l,loh•Jt 9· thejlefhandj}irit. 4-73 theyare, when he faith, S. th<eye car.11ot, &c. A Chri!t)hane no fpundnelfc ofgrace in them. where it appeares,thar fuch as haue r_h1s cornSecondly, the man regeneratecanuot finnC! bate in them mull beeas as the Galatians,men io what'm::mner he \vould, and_there bee two iu!tificd and fan<'tified: andyet notallitch,but reafons thereof. Firit , he can not finne with oncly they that bee ofyearcs : for the infants [fit// co>tfint ofwill,or withall his heart:becaufe ofthe faithf(JII, howfoeuer wee mafl: repute the will fo farre forth as it is regenerate, rethem to belong to the kingdq_me ofheanen; fifleth &draweth backe: yea,euen then when and rhcrefore to bc iultified and fantlified:yct a man is carried head-long by the pafsion of becaufe they doe not commit aCl:uall finne, thefldh ,. hefeelesfom~conrrarymotionsof they want this combateofthe r.efil and fpirit, a regenerate confcience. It is arulo,rhatjinne which ltands in aCtion. As for thofi: which be ef9th not mgne in th< regrocrate. For fa mt•ch vnregeneratc,they neucr felt this fight. Ifany grace as is wrought in theminde,will,a1fefrifay,tlm the worft man in the worla,when he ons: fo much is abated proportionally ofthe is about to commit anyftnne, harh a flrifa and ltrength ofthe Oefh. Wherfore when he corn. fight in him; it is true indeed: but rhanisan omitsany finne,hedoth itpartlywillingly: and thcr kindcofcombate, which is betwcenethe B portly againlt his will. As tl1e marrinersin the confcience and the heart. The confcience on tempdl: cafl {onas into the fea willingly : for the one part terrifying the man from fin: the otherwife they had nordone it:andyetagainfl will and tht; a1ftClions baling and pulling him their wils too : which appeares becaufe rhey thereunto: the will and the alfed:ions wifhprayed and cafl their goods out of the fltip' r ing anddefiring that finne werenofirine, and and laboured in rhc rowing againO: the ternGaps commandement abolifhed • whereas p~il, and that1•ery long, before they call him conrrariwife theconfcience with afhrill voice out. And herein lies the di1ference betwcenc prodaimes finne to be finnc. This fight was two mencommitting one and the fame finne in Pii4te, who by the force of his confcience the one of them being regenerate,.the othc; feared to condemne Chrill:; aAd yet was wilVnregencrate._For the latt<r linneth with all ling, and ycelded to condemnc him that hcc his heart and with full confent, and fo cloth might pleafe the people. 110r th< fidl. Secondly,though he fall into any Furthermore, this combate is in the regefinne, .Yethe d?th not lidon.g io it, bur fpeenerate but during the time of this life. For d!ly recouers hunfdfe, by reafon ofgr.ce in they which are perfectly fanClified feele no his heart. · ftritc.Ifany fh1ll fay,tlut this combate wasin Hence iris manifcfl, tbatjinnuofinfirmitie Chrifl,when he faid, Father,i(it buhywiB,I<t C are· committed onely of fuch as are regenethiJ cup paffi from rne.yet not M) w:ll,bt« thinebee rate. As for the.man vnrcgenerare he can n6t done; indeed,here is aco:nbate,butofanother finofinfirmi!Y whltfoeuer fomefalf!y thint,e. fort; n.lmely, rhe fighroftwodiuerfe defires: For he is not weake but fl:arke dead io finne. the one wasadefire to do his Fathers will in And finnef)>finfirmitie arefuch only as .rife fuff.:ring the death of the croffz, the other a ofconilrain't,fcarc,haflines,and fuch like fudnaturall deGre (which was no <in bat a meere · den pafsions in the regenerate. And though infirmity of humane natare) whereby bee in they finHe ofweakcr.csoft<n by re1fon ofthis in his manhood delires (as the manner ofnafpilituallcombate, yetrhey doe not alwaii:s · ture is to feeke the prtferuation ofit felfe)ro for they may finne againfl knowledge and hauc the curfed death ofihc croifo remooued confcionce ofprdtrmption. from hi:n. To come to the f<cond point; the regencThe fift point is the effect ofihis combatc, rato man cannot doechegoodrvhich heWOIIid,be, which is to moke the man regenerate, that bee caafc he cannot do'cit perfcd:ly and foundly <411not doth< things which hewould,and tl)ismutt according to Gods wil as he would.Pa.t faith be vndcrflood in things both good and euill. To will;, prefent wi:hmc,bnt I findnomeanes per: ABd firfl: he cannot doe th<euill which he D feBLytodoerhan>ihich Iwotdd.Jn this pointtbe Rom 7 wouldfortwocaufes.Firfl,becaufchecanRot godly ma.r is like a ptifoner ~hat is gottcn •S, • commit finne at what time foeuc:r hee would. forth of rhe layl~ ~and that h~ might efcape 1 Saint John faith, He thati< borHeofGodjinneth the hand ofthe keeper, defires & flriues with not,neithercanheflnne,becauftheisborneofGod, all his heart to runne an hundred miles in a thatis,he cannot flnne athispleafore or when day ; but becaufe he loath !lrait and waightie he will:Iifephwheu he was alf<ulted withPu. bolts on his lcgges cannot for his life creepe tiphars wife toadulterie; becaufe the grace of pailamtle or twame, & tbat wHh chafing his God abounded in him, whereby he anfwcred flefh and tormenting himfelfe: Sothe femams her,faying,Shallldoe;hi<,andfi:meagainftGodl ofGoddoe hcartilydefire, and indeauourto he could not then finne. Lot bec.aute his righobey God in all his command:ments: as it is teous hoart was grieued in feeing and hearing fa id ofKing Jofia~,Th•t he turnedio Godwitb •Ill v· . the abominations ofSodomc, could not then hUhcart, with a/i hieJoule. wtthaO hUmight ac- ~·3 '1~g •. Gn asrbcy of So:lome did. Hence it appeares, cordirtg to allthelmvofMofes, &c. yet bec~ufe - •' ' that f"ch perfons as line in the daily praCl:ife they arc cloggod with the bolts of r:1c fldh, ofiinagabJl:their owncconfcien~es,(thongh they performe obedience both flowly and they bee profeffours of the true religion of wcakely, with diu<rs llippes and fals, ThllS