Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I \4-78 Howtoliue>andthatwell. . . I mighty,bringing merytho•ght infob.,£/iiito God. A!r.crall faithofthe law,& the threatniugsther-l \ Now th<fe m•ghue weapons are the word of of, and tttscalledRom 8.15, the fPirnofbon. I God prezched and belecued. Hethatisborne ' d•gttofeare; becanfe it caufeth invs afight of ~-!oh,3. ofGod cannot fin, becaufe thefoe~ofGodreour finnes, an apprehenfion of Gods anger, mames mhtm,that IS 1 the word nungled wuh feare ofdue and dcftrued condemnation de.. Hcb. 11 • faith. 'J'.&ah his faith made him build an Arke fpaire of out felucs in rcfpeel of our fclues7 · at Go~sco_mmandcment:after it was made)to This beingdone,the fa'me 1Pirit workerh in vs ellter mto tt, and nottodare to come out of another faich, calledfo•int or i•Jiibing faiih: Gen. r ,, tt, ttll he had warrant from God. AhrAhams and 1t apprchendeth or rcceiuerh Chrifl with •· faith made him forfake biscountrey and kinhis benefits, by certaine fleppesanddegrees drcd at Gods C~>mmandement, & go he knew and they are fpecially three.For firfl ofallvp: sot whither. And that good obedience may on a thorough touch and liuely fenfe of our bee performed to euery commandemcnt of miferie, there arifeth in the minde an carnefl God,faith works two things invs,memo>yAnd a~d feriousmeditarion ofthepromife ofmerattention.Memone-~wherebyGods word1s la1d cte,and the benefits thereinoffered : aad it is PC:U.I! 9 . vpin the heart , that it may be drawne outto B called the openingorpiercingof 'Pfal. n. yfe,when occafion !hall be offered. Attention 40.6. Then in the fecond place there followes Atl.r6, IS, when fatth makes vs fenoully to confider apurpofe, wtll, defirc aad indeauourtobe1•· and to bcleeue that the commandement of leeue, vpon confideration of the commande. God is acommandement not for forme, but in menr of God that bids vs to beleeue and aorloh. 3 truth, and that it doth indcede pertaine to vs. ply thcpromifc to our felues. And further this •9· An example ofboth thefc a/lions of faith we will and defirc fhewes it felfe by inflanrand haue inloftph, who when he was tempted to fcrious inuocation, whichisnothing elfe buta folly ofPutiphars wife, anfwer<d, Gen. 39• 9· flying from the condemning fenterice of the Shall/ d.ethiswick[dnejfc, AND SINNE law,tothe throneoftraceformercie. Thirdly, Hch. 4 , AGAINST GOD? M•rl:,cherehowhis afterthis,therefollowcsinprocdfeoftime,a ••. mindc was fi!led and poffdfcd with athought 1 fetling and quieting of the miGde touching and confideration of Gods commandement. Chrifl and his benefits, vpon fome alfurance The fecond aelion of faith , wh~Fcby it thereof, wrought and concciued in the minde raignes in the heart,is to elhblifh& confirme by the fpiritofGod. And this thirddegreeis themthatbdeeueinthcirobedience, andfubcalledaftab/ij/,rd th01~,ght.lja. z6. 3• On this ieBion to God. And this it doth, by prefen- C manner come weby degrees to receiue Chri!t tingGodspromifestothemjnd.For._bymeans for our full recenciliation with God•. For ofthem it worketh foure aelionsinthe hearr. when vpon thecommandementto belccue,we Firflofall, it makes vs Aie vntotbe true God doein any meafure beleeue Chrifl to bee our alone, whofe the promifes arc. Secondly, it Chrifl, heisour Chriflindcedeaccording to makesvsro bdeeue thatGod bothcan& will the renour ofthe Euangelicall couenant. Thus helpe vs according to our neede. Thirdly, it f~Ith apprehending Chrill: for ourreconciliamakes vs to hope for hishelp,thatis,forgood tton withGod, becomes aviBcrioUd conqueror r Ioh. S'· tucceffein profperitie, & deliuerancc,orfome and preuailes 01gainil the Law, Satan, heJI, 4• mitigation ofoureuils in aduerfirie,accordiog death, condemnation, and all our fpirituall to the tenourofhispromifes. Laflly, thou'gh enemies: and thus euery beleeueri.abouerhe temporall plcfsings faile, itmakesvsftillto Law,finne,hell,death, eueninthislifc. reil:on God for IT!ercie & for life euerlafling. The fccond a<lion of faith in the cafe of And thus at all times it makes God to be our I our reconciliation with God,isto certifie and refuge,ourcaftle, ourrockc,andtowcr ofdealfurc vs in confcience thereby; and that is fe 9 ce.Thus we fee generally how faitb raignes. done by a pral:\icall fyllogifme, whichfaith Toproceede further, the infl manliues a D framesir\the mindcon this manner: dooble life namely,a fpirirualllife, and a tern. H.e tkAtbeke~es the Gof}ell, fb•llh•ue allthe parall, and both pf ~bemare led byfaith ; as benefitsJPtdbleffings ofGodpromiftdthmin. I will pl~irJely manifefl; Spiri,oaM life, whicb 11Ht He/mu.the. Gof}elt, and I beleeoe in is rho beginning ofetemalllife,flandsfpecialChrift; . lyin foure things. Reconcjliation with God, 1'herifo~ethebmefitspromiftdtbereinare"'""' peaccofconfcience,ioyofthe holy Ghofl,and The"'atoror firlt parrof thisreafon, ts the acwnetfe oflife.Touchingreconciliation with voiCe ofthe Gofpel: theminor or che fecond . God in Chrifl itisreaealed,offered,and giuen partis the·vo)ceofthe belecuing hearr,whiCli vntovs in th;maine prornifes of the Gofpel fubie<'l:eth it felfe. in w_ill and a!!C<lion to the and in the Sacraments: and it is no wayinthis comandemet '''htch b1ds vsbdtene mChrifl: world made ours and holden ofvs,but by our & this is the a<l offpcciall faith-And we may faith. And in the cafe of our reconciliatiGn notthinkethatthisv.oiceofthebeleeumghart with God faithhath two allians one toreisa falfe alarum. For he that trutly bcleeues ceiue it, th~ otherte atfure vs ofi!. , hath his minde and confciencelupcrnaturally Touching the firfl, faith apprehends and inlightned to difcerne that hee bcleeues. ~he ( receiues reconciliation on this manner; ~irll thirdparc.orthe, 1s thefoundat1o~ ofall thefpirit of God workes ina manageof allour IOY and fpmtuall comfort. For It conraines