thejlejhandj}irit. 471 ~------------~--~ anotber they fidue;:to ouedhadowandouer- A Imineheartiuvaine~andwa.fludminehands ininr.Q. call each other. ., cenry. Yq,thisdefj>aire may bc.foextrcame, Hence we may learne the caufe why excelthat it fhall WClkcn thebody, and confume it lent diuines doe varie in diuers points of re· n::ore thenaqy. fickene!fc.No man is to thinke ligion:and itis, becaufe in thiscombte natuthis llranlle in the childe ?fGod. For thou~jll rail blindndfe yet remaining, preu•iles more he< dcfpa1re_ of Ius ele~hon and faluanon m or-!c_!fc. Men that;~r~ dim-fighted and cannot Clmll,yetIus defperanon Jsne1ther total nor difceroe withon' fpechcles, ifthey bee fet to 6n~II.It ts not torall, .bec;aufe hee doth not dedifcry a thing afarre off, rl'e moll of them fpatre Withhts whole hear~! faith ~uen ar that would be of Jiucrs opinions ofit. And men mllant lulhngaga,mfl defpme. It ts notfinal!, enlighrncd and regeJJerate-in thislife, dobut b~caufe he !ball recouer before the lallendof feqs in 4 glaffid•rk{r.Again",this mutheach h1s hfe. all fludems ofdiuinitieoftcn ro.fufpeCl themTo prpteed, the combat in the will is thisa fe!uts in their opinions and defttices:feeing in Thewill partly willeth and partly nilleth that them that are offouuddl: indgementthelight )Vhicbisgood at the fame inllant:and fo likeoftheir vnderllaudingis mixed with darknes B wifc ir ~il/eth and nillerh that which is euill, ofig!lOrance. And theycanin many points fee becaufc ltlS partly regeAerate and partly vnrebut as the man in the G0fpell, who whea our generate. The.affeCtions likewife, which are Sauiour Chrifl had in part opened his eies, placedm the will , partly !mbrace and partly faw men walking not as men,but inthefwmeof efchew thetrob1el'ts:as loue partly loueth,and trcer : Alfo this mull teach allthat reade the partly dorh nor loue Cod and things tobelo~ fcripturcs toinuocate and call vpon thename ued:feare is mixed&nor pure(as fchoolcmen ofGod, that he would enlighten them by his haue dreamed) bur partlyfilial/, partly[crHile, fpirit, and abolifl1 the milt ofnatural! blindcauling the ch1lde of God to £land in awe of nes. Th~prophetDauidwas worthily inlighGod,not onely forhis ln<fCies,butalfo for his tened With the knowledgeofGods word,fo as mdgements & puntfhmenrs. The wtl ofa man heexcelled the auncient& hisowneteachers regenerate is like him that bath one legge iq wifedome;yet being priuie to himfelfetou· fof1d,the other lame:who in euery llepwhich chinghis owne.blindnes, often pray.eth in the he makes,dorh not wholly halt,or.wholly goe Pfolme 119·18· ln/ighten mine eies that [may vpright,but partly goe vprightand partly halt. vnderfland thewondmoftby law. Or like aman in a boat on the water: whogo. By reafon ofthisfight, when natural! blind- C <thvpward; becaule he is carried vpward by nespreuaiks, thechildofGod truly enlightethe ve!fell, and at the fame time goes downened with knowledge to life euerlallin~, may ward,becaufe hewalks downward in thefame erre not only in lighter points, but euen in the vclfdlat the famo inflanr.Ifany fh1ll fay that very foundati<)n of religion, as the Corinthicontraries cannot be in the fame fubiea~ the ans and the Galatians did. And as one may anfwer is, they cannot, ifone ofthem bee in erre, fo an hundred men may alfo;yeaawhole his full flrength • in the highell degree ; but c · particular Church: andas one Church may if the force of them both bee delayed and .~;~~.~:; erre,foaa 100. more may. For in refpea of we3kened, they maybe ioyned together. m'fli• this combatJthe cfrateand coHditionofal men By rea{on ofthiscombat, wh,ncorruption non in is alike. Whence it appeares,that rhe Church preuailes againfrgrace in the will and affeetifuBunismilitant vp6earthisfubierhoerror. But ye): ons, there arifeth in the godly a certaine as the dibfes ofthebodybe oftwo forrs;fome tk4dneffi or hordneffi of heart, which is no· curable,& fome incurable which areto death: thingelfe but a want offenCe or feeling. Some fo likewifc errors are.AndtheChurch though may fay,that this is a fearefull iudgement: bot it be li1bieet to fundry falls, yet itcaonoterre theanfwer is, that there bee two kinds Gf in foundation to death : the errors of Gods D hardnelfe of heart ; one which po!fe!feth the childron be curable. Some may here fay,Ifall heart,& is neuer felt,this is in tllem,who haue men and Churches be fubieet to error, then it theirconfcience foaredwithan hotyron; who by fhal not begood to ioyncwith any ofthem,but reafon ofcullome in linne ar: pall all feeling, to feperate fr6 them ali.I anfwer, though they who likewife dejpift the m-anuof foftening may& do erre, yetwe mull not fcparate from their hearts.And indeed this isafeareful iudgthe,fo longasthey doe notfeparatefr6 Chrifr. met. There is another hardnes ofheart which The fecond combate iu the minde, is beis felt:& this is not fodagerous as the fortntr: tweene faith and vnbeliefe. For faith is irnperfor as we feele oudicknes by contrarylifeand fea,& mixt with theconrrary,vnbeleefe,pre , healtb:fo hardnes ofheart wl1en it is felt, arfumi•g,doubting,&c. As rhe man in the Gofgues quickne{fe ofgrace, and foftnes ofheart. pel faith, L.rd, lbcleme,helpe minevnbeleife. OfthisDauidoften c6plained in the Pfalmes: Eph..4. .•. "· By reafon ofthis fight,when vnbeleefe preofthis thechildre ofIfrael fpeak whc they fay, uailes,the very child ofGod mav fall into fits Whj haft thou hardnedourbeamftomtby waits? lf•,<r. and pangs ofdefpaire: as {ob &Dauidin their Thus much of the manner of the combate '7· temptations did- For Da~<idonce conGderiug in particular: before we proceed any further the proq1erity ofthe wicked , brake out into let vs marke the i!fue of it, whica is to pre~ this{peech,Pfo1.7J.13·Certainely [ haueclenfcd uaileagainll the flelh. The