Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

k B,J!Jr. baptif. c.;p•4• How to !tue,and that well. the father and :his heires are but one perfon, A owne turnes. They !mew not the popifh dothe fathercouenanting for himfelfe & his chiltlrine, that men mighthaue good workes edren:what then fhould hinder,that the father nough forthemfelues, and an ouerplus for 0 _ might aot beleeue for his child, and thechild thers. Hilarie gathereth hence, tluttoneman, by the par€:rs faith haue title to the couenant goodwork!s cannotbeajp~ed to ar.other.Hitrome vpon}..tat & the benefits rhcrcoffltis alleadged,(a)that fairh,E~<ery manjballreceiueamvardforhu own, ~~Idem. by',this mcancs childrenfhall be borne bdeeWor~s: andthatonemanswork.fcanmtcoHerano_ uers, and fo be conceiued andbornewit~out ther mans fa•llt in the d<y of iudgement, The originail finne. I anfwcr: Bolceuing patents fpeech of Leo may 1\ap the mouthes ofrhc fu£\ainc two pcrfons: one, whereby they are Papifi~. Though(faitbbe)thedwh oftheSainrs mtn; and rhus they bring forth children ha-· bepmwmm theJight. ofGod, yet thel(jUing ofno uiog ~ans nature with all the corruptions of _snnocentuthe reconctltattonofthewor/d.Therigh- ~:ffi~~~~ nature. The other, as they are holy men and teom hauereceiuedcrowne.;)mttheyhllun-, 01 gium beleeuers; and thus they bring forth infants crownes. :And thtfortitudeofbe/eeuersmt.mfhrs that are not to much their children as the chilexamplesofpatuncr,butnotgifttofuifl.ce,Fortk. dre,ncfGcd. And Infants are Gods cbildrtn B tkaths ofthem all wereprtHatt orparru:Hlar: ""· not by vertue oftheir birth, but by mcanes of ther d,dany ofthet~~ byhuf•nera/1 diflhargeano parents f.Uth, which inritles them to all tho therm""' debt: ronJidmng am<>ng theformes of bldsingsofthccoucnant.Children propor1iomen,Chrijl our Lorduonelyfoundmwhom•ll•re fufiainc adouble perfon: Ifthey be con- ~mcifod,tkad,andbumd,andrift"•g•me. paul fidered in and by rhemfelues, they areconcei1ndcede faith to the Corinrhians, tlutt he dofi. ued& borne in Originall!inne.Ifthey be conrrdto6e bejlnwedforthtirfoHitt: and, that bee >,Cor,., !idertd as they are holy,& belecuc by thefaith fojfm aBthingsfor tbe'tle£1: butthishe fpe•kes 15· d,hJ~~~,~~~t~:~;:i~~~!n~r:i~f:[~i~i,~ig l~ ~~~t:~ ~~~~~~~~~~~i~r1c:\~}~~~ & P~~: :~:im .. and his benefits; originall finne iscouered and formed· by him in the behalfe ofotbc;s. Aremitted. Ifitbe faid,that by this mcancs all gaine, he faith, I bc•rein minrownebodyther.. Col.•·•• children ofbeleeuing parents are the children mainders ofthefojfermgsofChrij/: but thefe re· ofGod; I anl\vcre,that we mu£\ prcfumethat mainders are the futfcrings which cuery man they are all fo ; leaning fecret iudgements to mun beare for himfelfe. For euerydifcipleof God.To this third opinion I mo!t encline:beChri£l, mu£\ take vp his ownecrotfe, and fo caufe we are to iudge that infantsofbeleeuing C accompli(h the fufferings of the whole myfiiplrents in their iofanciedying,are iufiified,& call body. · I find noiufiilicati6in fcripture withoutfaith, Thirdly , by this weelearne, not to rclie ARd this bath bin the iudgement oftheanci· on tl.e gifts, futfrages, and prayersofothors: ent f athers. Auguft.ferm.r+ofthe words of but to fceke for a fufticient and liue!y faith the Apoll:le, How(faithhe)tkeinfantsbe/eeue? ofour own<• Thefoolifh virgins, that fuppobythefairhofthep4rentt,/fbyrheftlithofparents fed they mi£ht haue furnifhed thcmfe!ues thry be pHrged, by parentsJinnes they arepoOMted. with fufficientoyle ofrhe wife Virgins, were The body offinnein theftrfl p4Yentt begot themJinvtterly difappointed. Therefore the fpeechof ners:andtheJPirit oft.fein the latter pamttt did the P•pifis isto bee detefied: namely,thatthe Bdlor d, regenerate th.,to.ebeleeNert.Bernard.epi!t.n fojfragu ofthe /iumg,rhat u, theirfaflings,prayioduli. faitblAmgngthenatitms '"ma?rytUlV&refaithful, er.sJaJmes~ m4jJes, &·c. Methreewaies ~elpe the c:~p. 14. Sec filr[.' if theywereofycres 1 Wtbclecue that thrywere elmdtad;bywayofmerit andcong~uitie, by wayofen... p:ag,i$, :~~:~.~;, ftdbyfaith andthefocrifiw,andthatthe.parents trearie,andby W<y offotiif.cliow, · Aug,cpilt ljaithalonealla.lerhfor children,yeathat""jHffi· LaCtly,here we learne, that faith and theiu- •l·S7· cientfor them. Againe, It u mmandforthe ho. £\ice ofa good confcicnce mu£\ alwaies goe Ios.dt norofGod,thattowhornagedeniesrheirownfaith, D together. And forthiscaufe it isnotfaid,that bapr. ·•· gr«ejbonldgrantto themabeoefitby thefaithof man liues by faith, but the iutl man. Let all ~a!r~·u. 41/cther. Prot:efiants learne and remember this. For [«,66. In Thus then it is maDifefl, that euery perfon it is Gods commandement that wee fhould Cant, mu£\ hauc afaithofhis owne Hence welearn, ioyntly kecpe faith and good confcience. And that thedotl:oorsofrheRomilh Churcherre . itisacommon offence to Athtifis, Papifls, • Immaand aredeceiued, (a)when they teach, that a worldlin•s,that fuch aspretcod faith, faile in nu, Sa.ln man may re£\ himfelfe in the faith ofhis teatheright;,';,ufnefle ofa good confcience.Some ·~~.~cl- chers, belecuing in fundry things onely as the it maybe,will fay,that it fl1all fuffice for them felfatioChurch belecues ; though bee know not ditocall vpon God when they are dying, and to ,um, ftina!y what is the faith ofthe Church. Adie by faith: I anfwer, chat wemu~ notonely gaine, hece the Popespardons fall to ground. die and bc&ued, but alfo hue w thts worldby for in vaine cloth the Pope by the power of ourfaith. the keyes, apply the merltorius workes and the fatisfatl:ory fuffcrings ofone man to ano– ther, ~onfideringcucry man is,faued onely by his own• faith. The wife virgins profetfsed that they hap oylcno more then ferued their FJ'l{IS, A