Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

How to liue,and that well. 483 contentation. Hothat on his death bed bath A nifold fruits thereof. And we haue good caufc commend.ed his children to fome rrufl:ie todo fo.For byvnbdeefe the dinell eretlshis friend,departs more_qnietedin minde, th~n if kingdo,ne in mens hearcs, and works his plea- Eph 4:,:, he had comended the WltOOUt he!pe offnend fure in vs and vpon vs. Secondly, vnbeleefe to God their bdi father. Aman vpon good corrupts, &defiles all ouractions whatfoeuer, fecurity lends to anothoran xoo. pounds, horhough orherwife they be good and lawfull in ping for the principal! withthe increafe at the themfelues.Pa~tlfaith,Tit.x .r 5.thartovnbelu. yeares end: yerdarenot he skarfe deliuer an uers allthingsare1.mcleanc,yeatheir minds cj- con~ IOO· pence to the poore members ofChrifr, fcicnces aredefiled. Tbirdly,vnbclcefe dcpriues vpo the promife& bondofGod himfelfe,who vs ofthcgood blcfsings ofGod which otherlfl.7o9• faith,ProH,J9·17.Hcthatgiuutoth~ poore,lends wif ..we might enioy. Ifye belceHe not,yejiMII '"he Lord,&he willreturne the faid gifts with notbeeftablifbed, faith the Prophet. In Caperablefsing.Now allthiscomes to pa!fc,l)ecaufe naumChrifr could not doe great wond<;rs, by Mark,6.f men rather rrull them whom they fee, then reafon <>ftheir vnbeieefc. Lafrly, vnbcleefe Godwhom they neuer faw. Moreouer,it is a plucksdowne vponf1!en the plagues & iudgepropertyofthem thatdoeindeede belee!re; to B ments ofGod. Mofes and Aaronwere bJrred Numto. iudge their efrate by feeling : but herein they the land ofCanaan fortheir vnbeleefe.A e<r- ... deceiue themfelucs: For we mull: liueby faith taine Prince was trodcn to death in the gates t.Km.7. and not byfeeling: and feeling isoften deceitC ofSamaria, becaufe he would not beleeue the 11.17· full:l3ecaufe fuch as finally fa! away from God word ofthe Lord by the mouthofElifh•· z•. d.,6.4, may haueafeeling,ortafrofthe good word of ch•rie was dumb for a time; becaule he would Luk.t .to God,and ofthe powers ofthe life to come. not beleeue the me£f<ge of the Angel. Many The rhird falfe Rule, isf•ifofaith, which is at this day, w!•en the iudgemenrs ofGod lye "• without or againfr the word. Thus theTarke hcauy on them,fay prefently they are forcfpoliues by his falfe faith: the Iew by his, the Paken, and they cry our on this or that fufpetted pifr by his; for he beleeues aswe! the Traditi· witch.Bur fiach perf6s are often deceiued. For ons ofmcn,as the word ofGod, & he.puts hts the great witch that cloth them allthe hurt, is trufrnot onely in God, but alfo in the Crea-· rhevnbd~efeoftheir hearts whereby they ditures,namely,Saints and Angels. Thus alfo do frrufr God in his Word:and this finne alone,if Magicians, forcercrs, witches, enchanters, there were no witches in theworld,is'fufficiCc whatfoeuer they doe, by aSatanicall faith in alone to prouoke God to plague and punifh that couenir whtch they haue made with the C vs fundry waies, and that grieuou{]y. Theredeuill. And fuch perfons as aske counfell of fore letvs with bittcrnes <ifheart bewaile our witches and wizzards: called cunning men & vnbeleefe: and the rather, becaufe it is a!lep women:help'e themfelues onely by their falfe tofaithtoacknowledgethe wantoffaith. faith. For wnen they vfe chatmes or fpcls,or The fecond thing to be done,is to make exlike Saranicall ceremonies, they commonly amination whether we be in coofcicnce con~ find feccelfe, &arc helped ofthe euils that beuilledofthecerraimieoftheword or no. If tide them. And that comes to pa!fe on this webenot,wemufrlabour tobe conuinced.Bemanoer. In the vfe ofthe forefaid ceremonies caufe that naturall atheifme,wherby we doubt pceiCribed &deliueredbywitches, they haue whether the books ofthe Prophets and Apoa blind and crronious faith' vpon their faith fl:les bee _the word ofGod or no, hinders the fol!owes a Satanicalloperatic>n in effed:ing of certainty offaith. Forthe fetlingofrhec011the cure defired. Forcharmes and fpels being fcience in thispoint, thefe arguments may be but words, haue novertue in them roeafe or vfed..The firfl:; it is aprinciplein nature that belpe man or beal'c, eithe<by creation orby athere ts a God: ifthere be a God, nature can ny ordinance ofGod in his word: and therefa~ heis to be worlhipped: ifhe be robe wor-. fore the elfed: they haue, is by,the power of D fhtpped, he bath reuealed himfelfe and his wil :.Pfal.t~t the diuell vpon mans faith- Let our common to man, for otherwife he cannot be worlhip6.u~ JJ. peoplethinkonthis, who though they much ped. And thisreuelation is to be found in the and,t4. boafr of their faith in Chrifr, yet whenthey writings ofthe Prophets and ApO>frles and in ·Luk.z.S, are in any extremity, or daunger, very com- . noother writingsofmen: becauft: we find the u,u. monly ·prad:ifethis Satanicall faith. dod:tine of Scriptures to be agreeable to the Apoc, !8.7. Thei.,frfalfe rule,is thcluftofthe he•rt: and very narure a,nd maiefl:ie ofGod, and fo is no I.Cor.a, by this rule doe mofr men fquare their liues. other dochine or learning whatfoeuer. Forit 14· Thelufrrhatcommonly rules is threefold: lufr is the mol1: ancient,& all other religions come Mat.t%, concerning bodily pleafure , lul1: of worldly farre fhort ofit. It is one and the fame euer. '4· Pl•l,7, 8. Wealth,Jnflofhonour,as S.Jihnfaith,I .Joh.z. more confi:nting with it fdfe,without c'hano-e Ha :815. 16 WhA!{oet~erMinthe world, UthelufttJfthe or alteration. The Apofrles agree with tF.e Lu!c, u. flefh,theli<ftofthe eyes;•ndthepride oflife, Prophets: the Prophets with Mofes: and all 1Zt4f• Thus much of the examination.; now fol ~ with the firfr rcuelation made at the creation. Numo20 !owes the change. ;fhat wee may change our Againe,(a)itdifcouers and reueales the fecret IZ. Pfa.p.& ltuesin rcfpell ofvnbelecfe, foure things are t~oughts ofm~n, ~hatno arte or learning can tt6.n.& rcqutred. The firfr,is that wee tnufr acknowdtfcouer: ana rhts argues that it was penned 7{•Ht13 ledgeand bewaile ourvnbeleefe,with the mabyhim who is the fearchcr ofall hearts. The l.Ttm.!. fecond '3• H \