\ 4-74- 'The [ombateof thejlejhand jjirit. Thus much ofthe combatc : now letvs fee A refpel't become linfull,as fweete wateri!fuing whatvfe may be made ofit. out of apure founraine, is by afilthy channell Firfr ofall,by it welearne what isthe efrate made corrupt. ofa Chritlian man in this life. A Chri!tian is Thirdly, wee dee hence learnethat concu. not one that is free fmm all euill cogitations, pifcence or originall fione is properly aud infrom rebellious inclinations and motions of deed fmne afterbaptifme,though itpleafe the will and affeCtions, from all mannerofllippes Couafell ofTrent to de<ree otherwife. For in his life and conuerfation: for fuch an one , after baptifme.it is flat C?'Jtrary to the fpirit, is ameere deuifc of mans braine, and nor to and rebels agamfr tt.Papi.!ts obiel't that itis be found vpon earth. But indeede bee is tile taken away by baprifme. Anf. Originall finne found Chritlian, that feeling himfelfe laden or the fltlh is taken away in the regenerate with thecorruptionsofhiJvile andrebellious thus: In it there be three things: the guilt nature,bewailes them from hi• hcart,and with thepunifbment, the corruption: the fidl:tw~ might and maine fights againfr them by the are quite abolifhed by the merit of Chtills graceofGodsfpirit. Al}li•e, hercisouerdeathin baptifme: the third, thatis the ' throwne the Popifh opinion of merit and iucorruption remaines fiill : but marke in ftificarioabyworkesofgrace, onthisman· B what manner: itremaineswcakencd, itrener: Suchas the caufc ofworkcs is, filch are maines not impute<! to the perfon ofthe bcworkesthemfelues. The caufe of workesin lecuer. man, istbcminde,will,andaffellions &nl'tifiLaftly, hereby we are taught to be watched:ia which the llefb and the fpirit are mixt fullinpraycr.W6t<hiiJidpray(faith Chri!t)ci-c. together,asbath beenefhcwed before.There- (ortheJ}irit u rt~dy, bHt th•jlejh uwea/:t. ,11.•- foreworkesofgrace, euen tbebefrofthcm; becc~, whentwotwinnesllroue inherwombe are mixt workes, partlyholy, and partly finwa.rroubled& laid;Wby am I fo?whercfore full. Whereby it is euidcnt toa man that bath fhe wentto askc the Lord, namc!y, by fOme but common fenfc, that theyarcnotanfweraPr<>phet. So when we fccle thisinwardfight, ble to the righteoufnes of the law; and that the bell thingis to haue recourfe to God by . thereforethey can neither merit life , or any prayer,andto his word, that thefpirit may be wayiu!lifieamao before God. Ifany reply, llrcngthcnedagainfrthcflefb. Asthechildrcn thatgood workcsarctheworkes ofGodsfpi· oflfraelbycompafsingthccitieoflerichofe. rit,andfor thatcaufe perfellly righteous,! anuen daics , and by founding Rammes hornes fwer,itis true indeed, they come from the hoouerturned the wals thereof: fo by feri""' inly <5holl that cannot finne, but not onely or uocation ofGods name, the fpiritisconfirimmediatc!y. For they come alfo from the mcd,andthcturretsandtowcrsofthercbellicorrupt miode and will ofman, and in that ous flefb battered. r C all ~Euill.ld.,th4tWhkhueHill,aNN/JifiOd.eit, l I· arn , . of Good./ J,.,,, th•t whi<h i<g••d,~ndIJlfill111tdoeit. Th . I ~Euil!.l thethe <NiU,whkh{woHidnot, eVoice .; ~. Rcgeneofamao I ratc,of (f.ood./d..nottheg01d,whkh 'fwOH/d, . ~Euill. r d.en•tthat whi,hi< tHiN,and'f wian•t dot it. j 3.G!orifi- · . ~ ed,of Good.['tl.ethatwhi,hisl•od, 4~Jiwi/1Joeit.