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'The order of the caufes accepub/e to God by It{ HI Cbrifl. Reu. 8.1,4· And•mil;er AngeU came •nd flood befort the Alt:tr~ hauing agoldm cenftr~ find much tul,urs WtU ginen vnto him, thttt hefhou/doffer With the. prayers ofaH Saints vpon thegolden11/tar, which it biforethe throne, •nd thefmo•kf. ofthe odo~~rs With the prAyers of thl Saints, Wmt vp before God oHt ofthe Ang•ls h•nJ. thu• farre concerning Chria• Prie!\hood; now follow his Propheticall, and Regall of. fices. · His Prophetictll oflice,is that, whereby he immediately from his Father, reucaletn his word andall the meanes offaluarion eompri– fe~n the fame. Ioh. I .t8. The Sonne,which i< in tbe-bofomt ofhU F~tther.he ht~tb Jeclttred ';111/o yDH.loh.8.-z6, Thofi things which 1he.reifmy Fathcr,lJPe.kf. tDthe world.Deut.t8.t8.1 "•iH rAiji thtm vp • Prophtt,&c. Theword was fit!\ rtuealed, partly by vifi– ons,by dteatnes, by fpecch ; partly by the in– llinct and motioft of the holy Gholl. Hcb. y,r. tAtfondrytimes, ~trtdindiuersmann~rs, qod JP•k!. inold time to oHr{.rhers the Prophets: in theft 141 d.tics he h•thJPoken to vs by hi< Son. 1. p,t.t. 1.1. Prophecie Clime not inoldtimeby the wiHofm•n, but h'ly "'"'of GODJP•k.r. M tbey l>ert mooHedbJ the holy Ghofl. ·The like i• done ordinarily onely by the preaching ofthe word, where theholy Gho£! doth inwardly illuminate the vhder!\anding. Luk.>4-4S·Then opentd hetheir vnderflanding th41they migbt vnilcrjlfi1ililhe Scri;tHm.&u. 1 S. I wiNgiueyou""'"h•ud wifttlome, where •gainfl aO 7oor •d11er[ariesJI>~O not be able 11 jfeak!,norrefifl. A&..tiS,\14. whofthmtthe Lorddpcned,tb.tJhee atmldedonthe things th<t Paul fP•k!· F<>rthis caufe, Chrill is called the Doctor, Lawgiuer, and <!:ounfellour ofhis Church. Matth.>l· 1o. Benot c•lled D•Eiours, for oneuy~ur DoC/•or;lefru Chrijl. I am. 4· 11. Thcrei4 one Ltt.wgiHtr "'hich U'!~le tofout"lfnd to deflroy. Efa.9.6• He]hall e<H hu nanit C•lf'· fiHonr,&c.Yea,he is the Apollleofourprofef. fiM· Heb. 3·'· The Angel! ofthe cowenant. Mal.3 .1. And the Mediatour of the new<O· uenatlt. Heb.9.1 ;.ThereforetheSoueraigne authoritie ofexpounding the Scripture, one– ly belongs to Chri!l: and the Church hath onely the mini!\ery of iudgement and inter– pret1tion committed vnto•her. Chri!ls Regal! of6ce, is that; whereby he di!\ributeth his gifts, anddifpofeth all things forthebenefit ofthe ek8:.Pfal.z.& no.t,z. The-Lord foid """ nry Lord, fit ib>n on my right b.~dtill!m•kethiHt enemiestby footjiOD/e. The execution of Cbrifls Regall office, comprehendcrll his exaltation. Chrifls exaltation is that, by which he, af. terhislowe!\ humiliation; was by little and little exalted toglory ; and that in (undry re– fpetls,according to both his natures. The exaltatiOn of his diuine narure, is :tn apparant declaration of his diuineproperties in his humane natute,withouttheleallalttraA tion thereof. Rom. 1 + Decbtrtd,;ghtilyt 1 be thefonsu ofGod,t••ching theJPiritoffMICiifi-– cation~Y the reforreflionfro,ithe dead• .Act.• · 36. Godh.,h m•d• hi,.both Lord •1111 Cbri.ft, WhomJl bt$Ut CTHcifleJ. . The exaltation ofhis humanity, is theput– nng off from him hi• feruile condition aild all infirmities, and the putting on of fuch ha– bitual! gifts;which,albeit they are created and finite, )'et they hauc ro great and ro maruei– lous perfection , as pof;ibly cao befall any creature. The gifts of his miode, are wife~ dome, knowledge,ioy,and othervnfpeakable vertucs: ofhis body. immortality, firength agilitie,brighcne!Te.Phil. 3·' I. WhoJh•l chang; B our vile bodJ, th<t it m"-' be f•Jbioned lik!vnto hi<gloriosu body. Math. I 7.1.He I>M tr4nsfigu– reJbtfore thtm,and hisf•ce didfoi•e .u the Sun, andhiJ clollthts wtre tU ~hit1 M tht /;"ht. Heb. 1,9. GodrHtnthy Godhttthllr.noilcudtheewith tht oyleofglaJntffi •hoHttiJ)ftUe>m. Eph. 1. lO, 2%, Chritls body, although, it be thus glorifi– ed., yet is it llill ofafolide fub!\ance, compaf. fed aboot,vifible, palpable, and !hall porpetu. ally temaine in fomc cerraine place, Lu~. 24. 39· Behold my htJndt,•ndmyjteu,itUeuenl, touch mt,mtdfie: •JPirit h•th wojftjh •ndbones, 41 J<[ee '"' h•••· There be three degrees of Chtifls ~altation. c r. His refurre8:ion, wherein by his diuine power-he fubdued death, and raifed.vp him– felferoet<roalllife, •· Cor. '3· 4· Tl,.•gh he w.ucrueified~onctrning hit infttmiiJ, ytt /iuetb htthroHgh the poll>erofGod.Math.z8.6.Hei< .., hm;for heilriftn,a~ hoflt•d: Come,ft<the placewhere the Lordw.u lAid. Th\: end of Chri!\s refurretlioo , was to !hew that his ranctification, by his pafsioo and death, was fully abfolute, For one only unne would haue detained the Mediatour, vnder the dominionof death, though he h•d fullyfatisfied.forallthere!l. t.Cor.IS-I7.1f Chriflbe not raifed~oHTfAith Uin v.cine : ye•re yet inyoHrji~~nes.Rom-42S• Who"'"' delum·ed tode4thfor fHr finnn, m~disrifinag.tineforoNt D i•flification. II. Hlsafcenfion intoheauen, whithisa true,locall, and vilible tranfiation of Chrifls human~ nature from earth into the highell heauen ofthe blelfed, by the verrue& power o(his Deity.Atl.t-9·Whenhe had!fo'k!n theft thi~~J, While theybeheld,heWM tak/n vp: foro cloud took! him o•toftheirfight.· and while they look!_dfledfajlly r.wardJ he.ntn, "'he \llent, be. hold two men flood by them in white•ppAreO, which•lfofoid. Te men •f Galile, whyjlandyt Mz.i.ngSntoheaiWJ. This JefiQ wl1ith jsr.r~ken vp {romyou into heaum, Jlulllcome 1U ye hAHt ftme himgotinto heaurn. Eph. 4· 10. He afce•Jtd . (4ri'eAhoue aD the h~aums. · · The end of Chri!\s afcen6onwas, that he mightprepare a pbce for the faithful!, gioe them the holy Gholl,and tbere enioy eternall glory.