I How to liue,and that well. 477 i are.cither principall, or lelfe princip1ll. The A ditioti is, that we mufl trufl God not in pa;r r nuineorprinCipaJI pronufe 1s that, mwhtch but tn hu who/~ word: and therefore ma!ly f:u.c God offerethandr~uealcth righteoufi1elfeand in their f&ith , that arecontent to trufr him in lifeeuerlalling by Chritl.Within this promife his promifc:s of mercie and faluarion, but lifr is con:ained the grant ofremifsi~n of our fins not t.o beleeuc.h1m m h1s Cof!l~au_ndements I of necelfary patience, ofthe afsi!bnc. of the and threats. 1 ~e fourrh·condmon ts,that \1e 4 . fpirir ofGod, and ofall giftsthat are infepa1 mufltrofl Godm hts word,vPJth•O eur hc•rrs, rably ioyned with faith. Promtfeslelfe pnnctthat!tm.ay take deepc root and be anmgrajied Tam. 1 • pall are concerning deiiuerances m temptatl• word.It1snot fuffie~ent for vs to ha~ea.rafl.of 11· ons,f•ferie in daogcrs, health,wealth,hbcrty, ~he good word of God, and torece!Ue It wtth p"ace~&c. And thcfe mufr all be vrtderfrood, wy, vgi< ffe w.e throu&hiy & foundly b~t.lda~d wi:h ""exception of thecrolfe and correchreiye our felues vpon !t. The fifrcond1t1on IS, 5• I on:and they !hall fo farre forth be accomplithat this trufling ofGod mull bee with an ho. fhed a. they feme for Gods glory, and the ncft heart, that is, withanheartinwhich there good ofall them rhatbeleeue. Now all thefe is a diftintl: purpofenottofin, bnt in all things heads and points of the word ofGod mufr be B to doe the wtll '?f@od. The good hearersare knowne and that in feme particular forr, that they whtch receme the wordwtthan honeftand a man may liue by his faith. goodheart,L•I<,8.rs.Without this can noman The fteond rhinf: required for the right Ipofsibiy1\ue by faith.He that putsaway hugood conceiuingoffaith,i.after the word ofGod IS co'lfhence, ma'<fsJh•p-wrac'<! of hufatth, I Tim. once knowne,tnr•ft Godvp•• hu word: yeato I.19· It is gad!in« alone that hath the promidepend vpon it,& to build vpon it. This is the fesofthis life,and the life ro e<>me. And none fir(! and principall workeoftroe faith:and it is can line rhe life offaith, but bee that is a itifr called byPa.•I,Rom.l·5·theobedimceoffaith: man. After that men haue made fame good and iris made the end and fcope of the prea· proccedwgs,& do know the word, receiue it, ching ofthe Gofpcll : and not with<>ut caufe. reioyce in it,and bring forth feme fruit: ifthe For this is the fir!l and principaU honour of heart for all this beeui/1; it will caufe tllem at God to beleeue him vpon his bare word; and length to depart forn God, by diflrofring or by Heb. 1 • thereby to make·a confefiion <>f the troth of denyiag credence to the word. The fixth con- u. God. This the diuell knew right well: and clition is, tbatthe obedience offaith mu!£ bee 6. thetfore the firfr thing that he fought to ouerft•blc andronji~UJt.T'ne Lord faith,Hcb.Io. 38. throw in.Ad•m, was hisfaith in Gods word : C Myfoule h•rh no pl<afore in themthatw<tbdr•w and the fcope ofthe firfr temptation,whereby thcmfelues, that is, which for a time beieeue in pc alf>ulted our Sauiou~ Chrifr, wastoouerGod,and afterward pull backe their feete and throw thatfaith & confidence he had in his fagoe backe from their faith. u. then faying, lfthoubethc SonofGod,command Seeingthis isthe right way to cocciue faith ••,.,, 4 ' 1 ' thatthcfoftones be madebre•d:but thisthou call to know the word of God, and to tru!thi~ no do:thercforethou art not ·rhe Son ofGod. vpon the fame word, all foch as would liueby Thatthis obedience, which we giue to God faith,mufl haue their hearts kindled with ade by trufringhis very word, may bee right obefire :odoe the things before named, fpecially 1 , dience,it mofl hauc fixe conditions.Firll: ofal, t<> gme credence toeuery word of(bed. W ce it mufr be•~folutc:for we mufl(as it ~ere)fhot may not forfakeGod for any creatore:nowwe vp ourowneyes, & limply without any more forfake him,whe we diflrufrhim in his word. ado trull: God vpon his bare and naked word, Againe,not to beleeue God,is very Atbcifinc. and fuffcr our feiuesto be led by it. In namrall For by this meanes God is made a iyar, and things experience is firfr, & then f•ith comes his glory and maieflie is abolifhed. It is the afterward. AndThomas following natorc de. greatefl part ofour glory to beleeoe God : as fired firfr to feele,before he would beiieue.But D Chrifr faitb,Iob. 3, 33.He that recciues hu refti– God mufr b~ rrutled. though t~l~t which bee -~M"" rehisfea/e,thatgedutrue;tbat is,giues fatth beagamfr reafon and expenence. Thus Vnto God,as it were,a te!limonialofhistruth, ..AbrohambeleeuedGod•gainjJallhumanehope, and thereto puts his hand and fealc.And what 2, Rom 4· r8. Thefi:cond condition is,thatthis greater honor caa there be then this, th:rt the obedience mu!l:beft>:ccre, Fo~ wee mu(\ trufr creature fhould gioe tcflimony to theCreatorI Gods word fortt felf,becaufe tt!sGodsword: Thus much ofthe conceiuing of' faith : now all by·refpeas fer apart.Theywhich are as the followes the Raigne of faith. The raigne of ltony ground, receiue Godsword and reioyce faith is, when it beares rule &.fway in the hart in it:aud yet afterw~rd in time of temptation & life.For:where faithis,there neitherthogbt, Lul:.s. go awry.The reafon IS,becaufe they recetu<the wJIJ,affechon,nor lufl ratgncs,butfaith alone. wor1, aodmoyce ''"'• not properly for 1t felfe, It ratgnes by twoatl:i<>ns.Firfr ofall,it moues bur tn refpetl:ofhonour, profit , or pleafure, and makes vs to attend on the calling ofGod which they looke toreape thereby. John the & yield fubietl:iou to him in his commande~ lob,f.Jf Baptifrwasaburningca.ndle:and rh• Iewesrements.Pau/faith, Rom·3·3I· that faith ej/abliW.Jced~nhu ltght, oaely m refpetl: ofthe noueljhcrhthc t.w: & one reafon isbecaufc itmakes t!e of"·: and therefore the holy Gho~ faith; vs doe that which the law prefcribes.Againe, Theymoycedm •t butforafeafon,The thud con• P.v<l faith, that his weapons ~re JPirima/1 •nd :.~"'· 'l• 3· S f 2 might'