Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

- - - - ------=-::-- ----:---::-:--:-----:;:------:-- 'The right way ofdying '111ell. 491 rho next belho die quickely. Now ifit bee A order, and tolde himtbat hee muft die, wept the belt thing in the world ~ot tobee b<>rne fore,and that in refpedofdeath: now by the atall thenicisthe wotft thmgthatcan be to examples ofthefe moL< worthy men: yea by dye ;f«r aman is borne• .Anfwer• . T~ere b.e the exampleof the Sonne ofGod himfdfe, it twofortsofmen:one,thathueanddtemtheu may fcemerhat theday ofdeath is themoft iinncs withoot repentance• the other, which terrible and dolefull day ofall. An[,.. When vnfainedly repent and beleeue in Chrifl.Now our Sauiour Chrift prayed thus to his Father this fentence may bee truely auouched ofthe hee wasinhisagony, and hee then asour Re~ firft: of whom wee may fay as Chri!t faid of deemer llood in our roome and ltead,to fulfer Jut!AJ,M-:. 1 6.:4• lt hadbtenegoodforhimthat all things that we lbould haue fulfered in our he hAdneucrbeeneborne. But the faying applied owne.perfons for our finnes: and therefore he to the fecond fort ofmen is falfe. Forto them prayed not limply •gainft death, but againrt rhat in this life rurne to God by repenrance, the curfed death ofthe crolfe: and hee feathe bell: thingof all is to bee borne; becaufe red not death it felfe, which is the feparatitheir htrth is a degree of pr<paration to hap· on ofbody and foule, bur.thecurfeofrhelaw pinetfe·and the next bell IS todie quickly: be- B which went with death,namely, the vn(peak. caufe by death they enter Into poffefsion of able wrath and indignationofGod. The firll the fame their happinetfe. For this caufe 'llAdeath troubled him not, ~ut the firfi and fe- /44mdeiiretd the death of the righteous; and cond ioyned tcgither. TouchingD4uia',when Salomonin this placepreferrestbedayofdeath hee m~de the fixt Pfalme, hee was not onely before the day of birth, vnderftandmg that ficke m body, but alfo perplexed with the death which is ioyned with godly hfe, orrhe greateft temptation ofall,in that he wreftled death ofthe righteous. in confcicnce with the wrath ofGod, as apThe fccond obietlion is taken from there- ~~aresby the words ofthe rexr, where hee fiimonies ofScripture. Death is the ,.ages of lalth, LordrebH/:t me not inthy wrath. And by jinne,Rom.6.z;.it is anmemie of Chrift,r. Cor. thiS we fee that bee prayed not limply againft 15· and thecurfo ofrhe law. Hence it fee'':" death, but again!! death atthatinlhnt wh•n to follow, that in and by death, men receme hee was in that griouou• temptation. For at their wagesand paiment fortheir finnes: t~at other.timesheeb~d nofuc~ feare ofdeath, as the day ofdeath is the dolefull day mwhtch bee h1mfelfe tdhfieth,faylng, 'Pfolme. , 3 . 4 • the enemy preuailes againfr vs : that he_e Though I jhould walk! through the v•lteyof the which dyeth iscurfed. Anf,.er. Wee mull: d1- c jhadowofde•th ,}w•llfo4re noeuiO. Therefore fiinguilh ofdeath: it mull beconiidcred two hee prayed aga1oft death onely as it was ioywayes: iirft, asitisbyitfdfe in hisowne naned with the appreheniion of Gods wrath. ture: fecoQdly,asitisalteredandchangedby Lartly, E::!<hi•li prayed againfi death not · Chrift. Nowdeath byit f<lfeconfidered,is inonely becaufe be defired to liue and do~ ferdeed the wages ofiinne, and enemyof Chrift uiceto God inhis kingdome, but vpon a fur. and ofall his members , and the curfe ofthe ther and more fpeciall regard; becaufe when law,yea thevery fuburbcs and gatesofhel:yet the Prophet brought theme!lage ofdeath hee . in the fecond refpeC\, it is not fo: for by the was Without iffue , and had none ofhis o:Vne vertueofthedeath ofChritt, it ceafethto bee body to fuccede him in his kingdome. It will a plague or punilbmeot, and ofa curfe it is bee_faid, what wa!rant had Et•chiah to pray made ablefsmg, and 1s become vntovs a pafagamfideath forthiScaufel Anfw. His war.. fage '"mid-way betweene this life and eterrant was good: for God had madea particunalllife, and asitwere a new wicketordoore lar promife to D••id and his pofleritie'after whereby we patfeoutofthis world,and enter him, that folongas they feared God and w•linto heaucn. And in this refped the faying ked in his comm•ndements, they lbould not o~ S•w,.on is moll: true : for in the dal:' of D want itfue to fitvpon.the throneof the kiagbmh, men are borne and brought forth mto dome after them, 1 Kmg.8. 25 .Now E.,ecbiab· the vale of mifery, but afterward when they at the time of the Prophets metfageremem. goehencc, hauing death altered':"tothem by bring whatpromife God had made, and how the death of Chrift, they enter tnto eterna!l he for bispart had kept the condition thereof ioy and happineffe with all the Saints ofGod in thathe had walked before God with an vp~ for euer. right ~eart, and had done that which was acThe third obie~ion is taken from theoxceptab!e in his fight; he prayed againft death, . amples ofmofr W?rthy men, who haue ~ade not fo much becau{e he ~cared the danger ofir, therr prayers agalllfi ~eath: A• our Saumur but beca'ufe he wanted 1ffue. This prayer God Chrifr who prayed on this manner, Luk£. 22. accepted and heard, and hee added fifteene 4>.F4therifitberhywiH, letthiscNppepajfofrom yeeres vnro hisdayes, and two yeeres after ''",J<tnot"'YwiO,biltth)!vilbedone.And 'Da#id gaue himManaffis. prayed,Pfo/.6.4,5· Remrne,OLord,deliuermy I The fourth obiellion is this that thofc fo•ie,pur meeforrhy mer~iesfok!: for in d<ath which haue beene reputed to be ~f the better there unoremembrAnce 1Jfthee:o in thegrauc w·ho fort ofmen, oftentimes hauc: miferable ends : Jha&pr.ifethee? And Ete<hiah, when the Profor fome end theirdaiesdefpairing, fomeraphct Efay, eja.J8. 3· bad f>im fethis houfe in uing and b!afpheming, fome frrangely torTt 3 mented