Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

ftom,8. 'l• 47° CJ"he [ombate of loyncd and mingledtogether in all the facul- A Thus muchofthe combatc it felfe 1 nowlet ?es·ofthefotile : The mindeorvnderftanding vs come to the manner ofthis fight. parr, is notone part flefh, and another fpirir; It is fought by Lnj/ing;To tuft in thisplace, butthe whole minde is flefh., and the whole figmlies :o b.nn~; fort.h and to ftirre vp motimindds fpirit, partly one, &partly the other. ons and mclmauons m the heart either to The whole wil is.partly flefh and partly fpirit: good or euill. ' /' the flefh and.the fpirir, that is, grace and corLulling is two-fold:rhe!liftingofthe flefh ruptionnot fenere,I in place, but onely inrea• and rhelulHngof the fpirit. ' {on to bee diftingnifhcd. As the aire in the Thelu!Hngoftheflcfhhathtwoactions the dawning of the day is not wholly light or fir{!: is to engender euill motions and iociJnawholly darke as at midnight & at noonc day, rions offelfe-loue,cnuy, pndc,vnbeleefc, anneither is it in one part light,and another part ger,&c. S. l•mes &ith,l4111.r .r4·that menare <,larke: but the whole aite is partly light, and entiftJ •nJ"'""'"' ""''!J' by thnrol>ne .,;;.. 1 ,_ partly darke throughout. I? a vcffdl of Iuke:- foem;_e. Now thise~ufing is oncly by rhe fug-' warme water, the water tt felfe IS nor onely ge!hon of bad cog1rauons and defires. This hotor only cold, or inone part hot and ano- B at'Honofthcflefh madePaulfay, Rom. 7 • I 4 . I ther partcold: but heate and coldeare.mlxt thathe:wasc•rnaO,fo/dvmlerjinne. together m euery part ofthe water: So IS the The fecond action ofthe flefh istohinder flefh and the fpirit .mi~glcd together in the O?dquench,a~d.ouerwhdmeall;hegoodmo~ foule ofman: and tlus IS the caufe why thefc: t10nsofthe fpmr. P•NI found thisin himfdfe tWqc<intraty qu.alities fight together. when he faid,R""·7·•3· I fteanother t.w; 11711 y Th:rdly,.m th1s combate we are toconfider m1mbtrsrtb:Omgag..nj/the lawof myminde,and what equaltt:c there IS betwcene thele two leAdingmecaptiHtto th<law ofjinne. By rcafon combats, the flcO>and thefpiri~ : and -ye muft ?fthis a[\ion ofthe flefh , the manregenerate know, thatthe flefh vfually, IS moremmeaIs ltke to one ma Oumberrroubled with the fure then the fpirit.The fldh is like the mighdifcafe called Ephiolm or the marc: who ty gyant Goliah, and the fpiritis little & fmall, thinkcs that he fceles fomcthing lying on his likeyangDauM. Henceiris,tharP••Icalsthe brcall as hcauie as amounraine and would Codnthians which were men iuftilicd& fanf~inc hal!e i~ awaY., whereupon he llriues and ctifiedcarnal/. I couldnot(faith he, I Cor. 3• I •) labours by hands andvoice to remocueit but brtthrmJPMktvntoyou,MvntoJPjritu•l/,en,bNt for hislifecannot doe it. ' "'vntocarn.N,.uvntobabes inChrift. And none C On the contrary, the lufting of the fpirit can comet<> be rail men in Chriftaccordingto containes two other anions. Thefirftl$, to · theag.ofthefulneffiofChrift,till after this life. beg~tgood meditations, motions, inclinatiAnd the fpeech which isvfedoffome diuines, ons,and delires in the minde, will, and affe6lithat the man rcgeoeute bathbNtthereliqMts if ons. Ofthis 'Z>•Nidfpeaketh : P fol. I 6.7. My jim11inhim, muft be vnderftood warily, elfeit '")"" mein then(!htft•.(in: that is, my mayadmit an vntrurh. As for the meafore of mlnde,affe[\IOn,and will, and my whole foule grace ircan be butfmall in refpect.wheras we being fanHilied and guided by the fpirit of do receiue but theJirftfuiu of thefPiritin this God, doe mini!ler vnro !llee confiderarions life, and muft waite lor the accomplifhmcnt ofthe way in which I ought toWalke. lfoi.u ofourredemption rill the life to come. Forall prophefying ofthe Church of the ocwTeftathis, the power&ef!icacie ofthe fpirit is fuch, menr,faith, (fo.;o. 2 t. When am.ngoeth 11th• that iris abletopreuaile ordinarily agaiuftthe ~ightbondor to theiift,heJhailheorea '!Joi«,[A.Jflefh. For the flefh receiues his deadly wound mg:Hereutheway,walf<!yeinit.Whichvoice is at the fir!l inftant of mans conuerfioo, and nor only the ourward preaching of the miilicontinuallydyerh after by little and little:and ftcrs; butalfo the inward voice ofthe fpirir. therefore it lights bur as amaimed fouldier. D The fecond a~ionofthe fpirir,is to hinder · And the Jpirit is continually confirmed and apd fuppreffc the bad motions and fuggeftions increafed by the l:oly Gholl: and it is liucly 8<: ?fthe flefh. Saint{ohn faith,t [•h"3·9· hethat ftirring; and thevcrtue ofit like muske: one ) .S hor;te ofGodji~neth not,bec•uft huj<rdmn.Ugraine whereofwill giue aftrongcr fmdl,then nethmh>m,that 1s, grace wrought1n the heart many ounces of other perfumes. Some may by the hely Ghoft which relu!tth the rebellifay, that the godly maaaothmorefcde the ousdefiresoftheflefh, . fleOahcnrhe fpirit: & thereforethat the flefh That the manner of this light may more is euery way more then the fpirit. I anfwer, clcerdy appeare, wee mull examine itmore that we muft nor meafure our eftate by feeling particularly. In the foule ofman there be two which may eafily decciue vs.Aman fhall feele fpeciall par.ts, the minde and the will. a paine which is but in the top of his finger ..·. In the mmde there IS adoubl~combat.The more fenribly then the health of his whole lirft is betweene,knowledge ot the word of body: yet thchcalthofthebody is more then God, and 1uturaU ignorance or bln~dneffe; the painc ofafinger. Secondly,we fecle corFor feeing we domthis hieknow but mparr: ruprion not by corruption, but by grace; and therefore kn.owl.cdge of th~ truth mufl needs therefor~ men, the more. they fecle their in• be ioyned With 1gnorance 111 all that are en· wardcorruprions,the more grace they hau~. lightened; and oneofrhefe bemgcontraryto an- '