. Wearewith.Abel Nthteo;a: butfinnerstQrepentDtce. And,Ven- D togiue vnto God in facrifice eu.en the fat of ty, 1 fo.y vntoyou,that Pubiu:amand harlotsjha/1 ' our flockc: uow they which deferre repengoebeforeyouinto the kj_ngdomqofGod. ranee to the end doe the contrary. Late repenters offers the flowers of their youth to CHAP. X. the diuell : and they bring the lame ami bro• Ofthe timeofRepentance, ken faccifice oftheir old age to God. TH E time of repentance is the time pre~ - CHAP. XI. OF CERTAINE CASES fent without auy delar at all :as the holy Hcb.J.t· Ghoft faith,Tod.y ifymil carehi< voice. And, in Repentance. Exhort one~notherdAily, whz/eJt M CIJ!ledto d9: t;, /, C•ft•fRem/e. leflanyofyon6e hardenedthroughthe ckceiifulnn offtm~e: Reafons hereofarc thefe: I. Ltfe IS vvH•ther a nun that bath profelfed vneertaine: for no man knowcsat what houre Chrift and his religion,yet afterward or moment, and after what manner hee 01all go forth ofthi• world.Beye alfo preparedtherin perfecution denies Chrift, and forfweates Lu!c..n, fore, forth~ [onne of mft'f'l wi!J come lit an houre his Religion,m1y repent and be faued? .Anfw. 40• I whenyee thi111(: not.This one thing fhould make It is agrieuous efbte, yet amaq may come to - repenI RGilU~ f•