~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~]~~~~. ~~~;WY.~~~U».!EJJ~JJ~~~!tr,~1lll,.@.~~ \ Hab.1.4. The iuft xrianfhallliue by his f1ith. N the former chapter the A . .The ~hird point 10 be confidercd, is what Prophet complaines and IS thefa!th here meant:.And that is i•ftifYingor exp,o!lulates the matter [AHmgfatth; becaufe we mn!llioe by thefame withGod,why the Iewes faith, whereby we are faued· And faith bath the peopleofGod,!hould his etfechot onely after this life, but alfo ia beopprdfedbytheChalthis life. Weemu!lliuefir!lby it, before we deans, the enemies of can be faued by it. 'Paul thereforein hisown• God. In thebeginning of example expoundingthis text, faith, A•ain Gai.:,to the fecond chapter the Lord makes anfwerto thatlitHt in tht fl•Pt,! liue by thtfaith oftheSon theProphet, and the effea ofthe anfwer is of God, who h•th loutd'"'' •ndgium himfilfefor this : they !hall certainly be deliuered in the "'"· timeappointed, but they !hall not yet bedeliThe fourth point is the con!lruaionofthe uered. V pan this anfwer the Prophet might words;and that istwowaies. The firftisthus, haply obie& onthis manner: How then !hall .'Iheittj/byfaithJhaRii•e:the wordsbyfasthbetheafllic!led Iewes beabletoliueinthe meane 1 ing ioyned vnto the word luj/. And then the feafon? the Lord anfwers by a diftin~lion fenft is this: Het~at is iufi by faith lhallliue thus; Thevniuft man puffesvp himfelfe with and haue eternal! life. The f<eond is thus, the vaine confidence, but the iuft man !hallliueby iuftfha/1/iue by hi<f•ith: the wordsbyfaithbehis faith. B ing ioynedto rhe wordsfha/1/iue:and then the For tbebettervnderllandlng ofthe words, fenfe is this: Thtiull whiles he liU<:s in this fiuc things are in orderrobeeexplaned. The world, beelhallliue by his faith. This latter firlt, what is meant by the iuft man. luflice confirutlion and fenfe I rather choofe and mentioned in the word is two.folde: the iuembrace, becaufe 'Paul, cuen in this fenfe friceofthe law, and the in!liceofthe Gofpel. brings this text, Gal. 3· n,u. to prooue that Theiu!Hce ofthe law, hathin itall points and life eteroall , and confequently iuftification, parts ofiuftice, and all theperfeclion of all comes not by working according to the law, parts : and it was neuer found in any vpon but by beleeuing, and he makes an oppolitiearth,except A.tam an<! Chrift: theiuftice of on between< liuingbyfaiih,,dliuingbywork!s. the Gofpel bath all the parts of trueiu!lice, The fifth and!allpoint to be conlidered, is butit wants the full perfed:ion of parts : as a how aman lhould liue by faith/ becaufe this childe bath all the parts ofa man in the infan· !aft point isofgreat momcr, I wil fpend fome de, though it want perfeCtion of ftatureand rime in the e~planiAgof it. That a man then tallnelfe. And this kinde ofiu!l:ice is nothing may liue by his f•ith, two things art required: elfe,but the conuerfion ofa linner,with a purthe firft, that faith bee rightly conceiued and . pofe,will;and indeauour to pleafe God,accorgrounded in the heart;the fecond,that after it cling to all the commandements of the Jaw. is once conceined it Rtigne and rule in the Gen,6.9. Thus was2'{o<iuft, Job, Zach•rie, andEli<a- C heart. That faith may rightly bee conceined, lob •· •• btth .. and taus mufttheiuft man bee taken in tworhings are required.Thefirftisthe knowLuk. 1 • 6 • this place for onc:.thatturnestoGod, and by ledgeofthe word of God, for faith funds in graceindeauourstoplcafe God, according to relation to the word : & the word alone is the ' the whole law ofGod in his place and calling. foundation ofour faith.Hereppon th< word is The fecond pointtobe confidered, is what called thefottndati•noftht Prophtts&Apoflles, lifeis here meant? As death is here two-fold: Eph.2.2o. By light of natural! reafon we vnthe fir!t and the fecond; fa is life. The fir!l, is derftand, that the world had a beginning and the coniunl:lion ofthe body and foule; the fewas madeofGod. Yet cannot teafon breed in cond is the coniunClion of the whole man vsacertaineperfwafionofthispoint, but onwith God. The firfi,is called naturall, the fe. ly the tcltimony ofthe word ofGod;8< therec<>nd fpirituall or eternalllifi:: and both are fore it is faid, Hebr. u. 3. Byfaith wevnder• m t · th's I Fa p ulb · th'sve y j/andth•tthe wor/dwa;erdainedbyGod, And Rom.t. ean !11 I pace. "r a nnfgs I r thl'smade'IJ.tut·Jray, Plalme •6. 4 lnGodl , 1 , text toprooue theiuuificationo a!inner by · "" > G:>.l. I· faith;and iu!lificationis a part offpirituallife; wilipY4iji hi< word. Furrhermore,in the Word 11 becaufe it is the acceptationofafmocrtoethreethingsarctubee knO\.vnt:, Precepts or ternall life. And for this caufe the Prophet commaundements becaufe they teach obefaith, the iufi man flullliue, hauing relation 1 dience: threoming; becaufe they re!lrainedifnot onely to the time of affliCtion then to obedience:promifts,becaufetheyferuetoconcome, but alfo to eternall life. firme vs inourobedtence. Agame, prom!fes arc