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Ecdef.;. Heb.4.U. 1..Cor,Yo f. 1.King. IJ•2:• lfa.44• end. , fecond argument is a wonderfull ENidence •fi A This done, then fellowes the third point: I th.,ruth,nottobe found inany orher writings and thaus, that wee mufr fearch and inquire I m the w~>rld.Th1s emd~nce ftands fpecially in what is the fub!lance and fcope of the word e1ght thmgs. The firlbs, that the writers of ofGod.Thefcopeofthewhole Biblds Chrifr • Scriptures fully & plainlyfet down their own with his benefits, and heis reuealed,propoonfaults,yearhcir chiefe!l faults, uot fparing to ded,andoffered vntovs in the mail!e promife fl1ame rhemfe~1es in mans reaton:and this arof the.word: .the tenour whercefis,that God gues; that in writing they were guided by the will gme rcmJfs1on of finnes and life euerlafl... r. lob+ fpirit oftruth.Thefecond is,that the booksof ing to fuch as will beleeue in Chrill. To this >lo Scripture contain many mifreries ab0ue the maine promife, God hath added a maine reach ofmans reafon, yet not againfr reafon: commandement, which bids vs to beleeue btcaufe lio.e may difcerne atruth in them, and the faid promife , or to apply Chrill with his that by grounds and principles ofreafon. The bendits vnto our felues. Now thenour third third, that the fpeeches ofScripture •ime not dutieis, to fubietl: our hearts and wils to this at by-rcfpells,but firnply & abfolutely giue& commandcment that bids vs to beleeue in afcribo all glory to God alone. The fourth is, B Chrifr.This is the fubietHonoffaith,ofwhich that the Scriptures containe full and perfe~ two thmgs mull be obferued. One is rhat doctrine forrhe pacifyins,fetling, & direaing this is the lir!l fubiection that we can giueto ofthe confcience in all things. The lifth,is the God, . to ttu!l him vpon hispromife forthe holines and purity ofthe law ofMofis,in that pardon ofour finnes,and for erernalllife.And it accnfeth and condemneth all men oftinne from this fubiectien offaith, arifeth our fuband ptefcribeth perfect righreoufneife. Here~ iellion to the whole word. In Chri!lare all in it furpatfeth the lawesofall countries,comthe promifesofGodJ•A,and .Amm: the lawe ,.Cor,,o mowealt~s,kingdomswhatfoeuer.Thefixth, and theobedience ofall the commandements is the wifedome that appeares in the policyor thereofis eftablifhed byfaith; without Chrill go•ermetoftheCommonwealrhoftheiewcs no good things can bee done. The fecond fet downe by Mo[cs. The feanenth,is a reconpoint is, thatthis fubietl:ionis ea!iein refpetl: ciliation of iufricc and mercy propounded in ofthat fubiection which the law requires.The the Gofpel. For in Chrifr iu(\ice and mercy perfetl: obedience ofthe law is impofsible to meet,& iufrice after a fort gines placeto meral menexcept Chrifr, yea to 1Uchasare borne cy. The eightthing, wherein the euidence of anew oftheholy Gho!l, thoughfor the time truth appeares, is rhe confent of Scriptures C ofthis life, they defireit neuer fo earne!lly. with it fclfe:for doctrine agrees with hi!lorie, Yet faith in Chrifr ant! repentance is fo farre and euery part with eu<ry part. This manifold forth p6fsibleto all that will and dcCtreit,that euidence oftruth,fhewesthat Scripture is fro whofoeuor doth' feriouOy but will to beleeuc the God oftruth. Ifany fay,thatthey find no and to beconuerted, dothindeed beleeue and lil<:h euidence in Scripture,! anfwer,it is their isconuerted, and doth plcafe God, and fhall own fanlt:forifthey would feriouOy readc the not l'eri~ eternally; although the beginning Scriptures with prayer to God , it would apof thts faJthand conuerfion be weake, fo it be peare. The third argument, isrhe efficacie of ia truth and not counterfeit. {fo. 1. 19- lfy the word:which appearson this maner.Gods wiNand.bry, yeefoal/ werh• good things '![the word is flat comrary tothenaturcanddifpoland. Luk:,u.q. TourhMumlyFath.rgiue:h fitio11 ofman:aod yet for all this, when beeing the h•ly Ghojlto them thatdejir. him. Mat. u . preached, itcon~incerh and condemnethmen 3o.Myyo~u eaftea~~dmyburdenlight. Thereofftnne, it mrneth and conuerteth them to it fore letvstric ourfelues whether wehaue wil 1Cife , and caufeth them to liue and dye in the to fubiect our felues to the word ofGod,that loue and obedience thereof. This could it nebidsvs beleeuein Chri!l,neuerthelelle we may uerdo,vnletfc iiwere ofdiuineoperation.The D not thinke thatthis will to beleeue is in our fourth argument is, that the prophets and Apower. For it is by the fpeciall mercy ofGod poll!es wrpnght miracles for the ratifyingand !lirredvp in thehcartsoftbe eletl:,by theopeconfirming ofrhdr dollrine. Nowrhefemiration0fthe hely Gho!l. racles furpatfe thcllreugth ofnature, & were The fourth and la!l thing in thischangeis, immediately from God:and thereforethedothat faith in Chri!l or in the word beleeued, tl:rinetherby confirmed was alfoofGod. The mufrraigne and ruleinthehcart :bringingthe fifth&lafr,is,thatthe writingsoftheprophets wholeman in 1Ubiectionto the whelc word of & Apofrlescontainmany propheciesorprediGod. And this faith in Chrill deth: becaufe CH6softhings to come, that none could forewhenit is once fetled in the heatt,it works in fee or foretell,butGod.The nameofbft"'and vs a full and fetled faith of euery part ofthe his doings are foretold 330. yeares beforehis word .,[God; namely, ofhis preceptS and of birth.Cyrw and hisdoing are mentioned more his threats : Here then our dutie is to fubiect than an IOo.yeares before he was borne: now our feluesby meaoes ofour faith to the whole thefe and the like prophecies argue that the word:and to futfer nothing within vs but itawholedoctrin is ofGod.By thefe& likeargulone to beare fway.This is the will ofGod;Ltt F•l.J·'• ments are all that inwardly doubt of Gods thewmJ.ifGorNwel/iny••pltntifitl'J.Thegood word,to fettle and e!labli!h their confciences. ground ycelds itfelfeandgiues place, tl1attbc ------~----------------------------------------------------~fi~··~d~·- 1~---