Luk. 7. 47• !oh.8.f6 I• How to liue, and thatwell. then theancimt: andhe renders the caufe ther• A ! in focrifice. A grieuous crolfe: for by this offrom the W?rkeof~IS faith; For thy •meanes all hopeis cut olf,touchingthepromimes areeHer W>th me,C!J' theyare mymeditat,.ns. \fed feed. Yet by faith .Ahr•h•m frill beleeues Out'?f the fame fountaine fpriflg •!I good afthe promife,andthat inthe veryofferingofhis ftchos. The louewherby we loueGod,comes focne. Lafily,fa1th cloth not limit Godfor the ofour faith,beleeuing the louewherwith God m~afurc ~faf£lid:ion.Iob faith,Iob 1 3 • 1 5, Hee loueth vs. The perfwafion ofthe forgtucnetfe ,.,a troft~nGod,tho•ghhe ki_/ was agrieofmany fins in the woman that walhed Chri!l: uous afflid:ion for D•uid to bedriuen out of hisfcere with l:er teares, caufed her to lhcw his kingdome by hisowne fon,yet mark what much loueto Chrift. Godly forrow,when the he faith in the flight, 2 Sam.t5·>6· 'ffheefay heart is. grieued properly for the offence of '/haueno delight inthee, beh•ld,hmT 4 m,ltt hi,;, God,anfeth offa1th apprehendmg and beleedo vntome as f"•llfteme goodonhiuyts. The fe. 2 , uing themercy ofGod in Chrift. And in cuecond ad:ion offaith, is to make vs beleeuethe rygood worke, thert:is a three-folde ad:ion promifes ofGod,whenwefeele thecontrary required. Firft, thereis required an aa ofge· & inone contrary to beleeue another. Whe~ nera~ faith,which i• to beleeue,that tbe work 11 we feele our own fios;it makes vs beleeue our to be done in his kinde pleafeth Go<l. WhAtft· iuilification: whenwefeele our wretchednes <lle~i< notiff•ith i<ftnnt,. The fecondisanad: & mifery,itmakes ':s beleeue our happinetfe; oftufi1fymg faith,which ts to purge the heart, whenwe feele nothmg but death it makes vs and to caufe it to bring forth the good work to beleeue our eternal faluation:wh;n weappre· be done.Pf.n6.1o.I belttued,eherefore I JP•k£. hendGodsanger,and feel• him to be oureneThe third is alfo an act ofiufrifyingfaith, that mie, it makes vs to apprehend his mercy, and is, when the worke is done, to apprehend to beleeue his fatherly kindnes. When Chrifi Chri!l:, whoby his merit is rocouer thedefed: wasfurfaken ofGod,he.euen then by his faith ofthe workes: becaufe no worke ofourscan beleeues God to be his God. The third a<lion pleafe God without remifsionof finne. of faith in afflictions, is to alfure vs ofGods 3; Thus newnetfe oflifewith all parts thereof, I prefence, and to behold him with theeyes of · bath his off fpringofour faith. Yea aftcrthat faith.Thus DaNidfaith,Pfol.r6.8.[ h<H<fottbe H& aman isonce made anewcreature,faith giues Lordalwllies bif.reme:forhe i; """.Y'~ht hAnd. ,;. ·"• him his life and fcnfe: faith is the eye of the M'?fos left Ecypt, and feared notthewrath of minde,wherebywebehold Chrill inthe word thddng; ber:~Hft he[AW him thllt WMinHijible, andSacraments.Bythisfaith.Abr•hamfawth< C When the feruant of Elijhafeared ouermuch day ofChrifl .ndreio)~ed. With this eye we may the hoaft of the king of Syria that compatfed fufficiently behold Chrift; and bodily fightin the towne ofDothan, the Prophet prayes to this cafe is not necelfary for the time of this God for him, rhathis eyes mightbe opened, :King. life: therefore Chrift faith, Ioh.•o·•9· BttjftJ tofee the fiery charrets ofthe AngelsofGod 6•'f· •re theynohich hRH< trotfteR<, andh<He bet.eued. prote8ing him:and we likewifeare topray to Againe,faith is the hand ofthe foule,whereby God, that theeyes ofour minds may be ope· we may holdon Chrilt, and receiue him with ned, to beleeue and to acknowledge rhe1iune all his benefits. It is the mouth of the heart, or the like proteaion. And thus arc men to whereby we feed on Chrifi, eating his booly& liue by faith in the midft oftheir afllio!lions. drinking his bloodto eternalllife.It isthe feet By this which hath becne faid, weeare ad. ofthefoule,thatmakes\'sWRik!withGod.Lafi· monilhed firfi of all to acquaint our felues ly,it is a meanes to bring vs into familiaritie withthepromifes of<!'>od, as they are reccrwith God. Forit is an eare whereby we heare ded inthe booke ofthe Prophets & Apoftles : Godfpeakrovsinbisword;anditisasitwerc fecondly, at all times tobuildvponthemby the tongue ofthefoule,whereby we fpeake ro our faith, and not to futfer our felues tB bee God by inuocation ofhis !.oly name. D drawne from thcm,thougb all temporall blefTo goe yet further,fpiritualllife is mofiofall fings ofGod faile vs, yeahealth& lifeit felfe. manifeft in afllid:ions a>1d temptations, .in the This istoarme ourfelues witha lhield againlt bearing whereoffaith reignes : and that bya all the fierie darts ofthe diuell, and toputona three-fold a<lion. Firftofall, it makes vs to brea.fJ-p!At8, that will fane the heart and life, Eph. 6, depend on Gods promifes , and to truft God though otherwife in temptations we be grie- ••· without limitation.For it doth notlimit God uoufiymaimcd and foyled. · 1 8Thelf, to :my fer timeofdeliuerance, but leaucsallto Thus much offpiritualllife. T~arourtem· f. • God,Ifa. 28.16· He that belmus,dothnotm~~kt poralllifeis lead by faith,! make it thusmanih4]/e, '1Janiel,D.n.9 to. waited 7o.yeercsfor felt: Temporalllife is preferued and maintaideliuerance out ofcaptiuitie in Babylon, and ned by an honefi calling: euery calling bath then finding the time of deliuerancetobeat his labourandwork: and the labourofall calhand,he prayed to God for the fame. Agaioe, lingsbath mili:rie and_rrouble for hisco~pafaith doth not limit God to any meanes of niocandfellowo01 and mallthefefaithraignes deliuerance. God made promife to .Abraham aHd beares the fway in them that belerue• ·. ofabld!C:d feed. For the verifying ofthisproForthe firfr, that is, ~or thechoofin!l and miCe hee gaue him lfa•c in his old age. This holdiugofo~rcallmgs WJth goodconfcicnce, done, he commands him to offer hi• only Son there isreqmred • d01Jble vfe offaith:.For we . . muft