'The rightway of dying welt. c:o::;uli:id-::n:::o-:t ;:ha::u:e~b:e:::en::e-:,;i-rf-.A;d;;:"{"~h;::a:-:d;-:p:-:c"::ri~fh~e:-;d;-.--:A:-;-f<;:c-ul~e-:o-;:f:_m_a~n~is'_a_fi-:-p-:-ir-:-it_o_r_fi"p 7 ir 7 it-u-al-1-,- fu_b_ft_an-ce The executioner of this puoifhment is hee I whereas the foule of a beaft is no fubftance' that doth impofe and inAiel: the fame on man but a natu~all vigour or qualitie , and hath u~ and that alfo is God himfelfe, as hee teftifi~ 1 beemg m1t fclfc Without the bodie 011 which eth ofhimfelfein the Prophet Ef'!J• if.'. 45. 7· ' itwhollydependeth. The foulto of man con- / mak_r pe•cc, andmat< ••iD. Now enill is of traril~ife being created ofnothing, aod breathree forts: naturall,morall,matcriall: Natu- i thed mto the bodtc, and as well fublifting rail euill , is the deftruCl:ion of that order forth of itas in it. whichGod fer in euery creature by the creatiThe kinds of death arc two a.<the kinds on. Moralleuill,is the wantofthatrighteouf- ?fhfe are,bodily and fpirituall.' Bodily death' ne{fe and vertue which the law requires at 1s nothmgelfc but the feparation of the Joule· mans hand: and that is called finnc. Materiall from the bodic, as bodily life is the coniun~> euill is any matter or thing which in it f~lfc is Cl:ion ofbody andfoule .: a:idthisdeathiscal-; a good creature ofGod, yet fo,as by reafonofl led thefirjl, becaufe in refp{cf:Oftime it g/.:~ mans fall itis hurtful! to the health and liteof I befor~ the fecond. SpirituaQ>ay~tn isth... f.,.. man,as Henbane,Wolfebane,Heml9cke, and B parattonof the whok man h4tb)fi bodJ(::n~. all otherpoyfons are. Now this faying,ofEfay foule, from thegrac10us fe'llowfl\ip of God. muft not IJe vnderlloodafmoralkuils.. but of Of thefe twain<>, the firllisb.utan cntraRceto fuch as are either materiall or naturall : to the death, and thc-fc~ond is the<~ccamp!ifhment ; latter ofwhich, deathis to bereferred, which of it•.For as tile foule is thdife ofthe beisthe deftrullion or abolifhment ofmans nadie,foGod is thelifeofthe foule; andhiiifliture created. . rit is the foule-ofour foules, and the wan; o~ The procurer of tlenth isman,not Qqd; in fellowlbip with him brings nothing bon rhi!' that man by his linncs and difohediepce .did e,ndle!ic .and5i>fpeakable horrors and pangs' pull vponhim{dfe this punifhmeur.Th<refore o.fdeath· ··· . ' ' :. ~. the Lord faith inOfoah, Oft. I 3, 6. 0 Jfrael,one .Againe, fpirituall deathbath three difrill&f hathckjlroyedthet, but inmeei;rhine hclpe. Aand !euera)ldcgrees. The firll.iS,when a man gain!hhis it may be ouieCl:ed, thannan was : ,that i~ aline i" rtfpeCl: of teniporalllife ,.lies• mortall in the ellate of innocencie before the dead mfin~<· Ot this degree1'••tfpeakerh; fall• .Anfiv. The fra"'e and compolition of when he {atth, ·L r ..,.,. 6. Bmjheethat li.esin nJans bodie confidered,in it felfe was mortall, piF-'f¥re,i; deddwhi/eJbe liue;h, And this inhe becanfeit was made ofwater,& ~·~rh; ando- C caf~ofall met1 by nature,,11i<l1o are tbt.cllirther elements,which are ofthemfelues ahera. .dren ofwrath, anddMd inftnnetandtreff"ffo'J ble and changeable;yet ifwe;relpe<t rhe,gra;ce ']iph, >·I. llief<tond degreeis the very end of and blofsing which God did vouc\lfafe mans :this life, whe~·the body iHaid in theearth, bodic in his creatio11, it was vnch~ngeable . andrhefoulc.defccndstothepJaccofronnctit. and immortall, and fo by the fam~..blefsing .Jpc;hird degree is in the day of iudgeme:i£, fhould hauecontinued, ifman had not fallen : wh~n the body·:ind foule meetagaine,and goe' and man by his fall depriuing hi.mfelfe of this b_oth to the,place oftllet!arlfnod, there to be~ gift and blcfsing, became euery waymortormentedforCIJ<randeuer.. . ·· ,.. tall. .. . Hauing.tlius found the nature and dltJeren• Thus it appcares·in part wha.td~ath is: yet . ces,andkitlds<lfidcltb, it is more then mani– forthe betterclearingofthispoinr.. 1wproto.! !fell-, that rhe tcxtinhamh~qbe vnderftobd, confiderthe ditference ofthe death of a man• not ot the.fpir\rltall, butof 'he bodtly death : and ofa beall:. Thed~athofa beall: is the to-, ! •b;:caufe itiM>ppofed tJi tllaJ>irrh ornaiiultie tall aiid finall aboliO>mentof the •~hole crea-.l ~. or,·man.The words thennlbllrcan;y<bi~~Mi:: ture:forthe body is refolued to ~is firfi mat-1 ! jThe time of_borl>ly death in which tht1ledie. rer and the foule ariGngof the temperarureof D 'and.foule ofman are fef!Crrn~fimder,it isuetth;bodie, vanilheth eo nothiqg: 1 But in the ter then the timcin which oneis brought into death ofman it is otherwife. f.or though the. tj<C world. . · bodiefor a time be refolued roauft, yetmufi ' · Thusl)luchof thcfidl.pomt: now fOllowit rife againe in the !aft iugem~nt, a~d b~-,' IC:.th the fecond, and that is, how this can ·_bee ~om.e immortall: and as for tll" feule 1t fuli:: j ;true whtchS•lomon ro>th ~'d1at th<dayofd.?atl. lifteth by it felfi: out ofthe botli!:; and isim- : jilbm:r then the d•y .jlririh. I make not this' morta!l. And thisbeing fo,it may be deman- , ;queft10n '? coli the Scrtp.tures mto eonrro;– ded, how the foule can die the feconddeath. !uerfie, ~Juch ar~ thetruthttfelfe, but I doe It .An[w, Thefouledies, nothecau(C jt is vrter- : ;(<;>rthis end. thatwe~ mtght wtthout-wa~ely aboli!hed: but becaufe it Is as though ig i rmg be rcfolucdof thiS whtch,S4/omoncauou– were not, and it ceafeth to bee in refpeCl: of ' lcheth. For there may bee wadry reafonS rightcoufne!Teand fe\lowfhip with God. An4. 'brought to tbecontrary.Therefore let.vs 1\a_ninikedthisisthedcathofalldeaths,whenthe 'die the que(h<'m: the reafons or obiell'IOns c·reature hathfubGlling and beeing, and yet. : l;vhichm'l)!,9~ alleadgell. to tHecontrary; may for all this is dr.priued of all comfortable fel• ' 'all be reduced to fixe hcags. The firllis.tal<:<,n lowfhip withGod. )' from the <;>pmion of·wtfe mon , whothinkett Th;:reafon ofthis difference is,becaufe the the be{): tlji_\lg of all neuer to bee born~~d rhe ··'