The [omhate of .The ff'irit prcuailcs again!\ the fldh at tw.<> A I the head,yetfor all this,itrcmaines frill v•ited umes : mthe ~ourfc ofa ~ans hfe, and at hts I and coupled to thebody, and may againebee eod;but yetw.rth fame fodes recerued.. recouered by pl•ifrets and phyficke: fo after a I_fay thefpmt preuades, not 10 ~ne mflant, gneuous fa! thechildofGod feeles nG inward buwnhe whole courfe ofa mans hfe,fo Samt I· peace& comfort, but is fmitteo in c<>nfcience , ,lob, r, John fmh,Heuhat 14 begottenofGodfin~tthnor: with the tremblingofa fpirituall .alfieforhis tS. for betpreftrxeth h•mfelft: t~egr~ce ~f God 111 olfence: and yet indeede frill re.!.incs before Rom.S.I whether gr:ace be utln– ga.illd &y finne, hrs heart ordmanly preu~!leth m hrm. And God amember of Chri!l in refpect of coopnulmakes lt the l'ropcrtte ofthe re~enera~e iuntliQnwithhim, and!ballbe refloted to his man,to rMlktac<ordmgtothejpmt, whrchrs not former eliateafterferious repentance. now& then t<;> make a fiel'pe forward, but r_o AndGod permits thefe foiles for weightie kecpe hr_sor~marycourfem.the,wayofgodli_- caufes: firfi,_that rnenmightbee abafued and nes: Asmgomgfrom BarwrcketoLondon,lt confounded m themfclues with the confidemay beeama.n now and then will goe amilfe: rationoftheir vile natures, and learne notto but he fpeoddy returnes to the ':"ay agame, , f\\:ellwtth pride; bocaufe ofGods grace. P••l andhrsco11rfe gene~ally lba_llbe_nght. B 1iuth, that after he had bin rapt into the third Agame, thefpmtpreuade~m the endo~a heauen, theangel•fS•thiiw.ujint r.bujfithim, mans hfe. For then the fldlus vtterly abuhand(as we fay)toheatc him blackeand blew •.Cor. fued,and fanct!fication acc~mplifued,hecaufe that hemight not be exalted out ofmcafure.' " ·7 • novncleane thmgcanenter mto thekmgdome Thefecond , that wee may lcarne to denie ofheauen. our felues and cleaue vnto the Lord from the Thisfurther mull be conceiued; that when bottomeofour hearts. PAolfaith thathe was thefpirit preuailes,it is not without refi!lance ficke todeath,tbnt hemightnottrHftinhimji{fe and firiuing:as P•ulte!lifieth,ldot nottheg10d b•t inGodwhor•ifiththe"'•"- ' ,,eo:. which [ would,bHt the<Mill which[ woHidnot,tbRt Thus much ofthe manner of the combate: 1•9> doe/. Which place is not to be vnderfiood nowfollowesthecaofeofit. onely ofthoughts& inward motions(as fome The ••Rfiis thecontr•rietie that;. betweene w~uld haue it)nor ofparticular offences: but the flelb and the fpirit. AsP•xlfaith The wifi" ofthe general! praaife ofhis dutie or calling, domuftheflejh iunmityt• God. ' lom.i. 7 through the whole courfc ofbis life. And it is Hence weare taught,that fince thefall there like the praC\ifeofafick man, who hauing re· is no frcc-wil inmanin fpiritual matter; concouered of fome grieuoos difeafe, walkes a C ccrningdtherthe worlbipofGodor!ife'euerrurne ortwaine aboutthe cha!Jiber, faying,ah lafiing. For flelb is nothing elfe butour natu. I wouldfaine walke vp& down,but I cannot: raildifpofition : anda man is nothing elfe but meaning not that he cannot walke at all, but llefu by nature:for the fpirit comes afterward figniljring that he cannot w:ilke as he would, by grace: and the flefu is llatconrrarie to the beeing foone weariedthmugh faintne{fe. fpirit,which makesvs doe that which isplea- ! adde further, that this prcuailing is ~ith fing vnto God. Wherefore the will naturally foyles. A foyle is, whenthe llefu for a time IS aflat hondllaue vnto finne. vanqoilbeth and fubdoeth the fpirit. In this Againe,hence we may learn<, thatiris not cafe,the man regenerateislike a fouldier,that an eafie mattertopra~ife rcligion,which is to with ablow bath his braine-pancracked,fo as liue accordingto the fpirit,to which our natube lios grooeling aflonifued not able to fight: rall difpofition i• as·contrary as fire to water: or like him that bath afit ofthe falling ficknes wherefore ifwe wil obey God,wemufllearne whofor atime lies likeadead man.Hence the to force our natures to the dutiesof godlines; quefiion may be mooued , whether the flelh yea,cuen fweate and take painestherein. preuailing doth not extinguilh the fpirit: and Lafily, here wee may learne the nature of focutoffa man from Chrifi; tillfuch time as D fin.The fpirit is not a fubflancebut a qualitie: he he ingrafted againe. The anfwer is this. and therefore the llelb which is nothing elfe There be two f<>rts ofChrifrians: one, who but originall finne, and iscontrario tothefpionely infhew and nameprofeffe Chrifl: and rit, mufialfobea qualirie; for1i1ch as the nafuch an oneis no otherwife a meberofChri!ls rure ofonecomraryis,fuch is the other.There myfiicall body, then a woodden legge fetto is in euery man, the fubfianceofthe body and the body isa member of the bodie. The fefoule,thiscannot befinne, for then the fpirit cond is hee thatin name anddeede is aliuely alfo lbould be the fobfiance of man. There is part and m~mber of Chrifl. Ifthe firfi fall,he alfo in the fub!lance thefacultiesofthe bodie can not be faid to becurtoff. becaufe bee was and foule: and they cannot be finne , for then neuer ingrafted. Ifthe fec~nd fall,bc may be euery man lhould hauelofl the faculties of his and is cut off from Cbrifl. But markc bow : foule by fall. Lafily, m the faculues he is not wholly cutte off, but in fome part, t~ere is aconta.gion or corruption~hichcarnamely,in refpect ofthe inward fellowlbip& rteth them agamfithe law:a~d thatrs propercommunion with Chri!t, but not inrefpe~of ly Gone and tne llelh, whrchts contrary to the e<>niuntlion with him. A mans acme taken fpirit. . . . · with the dead palfie,hangs by and receiues no . The fourth pomt IS , .touchmg the perfons heate,life or fonfe from the members,or from mwhom thrs e>mbate IS• P••ilbewes who --~------------------------------------------------~the~----