Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

4-82 Hotp to liue, andthatwell. inore iufi: and teach that the lirfi is byfaith A ofLot, when they heard ofthe de!lrcCl:ion of withootworkes , and thefecondbyfaith and Sodome, efieemed it but as amockerie. Thus 1Ca,18 1 workes,they erre likewlfe.For notonelyafindtd the Iewes make a !<ague with hell and ner vnconuetted,butthe iufi man ftands iull,& death,and faid with themfeluesthat the fcout. 1!, is fiil iufiified by hi~faith withouthis workes. gesofGodfhould notcomeatthem. Andin Mar.t4. Pm<l when he·alleadgcd this textknewbut of this lafi age of the world, men !hall addia !7· one iufiification, whether we refpeCl the bethcm_felues to l'leafi~res and prolits, thinking ginning , or the continuance and the accomnothmgofany mdgementofGod, till vengepliibment thereof. ance befall them. The fixth is,wii{Hllignor•nce Secondly, hence ·maybelearnedthe right of.the w1U and word of God. For the diuell 6. way ofreformatien ofour liues.In this reforblindes the minds ofthcvnbclect~ers that the mationtwothingsare required:anExarninati· !igbtofthe Gofpel fhine not vnto th;m. This t:Cor.... •nandach.nge.Ifwe examine ourlines by this IS thefault ofout common people: whocom4·, text, wefhal findtwo inainefaults and abeeramonly holdanopinion, that it belongs not to tions in the liuesofmen. The fitfi is,that they them to knowthe word ofGod: becaufe they reiea and put away the rule ofdireaion that B arenot learned (as they fay:) or becaufe they krues for theorderin~ oftheir liues. And this haue other bufinelfe to thinke on. The lafi theydoe, when they oe not beleeue and ttufr fcuitisw~rldlines, and thatis, when men mind 7' God in his word.And we maynotthink, that nothing but worldly matters. And thiscomts Mar.,6, this our vnbeleefc is afmall matter: becaufe ofthe wantoffaith in the prouidence ofGod. j<, itisamother finne ofall other finnes : and it Thefe are tht principall fruites of vnbekefe, is theprincipalllaw ofthe kingdome ofdark· whereby itmayeafily bedifcerned anddefcrinelfe,notto beleeueGod. Hereupon our ene· ed whereit u. Andifany man thinke himfe!fe mic Satan endeauoured byall meanes to imtohaue afulnelfe& perfeCl:ion offaith, as ma• print this Ielf on of vnbeleefe inthe mindes of ny doe: enen·this one thing is afufficiet atguour lirfl: parents: and hauing etfeC\ed his purment_ofhis vn.beleefe.Forit is the fir£! fieppe pofe, hee cuer fince endeauoured to makethis tofaith to fee l1l ourfeloes the wantoffaith. ,,frUits finneto raigne in the liuesofmea. Itraignes The fecond maine aberratiou in the lines of of vn~- commonly by feuen fpeciall fruits or finnes. men is, that they fet vp falfe rules to order Jccfe. The lirft is.Atheifme,when men denyGod and choirHues by: and they are foure. The fidf is lo hisword• .Atheifmehathtwllkrts: Epicarifthe light of n.tNraNre•fon. For many areofo• meandTemporifing.Epicui c:is,whenmen c pinion , that is is fufficient to the pleafing of contemning Gods commandements, threatGod,iftheyIiueciuilly,that is,do iulhce toenings, promifes, care for noth~but meate, uery man, and liue peaceably, hurting none. drinke, and pleafllres. Tempoi mg is, when This isthe blind Diuinitieofthe world,thatif men imbrace religion fo farre forth as they theycarryrhemfelues thus and thus, whatfoareforced by!awes & times, &no otherwife. uertheir finnes be, God will hold them e~cuThefe are the commm1 finnes of our dayes. fed.But they are farre wide:for inalife accepThe fecond fruit is Herejie, and that is, when tabletoGod,fai~sr<quired,rhelight ofreamen difirufi God infame article offairh.This fon 'viJ notferue t eturne.PIf«I fairh,Rom. 8.7 2· fruit aboundsinthelafi ageofthe world : ber.Cor.:.I4• Thewtdomet{thenaturallman -H caufeinthefe timesthediuelbathreceiued the _ ·enmitie ttJ G~d;~tnd e C4!1not difi·"ne the thingstj herefies ofthe former ages. The third fruit is, God. The Pharifees had ciuill iufiice&good3• .Apojlajie, and that is when men chaungetheir nelfe: yet faith Chrifr,exceptyOHr i•ftice exceed Mat.r. faith and religion. Andthischange is made, theirs,yecAnnotenterintothe k!,ngdomr '![heaHen. 20, Hcb..J.i• when theeuil heart ofvnbeleefe caufeth them The fecond faUc Rule is fo•fo; that ill, feeto depart from the liuing G?d· T~isbath ~in ing and feeling: by this m~ncommonlyliue. If thefaultofthe peopleofth!S landmthedares D we emoy the good bleiSmgsofGod; health, .4· ofperfecution. The fourth fruit is Hypocrifie, wealth, libertie,peace, honour, good report, which istomake afhew andpretence offaith, then we cantr"fi God; butifhe withdrawhis and to want thepower ofit inhonefi & godly blefsings, and prefent himfelfe to vs with an conuerfution:or againe, hypocrifie is noth~ emptie hand,we trufi him no longer, nay we elfe butthevnbeleefe ofthe heart, couere murmureand defpaire, and without feareof oue; with the falfe appearance offaith. And God, vfeany vnlawfull meancs toreleeueoor it is thecommon fin ofthefe times, in which felues. Though we haue hispretious word,yct aformall orcercmoniall faith,and ceremonial doe we not trufi him vpon his bare andnaked repentance beateagreatfway. Formenmake word,vnles withallhe lay downvntovs fome the highefi degree ofprofeiSion that can bee, good pawne, and makes vs to feele and enwy when they come to the Lords table; and his good blefsings. Againc, ifany man, that yet afterward take to themfelues libertie to is out friend,make ptomr{e ofhelp or dehue5• liueand doe as they lift. The fifth fruit is,carranee in any danger,we refi contentand linde nail fecHritie, when men vpon contempt of our felues much cafed t~ere~y : and yet the the iudgements ofGod,and thrcatnings ofhis promifes maae by God m hJS word ofhelpe Gen.t9• word,goeoneftilin theirlinnes,flatteringand and dehuerance, though they be often read .•. cfoothing themfelnes. Thus the fonnes in law vnto vs, and often vrged , breed not the hke con-