OfR..epentance. 467 :Chroo. repentance afrerward.UJ-1anaffis fell away to A Chri~,withounany tearme"Oftime; without u.J. Idolatrieand witchcraft; &yet was rcceiUed .any limitation toany number or kinds of fin: to mercie. So did wife Salomon: and yet no liluc.only the blafphemy againft -theH.Gho(!, All.ro. doubt rccouercd, & is recciucd to life cuerlaTherefore there may.be aRepentanceand faj, H· fling. My reafon is, becau{e God vouchfafed uation after arelafpe: U.Chrifl tels Peter that him to bee a pen-man of fome partS of holy hee mufi forgine, not till feauen times onely Math.tt Scripture, &: the Scriptureswere written not (which peraduenture hce thought to be very :r.J,2.lo by fuch as were meR.ol God.only,.but by fuch much)butfoll'cntiefl.tHen times,and that iil one Luk. 17 :Pet. J. as werehDiy.menufG.J.Tettrdenied Chrifiof day,ifone returnefeuentie feuen times, & fay; .. tl· knowledge againfi his owne i'Onfcienct,,aod it repents me.)'low ifwe mull doet~is!which that curling and bansing: and yet came to haue not fo much as adrop of mercJe.mvs in repentanceafterwards:asappea.es by the.tecomparifon ofGod : hee will no doubt often ftimonie ofChrifr,Lu~22.; •·'f haut.prayedfor fo~ille,euen for one finne,if men will returnc thee,thatthyfaith (aile not,therfore whenthouart_ an fay,it repents mec; conlidering that with Pfal.tJO 'omurud~flrengthtn thy brethren. 1 , him isplentifull redtmption, and bee iswmchin 1. Jfa.f.r7 ObieCJ, I.Matth.to. l 3.w;,~<Herfh•O ti-11ie B JParing. in. Caftuf&j/imi;lt. mcebifqye mm, himwill?denie before my-F11ther which w inhe.uen.Anfwer. The placeis only to wHether hee that repents is t0 make be vnderfroodoffuch adenialofChrifl which islinall. rdlitution if hee hauo taken any ObieCJ. II. Htbr 6..h5 ,6./t u impo!fdtle that thing wrongfully from hisneighbour? Ahfw. thq whichwere on"lightmed, andhaueraj/ed if Yea;Z~tehe1u, when he rrpcnted and re.ceiucd th<heaHmlJgift, &c. 1! theyfali 4'W"Jfhouldbee Chrifr, gaue halfe ofhis goods io the poore, r<nuedbyrepentai!Ce.And Heb.to-z6,'1fwefinne and ifhe hadt•ktu any thi~tg OJforged Wtifl.e. tufr.tg, · Wif/inJIJ•fterth•tWt baut r<e<iH<dthe k!Jowftdg6 tion, bee rej/oreditjollrcjolde, It is but a badde s. #thetrNth, there rtmAineth nof~~Crificefor[mne. pradife when. man on his death-bed will veAnf. Thefe places mull.be vnderfroood ofthe ry deuoutly bequeath his foule to God, and Gn which is todeath, in which 111en ofdefpehis goods mill gotten (as his confcience will rate maliceap,ainlt Chrifivniuerfally& who!- often crie inhiseare) to his childre&friends ly fall away rom religion-For tpe.holy Ghofr without eitherrefritutibn or amends making; ......... faithnot,(ftb<yfaH, but' lftheyfaO•'!•Y· And · Queft.But whatifaman benotableto refiore? ...... it isadded,thattheycrucifiethe SonneufG•dand C Anfw. Let him acknowledge the fault,& God Hcb.6,6. Heb.ao. -'<(•"'"ft!ufhi,., tharth<J ""ount t~ebJrod<{; will receiue the wil for thede~d:As PAHIfaith ,,, then<Wtef/•m<11t•n7111hDiything:tbattheydefPite in the likecafc,2. Cor.8.tz.'fftherebtA wiRittg· ~'ff:if-26. theJPirit ofGod.And the word tranfl.red b wilminde~itU~~&cordi#g t{} th:tt whichamiiiiJNth.Jmul &QI'Iillrt· lingly, imports famewhat more, namely,, to notarcor.ting to that which•manhathnot.fZH</1. linne becaufe aman will,rhat is,wilfully._The When aman by re!loring fhall difcredit him~ like anfwer is to bee giuen to the quefrion , felfe:how !hall he reltore and keep his credit? whereby it is demaunded,whether men ouerAnfw.Lethim(ifthe thing robe refiorcd be of taken with the vnna'turall !innes mentioned, (mall moment) make choifeoffomc faithfull Rom.J.24,25:.26· may come torepentance afor hone!t friecd,who may ddiuer the thing in tcrward or no:namely, t~at although the fins the behalfeofthe parrie,concealing his name. be hainousandcapital,yet the gracoofrepenf<.i<eft. Hqwifthe partie be dead? .Anf. 'Let ranee is not denyed: as appeares inuieexam. him,refrore to the heires and fuccdfours; if plc ofthe Corinthians,x.Cor.6.9,10,I z. therehe none,let him refiore to God,that is I I. C•ft•fRecidiH4tion. _rhc Church atid the poore. ' vvHether the childe of God after Re- D jY. c.ifeofie4reJ. pentance for fome grieuous Gnne,doe VVHether dorh repentance alwaiesgae fall intothefameagaine, and come to repenwith tearesor not?.An}.No:For verY, rancerhefecondtilllel Anfw. Thecafeisdanpride and hypocri.liewin draw forrq reares,' ger9cs,as we may fee bycomparifonin iheboAnd fome thereare, tharcan weepo for their . dy.Ifone.fallintQ the relafpe ofan ague or afinnes in theprefcnc'e ofothers,wherea• being' ny other firong dili:afe, it may colt him hi• alone , they neither will nor can. Some aIife:and the recouery wil be veryhard. Chrift gaine arc ~f that confritution of body, that faid tothe ma that had binficke eight &thirty they hauc teares at command. And a godly yeares, after that he had healedbim,-.Beholde, man with drie, cheekes may mourne to God. Iqh.r. thosArt made whD/e~Jinnomoreleaf/• worftthing . for his fins,al)_d intreat for pardon·and receiue ·~- b<[.tlthte. 1\nd the vncleane fpirit returning It. Yet in all.o.;cafionsofdeeper griefefor fin, L.kc 11 9 toekts to him otherft••cnJPirits worftthtnhimftlf. teares will follow:vnlelfe men haue frooy and ••• Indeede we finde no particular ex•mple ofreflinty hearts. And yei againe,thou~h tl;e grea• couery after arelafpe 1in the Sctjpturcs;yetno tefr caufeofforrow beofforeq,the ofrefi heart doubta rccoueriemay be. ReafQns are thefe: tl1~t is, (beds nor reares ai the firfr, but afI· Prom_ife ismade of remifsiop oflinnes in terw.rds it will•. When the bodie receiucs a Rt 3 dee£~