Pf•I.J>• .. 2 Sam. IS.I~ 1 Ioh,t. ,,&:.,z, CJ"he Comhate ofthe Flefh andSpirit. that no man can euer meume enough forit. A ther. Chrifrs facisfaaion (theyfay) is a plaiThefourth that contrition doth merit refrer in a boxe Vnapplyed :mans fatisfaQion as mifsionoffinrie. Anopinion that dothderoa meanes to apply it: becaufe it prepares v• gate much fro~n the all-fuffici<nt merit of toreceiueit•.Ah, gooddiuinitie: foreuenin Chrifr. . common fenfe thefatisfacHon of Chrilt mull The fifth, that he that rerents mull confe!fe fir(l be applyed t? the perfon of man , that it all the finnes that he can remember; with all may pleafc God , before the workes (which their circumllances tohis owne Pridl, or one they tearmc fatisfaClions) eau any way bee in his llead, if he will receiue .pardon. This acceptable to God. • . · -., , .· . kind of confefsion is amecre fergery of mai)S To conclude , the Romifh doctrine of rebraine. I. Thereis neither precept nor exampentance,isthe right way to hell: For when a pie ofit in the Scriptures. H. 7>Anidand 0• fmnedhallbe taught that heemull haue fuffithers haue repented and haue receiued remif- B cient forrow for his linnes: and withal!, that fion oftheir finnes,without confefsionoftheir ·he mull nor beleeue the remifsionofhisowne finnes in particular to any man. finues particularly: when forrow comes vpTholaft, that the finner by his workes and · Oft him, and hewants found comfort in Gods fufferings mull mako fatisfaClion to God for mercy, hee mull needs fall into defperatioo rhe temporal! puni!hment ofhis fiunes. A flat without recouery.Therefore the Papills in the blafphemy : TheScripture• mention noother houreofdeath, (a~ we haue experience) are fatisfaelion but Chrill1and ifhis be fuflicient, glad to leaue the trumpene of humane fatisours is n<edlelfe : ifoursneedfull, his imperf•Bion, and to reil only for theiriuftilication feel. Papifts write -thatboth may lland togeon the obedience ofChrift. ' L.AYS D.EO. THE COMBATE OF THE FLESH AND SPIRIT. G .. ~·S·I"• Forthejlefo U.jltth •g•b.ft rb.ffirir, IPidthe fjiriugAinji the flejh : 1111dtheft Art c•ntrllroton. to .,.ther, Jo t~4t ye CATWJt doetht thingsf'hich yee rtoNld. ·rJ~~~~~HEApollleP.m/fromthe C beginning of this chap– ter to the t ~· verfe ex– horts the G•lttti4ns t<> maintaine their Chrifrian libertie : and from thence to the end of the chapter bee perfwades themto other fpeciall duties ofgodline!fe. In the 13.verfe he; fti,res them vp to be feruice– ableone toanother by loue:in the 1 S.verfe he diffivades them from contentions and doing ofiniuries. In the16. verfe he!hewes the re– medie ofthe former finnes,which is,to walke according to the fpirit. In rhc 1 7· verfe ,hce renders a reafon of the rcmedie , the f?rce D wheredfisthis.The flefh& the fpirit are con– trary; wherefere if yee walke according'to the fpirit, it will hinder the flefh ; that it.!hall notcarry you forward t<> doe iniuries andliue in contentions, asotherwife it would. . Inthisverfe wehaue toobferuefiuepoinrs. The firft, thatrhere is acombat hetweene the flefh and thefpirit,in thefe \Vords.Theflejh luethdg•injlthefjirit,&theJPiritag•inflthejlejh. he f(cond , ·is the matcer of tnis combatC which !lands in the conrrarie IHfting of the fle!h & the fpirit. The third is the caufe ofthe combate in thefe words, andthe[eare contrary. The fourth, isrhe fubieelor perfunin whom this combateis, notedin thefe words, SBthai .J", the G•lmU.ns. The Iall isthe effect of the combat,in the !all words;th~tyecam<otdo,&<. Touchingthecombatit felfe, diners points are to beconfidered.The firll,whatthefe two whkh·!Dake c<>mbat, namely,the fle!h andt~ fpirit,are.Theyhaue diuersfignilicatioos:firll ofall,rhe fpirit is takca for the foule, and the Befh for thebody: But fo tbey are not taken in this place• For there is no fuch combate he– tweenethe body and thefoule: both whicha· gree together ro make rhe perfon of one man. Secondly,the fpiritfignifies natural! reafon & the fle!h the natural appetite or cocupifcen~e. But they cannot fo bee vnderftood in this 'J place.For the fpirit here mentionedcloth fight euen.againft natural! re~fon: which though it fer.ueto make amanWlthout excufe, yet it is an enemietothe fpirit. Thirdly,thefpirit fig– nifies the Godhead ofChrift,and the flefh the manhood : but it mull not bee fo taken here . Fot then euery man regenerate !hculd he de~ filed. Lafrly,the fJ?irit fignifies acreatedqua– litie of holineffe, which by the holy Gholl ii wroMght in the minde, will, and affections of man; and the fle!h,thenarurall corruption or inclination oftlio minde, will, and alf<Clion~ totllat which is againftthe law: IA thisfenfc thef.,twaine are taken in this place. . Secood!y, it is to be confidered how thefe twaine,the flefh and the fpirit,can fight toge– ther,being bur meere qualities. And we mull know that they are not feuered afimder, as · t~ough the fletl!":ere.Placed inone part ofthe loule, and thefp!rtt uranother ;.butthey are ----~------------------------~~----~--------------ioy~d~