TO THE RIGHT ."HONOVRABLE AND VER TVOVS LADI •E, Tl-fE Lt;\DIE LVCIE covNTESSE oV BimFOR-D. ~~~~~~~Hetkatho{th.righwm,th•t u,•feuery btlee~ingandrepentantJinner,u•mofl exceUent bieffingofG•d,•ndbrings with it "'"!'!"'~rthjbe~efitt: whichthing I prooHconthu manmr. 1. G"d·li{)thm the begvmmg,~tndm thecontinHftnc!of • 'i(M,gr4Ct, t:kthgrt~tter t,hingt vn~tl hUftrHIWtJ then they Joe common!J Mk!or tbin~e, andbrcaufthe bathpro,;ftd•idundjlrengthvntothllm, thmfm in -1 wondeifuU-wifedome he,«jltt!.:vponthcm thu h«uyburthen of deAth, that theymightmak! expernncewhatutheexmdingmight.ndpovmofbugr<ce in their WeAf<!neffi. I I. Judgement begins At Gods hou{t: And the right e.., tere !~tdenwith ajjlUI:ions ,nd temptatiom in thio lift, 1111d thtrtjWein thU worldrhry htme thdr deaths ttnd heis, thAt they might notfultthe torment ofheN•nddwh. I I I. When La~ATIU '""'deAd, Chrift[aid, He u not tkadbntJlttptth: hmcttt foUorrmh, thAt the Chrijlian mancon["), Mygr4ue u my bed,mydeath is "'Yfleepe: in deAth I J;•e nBt, bnt is thought,thAt ofAllmriblethings, deathu mojl terrible: but it u fllift to them thAt bei» Chrifl, towhommAnythings happenfarremore hMuy andbitterthe~death. I V. D<4that thefirjlbrought[orthfin, but deatbintherighttorl1byme<ntt ofChrif/s death, abolij1Jtthfinne becauft it i< the .ccomplijhment•f rnortifiwion, ..Anddwh u fofArre ji-omdejlroying[nch.,arein Chrif/,that thmcanbe no better refuge[01·th<m •{ainj/dwh: forpreftnt– ly afterthe deAth ofthe body, fo/lovm thepeifeU freedom< of thejfirit ; andthe refomCii•noftheboJy. V. Lafi'J. dt4th u am<Anet of • ChNjlian mans perfeCiion, .u_Chriflin·hu owneexamplej/JtWeth, f".Y· ing, Lulr.:r l·P· Behold I will can'?"~ diuel~,andwillheale frill'? da_rand \O morrow, and the third I will be perfeltcd. Nowthu perfcCIIOn m·mrmembert~fCbrijl, u nothmg elft butthebleffing ofGodthe aHthorofpeace,[anf.lijjingth~mthrougk.qut,thattheir wiJ?IeIJ>irif!• ·~dfoules,andboditt,m") bepreforuedlVithout blam<tothe wnmmg ofour LordIt["' Chrijl-. · 'l'{gwh•ningoftmthiU confideredw~th myft/fe ofthe exceUency ofdeath, I thoughtgml todrnwthe fo"""e Andchiefe bt4dt thmoftntothu[mAN Tre•tife : the.prore[iwn •nd confidemion whereofIcom– mmdtoyour L•difhip, dejiriPgyou toaccept o(tt, .ndreAdtttatpur ley{Nre. If I bebla.,edfor writing vnt~yo 11 ofd:ath:;whcreJU ~1 thecou7ft o.fnatHrtJOH Arenttyet neereJenth~ Slllomonwill excltft me~who foith that wemuftremtmberour Cretttpr in the dlfits ofaHr '!IJHtb. Thmhoping11jyonr HonoHrs aoodlf~~ cept~nce, Jpray Godto bleffi thit my/ ittlelabour toyourcomfort Andfolu•tion. Sepremb. 7• i595• . ~- ,1 \· Y;our Honours in t~~~ord, 'VVILLIAM PER KINS. t I 1.-·--- Eccle-