Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

' HOVV TO LI,VE, AND TH:AT_.VVELL IN ALL ·BSJ'A.TES~~.A,ND TI.MES. !~ ~ · ~·· · 1 . I .d. ~ .!' SPB JCfALLY : ·:1.. ••.j VVhi:\n helP,e~andC()!Uforts'faik• . '· ·r '· .. . . To the Reader. 0 0 D Reatkr, ifthou wouldejl betfauedbyfaith in Chrif/afterdeath, thou muff here /iuobyit before deAth: andfaithfor thetimeofrhulife, h•rhtwogrtat vfis. Thefirjl u toCRtojfwor/Jiyforrowesandcaru. It uthecommon fafhionofmen, to ttJNltiply theircare.s •Nt of~mttfore, andthertb] to makttheirliuesmofl miferttble. ForfirjlofaO,ItejidesneceJJarie labours,thry taf?!vponth<mmany needlejfe andfo· perflnom hHjinejfes. Secondly, their manner io,to C4re not on!Jforthe labolSrs to br done,but alfofortheeuent •ndfilcceffo uf their IAbonrs, that they mayalwaiesproj)er, andneuer be~ojfod: but thu '"re God~tlo~e. Th1rdly, they content notthen:ftlues with their lotandcomlitwn,butftek;by allmeanes totncreaft th,reJiare,•ndto m•k!themfthm rteh. L4jfly, they exercift th1ft1Hes notonly indifjofingofthingsprcftnt, but thryforecajlmany matters intheir heads andpblt the[~«ce./fiofthilfgstDftJfJie. Nowft~itb, whenweh4Htt!Nze the JVork{s ofourcaUings, according tothepre[criptofth,wordofGod,faith (Ifoy) m•k!th vs commendto God the bleffing,fuccejJe, 4nd tNellt thereofby pr4_}trandaj]it~nce in his promifts, not do~ting bMt hetrill giucvs aN things nrcejforie. .And if we Wt~ntthebleffing lf.ndfocceffe we look!for, vs toreno1:1r.ce OJ!.r owne deflres, and. infilence ttJ qu!et ourht~~rts in thegoo1.1MfureofGod. .Andt hmmanyworld[y CtJres are cut off. Stcondl.yJwhena man 4t his wits tfn , kz!owes not what intheworldto doe, bei,;g fU it wereplnngedinto· afe11~fmifories,ft~ithgiues direilitm 4ndflaies theminde. For when all tempor41lihingsfoi!e vs,euen to the_very sk_inn~ 411dlif~,ft~ith pre[er11es withi~vs an affiance_ofthegraceandmercieofGoti; andthehope oflife e~<erisfl•ng. Fatth Jh""" vs h•ddenthmgs not to bedifternedbyftnceandrcaftn. Life encdaJiing i4promifed tovs,but wuliefqy all t h,s~.t : we hen.reofthere(urreUion~b"t mthemeanefeafon we rot inoHr gra·ues ; Wt arepronouncedbltffid, bHtyet weare ouerwhelmedwith infinite miferies : abo~mdance of all thingsif promiftd, hilt for aO thu we often hunger•ndthirft: God promiftth ro hearsvs, •ndto be pre– fent withvs, but hefoemes oft-times to be deafe( tU it were) 4t 011rcries. Now thencomesfaith, which u thefobjJance ofthings hopedfor, andmaf?!s':!slift o•rminds•bouethewho/eworld,to app"hendthe;,._ HijibleandvnfPe•kf•hie rhmgs ufGodwhteh he h.rh reue<fiedandpromsftdvnto vs. 1'heft things I jlmv more at lsrgeinthilfm•N TreatiftfoUowing; re•deitat thyleifim, vfti< for thygood, andfcethox be •doerof the,. \V ILL I A M p E R K l N s. Sf Hal-.