468 'The nature and pra'ilifi,&c. deepe wound, atthe firllyelhall fee nothing A ned,fw I haHttrAnfireffidtbt comm.,dtmmtof but a white lineor dint made inthe.lle!h,withtht Lordandthy .,~~rds,becauft Ifegrdtbt peoplt out any blood; fiay but a while,. then comes andobryrdtbrirvoict. Now thn-ifort I pr"}thr. blood from the wound in great aboundance. t~tkeaw~1myfmJ411dturne~tgainewith me, tbt~t J So atthe firfi the mind is alloni!hed,and giuos "'"JWOrjhipth< Lord,&<. Againe,I haut[tmJed, no t<ares: but after fome refpitc or conlidcrabut honour me,! pray thet, before the eldrrs of j(. tion,teares follow. pe.plt.l)f.Ahab,Whe .Ahabheordtheft.,ords, , V. Caftofdeath, rtnt hu cloaths,anJpHt onfock!;loath,& fafted,& wentfoftiJ•.Andthewordofthe Lordcamt to EvvHether the repentant finner can a!- li•h,fa:ftng,Setflthouho~JAh.bu hHmbled be· t.King. waies lhew himfelfe comfortable an fore me? 1l.J.7, his death-bed• .An[. Though the comfort of Dilfemblingrepentanccmay be difcerned l.l,:z.,, Gods fpirit lhallneu<r bee abali!hed fram his becaufe men afrer atime returne to their old heart:yet he cannotalwaiestellifie it. For he byasagaine. 'PharitDking ofEgypt faid vnto may die ofa burning ague; and by reafon of Mofts and Aaron,Exod.S.S.Pr4]VntotheLord theextremity ofhis firs,be troubledwith idle- B th., h-.n•yr./;t•w•ythe frogs fiomme &fto"' nelfc ofhead, andbreake outinro ragingfpee- "'Jpe~ple. And,ex•.9·•7·WhmEgypt"'"'fmit- . ches and blafpt emies. Likewifche maydieof tenwith httilt) hefaid 11 1h~Utenowjinntd1 nnd tht aficknelfe inthe braine, andbettoubled with Lordurighmm: h•t I andmypeopltArt ll'icf<!d: grieuous convullions,fo ashis mouth!hall be PriiJye1mtotheLordthat therebe nomwemigh· writhen to his eares,his necketuroed bchinde tie thRndersantihAil<. Againc, troubled with him,& the veryplace·where he lies lhal lhake grofhoppers,he faid,Exod.IO.r6. I hn•efvmed through his trembling,•sdaily experience wil •gai~fl the Lordyo•r God,and•g•inf/you,& now tefiifie. Neither is any to thinke this llrange: forgiuememyfinneone!JthU once. Nowmarke for Salomon faith,Ecc/,9••· .ABthin£' (in outrhe tffue ofall: whenPhar.o faw-that hu b.d ward matters)come 11lik! tiJa!Jy:~ndt efomtconrrftgiuen him, he h~rdtnedhis he~trt ,Andheark.!'· dition;,,. theiufl•ndtothe .,i<f<!d : to thegood "tdnot """them, M the Lord h•df.UJ,exod. ~. •ndto thep•rt,andto the poNured,.nd to him that 15. Thisistheordinaryand common repenfocrific.th,andto himthatfacrificeth not. tance that moO: men prallife in the world. CHAP. XII. Defperate repeotance commonly called · Penitence, iswhenaman hauing onely Gods Ofthe rontr•rie toRepmtantt, C ~dgem<nts before his eyes; is fmitrcn with COntrary to repentance is impenitencie; orror ofconfcienee: .and wanting alfurance whereby men continue in one eftate, neiof Godsmercie,defpaires finally.1 his wash•- ' ther forrowin"for finne, norturning from it. d.urepentance, Math.•7·3•Whowhen he h:rtl It hone o the moll: grieuous iudgements bro•ght•g•inethe thirti•pitw•fftlner,wfeffed that is,ifit be finaii:Foras alicke man,then is huf•nlt,.ndwent;wdhangedhimftifr. mollficke, whenhefeelesthe Ieafi ficknefle, CHAP. XIJJ, and faithheis wel:f<> miferablc man is in moll OfcorrHptions inrhe doflrine of miferie when he feeles no miferie,and thinkes RepentAnce. himfelfe in good cfiate. THe Church ofRmaeatthisdaybath corThis Gone befillles rhem that iudgc themrupted the auncient dollriue of repcn-- felucs righteous, needing no repentance: As tance,beeingone ofthe fpeciall pointsofrelithe Ph•rifts in the d.iesofChritl, the C•th•- ;;ion. The corruptions ateeljoecially fixe. rif/s in rhc primitiue Church,and the .AnAII•pThe firll, tharthey make repentanceor pctif/s in our age. Adde vnto thefe fuch as haue nance tobe aSacrament,which cannot be:behardened their hearts , fo as they cannot dif. caufe it wants an outward fignc, And though cerne betweenegood and euill,nor tremble at fo,~efay, that the words which the pride reGods iudgements,but rather fret and rage a- D hearferh in •bfolution, are the ligne: yct':rtiat gainfi the,tillGod in his wrath eitherdellroy cannot be, becaufe theftgne mull be not orfe)y them,or cafithemto finall defpaire. As it beaudible,but alfo vifible.· fel [uliRn the .Apofl•••, who died blafpheming The fecond , that afinner harh in him ana· and call his owne blood intothe:rire. turalldifpofition, whichb<eing fiirred ,vp)ly Betweene the two extreames, Repentance Gods preuentiog grace;hemay and cao'Work and Impenitencie,is placedcounterfeit repentogether with Gods.fpirit in his owlie repentaAce: Forthe wicked nature ofmancan difranee: Budndeedeallour repentance is to bee femble &counterfeit Gods grace, as the I.ord afctibed toGods grocewholly,Eph. ii+ The complaincs oftheIcwr:s,Jer. 3· Jo.Herrebellifoule ofman is notweake, butllarke dead in omjifler [ud.Ah hathnot retnrneJvnto mewithher fione and rherefore it·can no more prepare it "'hole heart, butf•inedly,foith th• Lorr/. fe!fe ~ r<pentancc, then the body being<lead ' Counterfeit repentance, is eithc:r ceremoin the graac elm difp6t<-it felfe ro the !a-ft re- . aiall,or defperate. furred:ion• Cetemoniall,when men repent in outward The thi{dcorruptiOh, that c~ntr_ition i~...., G1ew,bllt not in truth ofhearttAs Saui,I .S;rm. pentace muftb' fitfficienr. Athmgtmpo~Sibl_e. 15-•4•l0· ThmfoiJS.ultoSamuel, ? hau•fin· For lin doth fo greatly offend Gcd~mateftte1 that