HotJJ to !iue,and th'at n,e/1. 4-85 feed may take deepe root. It is a bleffedthing A creature ofGod,and·mufr doe !;is homage to to haue the kingdome of G0d erec'l:ed 111 our God by beleeuing in him> and becaufe euery hearts: oow this kingdome 1s ereded, when man hath need of Chrifr for htmfelfe: therethe word ofGod keepes all the power ofbofore mufl euery one houe afaith of liis owne dyand foule in fubied'ion. And wherwur faith to lay hold on Chrifl. Itmay be obiected,t!Jat in ChrH1 brings our thoughts, aff"ctions, fometime the faith ofothers harh faued men, words, deeds, fttfFerings, in fubietlion to the Mari(.>•5. When Chrijlfow theirfnith,hefoidt• word ofGod, then we lineby faith. ' thefickt efthepa!fie, thyjinnesareforgiuenthee, The third vfe followech: in that we areto And,/am. 5.16.The prajeroffaith]hallfoue the liue by our faith, wee are taught to feeke for fickt. I a•livc:r, thatthe faith ofone man may knowledge ofthe will and word 0fGod,and bea meanes to procure health ofbody and o· daily to h:creafeinthe"f.1me knowledge; fperher temporall blefsings,yea faith vmoothcrs; cially to acquaint our felues wirh the con\- yet cannot any man recciue pardon ·ofllnnes, mandemcnts of God that coacernevs, with :B and eternalli;fe but for himfelfe. Therefore his promifes,and threarnings. Forfaith is the when it is faid in the lirfr place, Whtn heefow lifeofourfoules,& the word,is thelifeoffaith; thrirfairh, the faith of the palfie man mu{\ not becaufe iris lirfl kindled and afterwardconfir. be excluded but included ; and the place of med by the hearingofGods word. Again,the lam" fpeakes only ofthe bodily health. word moderate.!our faith,thatwe beleeue nor Againc,it m>ybe alleadged,that feeingwe more then wefhonld, orcome fhort in beleeare iufiifiedby tht illflice ofanother·, namely, uiog. The w:ord rh.erefore that ferues thus to ofChrifl: we may alfo be iuflifiedand faued_ limit our faith, mufl be knowne in his feuerall by the faith ofanether. I anfwer,rhatthe rea• heads and points. 1 [on is not alike, becaufe the obedience of Fourthly , hence we lcnrne how wee areto Chrift is both his and ours:his,becaufe it is in carry our felues in greatcft dang~~!, as in rhe him: ours, becaufeitis applyed vntovs by timeofplague and peflilence, in rhe rime of God, and reeeiued by our faith : and the like famine,in the time ofwarre and bl<>adfhed,in cannot be fa id ofthefaith ofany oti1er man. the time ofour lafr and dead!yfickeneffe. We Thirdly, it may be alleadgcd, that Infants haue rhen need ofgreat hdpe : and the onely haue no faith of theirowne,I anfwer,therebe way is then tofray our felucs and eflablifhour 3· opinions touching infants fairh. The I .that hearts byour faith on Gods promif~•· Iris the C infants haue attuall faith wrought in them by vcJ: fcope of this text to teach this one point the holy Ghofl,becaufe itis faid,Matth,J8.6. of oClrioe tothe Iews, being now oppreffed Who[oeurroffmdethoneiftheftlittleoneJ thatbe. by the Bnbyionians.Dauidindangerand Chrifl kcuu in me. But this opinion feemes to be an in the rime ofhis pafsion, by their faith cornvntruth: becaufe faith prefuppofeth vhderHcb-11. mended their fpirits into the hands ofGod. fraoding and knowledge,which infants want. 37· Of the Martyrs & Saints ofGod, fome were Again,ifin~nts receiuedto be!eeue whe they by their faith imprifooed, fome racked, fome areyong, they would nodoubtfhew it when floned. Faith in perilous rime. is ofgreat vfe. they cemeto be ofyeares, but f>ith rhey fhew Firfr when amanishalfcdead,itquickensand none , vnlc!Ie they attaine vmo it afterward puts life in him; as Da•idfairh, Pfol. 119·.49· by diligent teaching and inllruClion. And rhe 51• Rememberthe pr•mifi 111ade t• thyferuant, place in Matthetv may be vnderfrood ofmen trherin t hotehajfcaufedmetotrufl:it Umyc9mfort ofyeeres,who ifthey hauec.Srrite & humbled mmy troub/e.for thy promife bathquicl,!nedmee. hearts; are little ones beleeuingi'n Chril!. AVnd<rfland h<rethe promife as it was rempe- ~aine, children after fome yecrcs bygood t· red and mingled with his faith. Againefaith in ucarion and infrrui:'l:ion, may attaine to fome I the times ofdanger doth as it were fenfe and knowledge, andconfi:quently to faith. Thus copalfevs with the promifesofGod.Thismay D Tim"hJ was brought vP ih tfle Scriptures of begarher<dby the oppofition that isbetween a childe. The fecond opinioi1 is,that all places thefe words and the former. The vni•Jiman ofS'criptures intrcating oftilirh are to be vnP•ffis vp himfolfe, faith rhe Pl'ophet, or builds derflood ofmen ofyeeres,& that childron are' towersofdctecevnro himfelf:butthe iuflman fauedby fome oriKrvnknowne and vnfpeak· only beleeues;& that fh1ll beto him in flcad of able way without faith. Ifomewhat doubtof allrhetowers in the world. Foritbringsvs this;becaufe it is faid, Whiljoeaer beiemethnot,. vnder the prdcncc,wing,& prore<'Ho ofGod, Ualready condmJned. AgJ.ine, ~Vithoutfaith it ii Mar.16, itmakes him to beour fafeguard,and rowerof :imp•Jfible t• pleafe Gad. The third opinion is t6, defence:This doctrine is robe thought on the I th.r children haue f.tith after a fort : becaufe Heb.t',6 rathcr;becJ.ufc,though we now inioy peace& the parenrs according to the tenour of the eo~ other blefsings ofGod, yet our common fins 1 ueoant, IwillbeerhyG•d, andtheGodoflhj and efpecially our vnbeleefc, cals downe for feede, bele<ue for rhemfelues ·and their chif• the great and grieuous iudgcmcnts ofGod,' dren; and therefore their faith is no-t oile(Y Moreouer, hence we are taughtthateuery theirs, but alfo the faith of their children. - mufl haue a faith of his owne, The i•fl Hence it is tharrhe Scripture !4ith, Iftheroore R6m.n. mnnmujl/iuebyhi< 0 WN Efaith, faith that beholy,thebrnnchesareholy: and, IfpbeieeH'; 16, Prophet. And good r<afon,for oucry man is a ymrchildreare ho!y. Accordingto-humane law~ ,.Cor. 1·14· rhe