Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

How to /iue,and that well. 481 l mufl:haueafaith wherbywerouO:beaffured A faith, 'Pfal.)~·22· C41thyburdmonth•Lwd, thatour callings ;,. good, & lawfull in them. andh,jhnllno•rijh thee.Againe,B• nothingcar.. {duos: a. Pa•lfaith, What[olueru notoffatth u full, butma&thmgs letyourrequefobefhewedfJnto ft•ne.For the fetling ofthis faith,this rule mufl: God,i• pray" &fopplication with thankdf,iuing; be remembred, that offices & cafliugswhich &,C41yourcareonGod.Nowthis faith,wherferue to preferue tlio good efl:ate ofany famibywe depend on God forthi fucceffe of our ly,Church,or common wealth, are lawfull & labours; bath an infallible ground , namely, ofGod: becaufe thefe are eO:ates ordamed of that God befl: knowes our wants, and he will God, and eO:ablilhed in the commandements giue vnto vs all things which hee inhis wifeofthe m<>ralllaw,fpecially inthdirfl:,fifth,& dome kuowes to be necelfary. ChriO: fairh; fixt commandem:nti. Againe, faith is requiMat.6.JI. Your ht4uep':f Father k!Jo•veth·that red, wherby euery man muO: beleeue, thatthe you haue need of theftthings, that is,food& raycallingin which heis; is the particular calling ment. Againe,Hecamhfor;you:and,Nothing in which God will bee ferued of him. ForvnJh•ll be wanting 'IJntothemthatfeare God,Ifmen kffe theconfciencc be fetled in this;· no good would by faith build on thefe promifes, they workcaobedoneinany calling. Andforthe B lhouldnotneedlikedmdgesofthe world to bettcrcO:ablilhing oftheconfcience, another foyleand fpend themfelues, and the beO: part rulemufl: be remembred,Thatthey which are of theirdayes in worldly cares,as they do:for furnilhed withgiftsfortheircallings,namely, they fhould haue a greater blefsing of God aptnctll: and willingnetfe, and are·thereunto with leflecare,ifthey would trufrhim:& they calledorfet apartby men, whom itconcernes thouId haue farre more time then they haue, to call,aremdecdcallcdofGod. Thus the Elto care for heauen and heanenly. ders ofEphefHI hauiog gifts to feede, and beThirdly and laO:Iy , euory calling fince the ing not called of God immediately , but by fall ofAdttmbath mifery and affliCli0n to bee men , are faid to be madco•erfeers by the holy his companion. And forthe quiet bearina of Ghoft, AndPau!faith, that<!lodcommitted themifericofeucrycalling, faith isof g~eat {8Cor,f, notonly to himfelfe, butalfotoTimothy the! moment• For it workes parience by · 1 :hm. 4 minifterie ofreconciliation: and yet wasTidi"g and fetling our minds itrtwo things: the 14 , mothynotcalled immediately ofGod, but by' firfl:,that God is well pleafed withvs,andthat men· And thus,in all·otheroffices and condiwee ate rcoonciled to God>in G:hriO:: the fetionsoflife,herhat hath gifts fit for his place, cond, that al cur miferiesihal in the end tnrne and is iR good manner calledtberto, by them c to our goodoand euerlafling faluation : and whofe dutie iristo call , may allure himfelfe, where thefe two p<rfwafions tal<eplace,there thatheiscalled ofGod, and from this doubt~ iscontentation in·any eO:ate. faithandperfwafion;thatourcallingislawful Thus much for the meaningoftherext, in it felf•,& lawfull or pleafing God in refpell now followes the vfe. The lirfl: and principall ofvs, arifeth an alfurance ofthe prefence of vfeconcer~es.the information of our iudgeGod,and ofhisprotedion,whenwewalkein ment,in themaine pointofour faluaticn. For the duties ofour callings. hence 'Paul bath taught' vs to garher, that a In thelabour and work ofonr calling,there finneris iuflified before Godby his faith withisrtquired a double adion offaith. The firO: out the workes ofthe law.Andhedifputeson is, to order ourlaboars, thatthey be done in this manner: Ifafinntr be iuftijledbyfaith.heeM good manner,thati•,inobedienceand togood f" iuj/ifiedby thel•w : bHt • fmner M iufhfiedby cnds,that is,toGodsglorie,andto thegood of faith,therefore heeMnot iuftifiedby the law. The men, with whom we liue. In this rc~ea: 'is conclufion is propounded in tne I I. verfe of Hcb.u, 7 No•hfoid to build•~ .Ark§·byfaith, an g"od the 3- chapter to the Galatians. The m•ior is ~rinces to order their common wealt~s, and confirmed in the I •· verfe by the diners manmWay ofprotechon to make warre wtth their D ncr ofiufl:ifying: The law (faithPaul) i~tflifi· enemies: and thus muO: euery man ofeuery etiJbydoing, not hyheleeuint>andfaithiuftifieth oflic~,calling,rrade, oc~pation,doe ~~duty not by dojng,hut bybeieming.-The~inor is conby faith. The fecond ad10nof fa1th Ism our firmed mrhe 1 I the tefl:tmony ofthe vttli: ll• daily labours to reO:raine and moderate our Prophet Habacuk.; TheiHjlfoallliueby hMfaith. f 4 • care. Men commonly takevpon them a douAnd whereas the PapiO:sofourtimefay, that ble care: one is to do the workes and labours P•ul in this argument difputes onely againO: oftheir callings;theotheri~ to procure a bleffuch workes ofthe law as are done by nature, ling& good fucceffe to thetr forefaid labours. but notby grace : the¥ erreandare decei•ed. But faithin Gods word where it raigns,it llirs For bee oppoleth not workes of nature and vp the heaJts of men onely to the firfl: care, workes ofgrace, but workes and faith, doing whichisin the performance oftheir painefull and beleeuing·: and tbe Prophet faith very labours & duties, and it reO:rainest~emfrom plainely:and markc it: that tlie iufl: man,who the fecond, caufing them to leaue_Itto God. IS ad?oerof the workes ofgrace, is iuflilied for ~hen men haue done th~ duue that apand~mes not l>y his workes, but by his faith. J>t.ltames vnto them, then fatth makes them Ag~me, where they make a double inO:ifiWithoutanymor~adoe,towatteforablefsmg catwn; one whereby afinner is made a iu£l: . on God. To thiS purpofe the holy Gholt man, the other whereby a iuft man is made Sf4 more Phil. ~,6 r,Pet.,-.1 Pfai, J4•9