Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The right ll1t?J ofc{ying Tllef!. 493 ~~~~~~--~ nation is not further off, byreafon ofthe viot\ body& foulc reuniccd, doe ioyntlyenter into leoce andcxtremitieoftemptatio". For God eternal! happinelfe io heauen• .Now of thefe is then prefc:n.t by the l'ufpeakeable comfort three degr<es, death it fdfe bceing ioyncd ofhisftJirit, and '~hen wearcn;olt weake, h• withthefeare ofGod, is the fecond: which is mofi fl:rong in v.s: becaufe_his manner 1st~ alfo ccnraiueth in it rwoworchy fl:cps to life. , !hew hispowqin weakenefie. Andfor thiS Th<fidl;isafreedomehomalmiferieswhich caufe, euen inthetimeof death thedmell reh.aue their end in death. For thcugh me,·, in ceiues the grcatelt foile, when he lookes for this life arc fubied to manifold dangors by tho greateft vi[lorje. fea and laoo, as alfo to ftmdry aches, paincs, The lixth obieClionis this. Violent and fudand difeafcs,as feauers, & confumptions, &c. I den death isa grieuouscurfe, and of all euils yet when death comesrfiere·itan ehd·ofall. which befall man in this life, noneis foterriAgain,fo long as men liue in this world what- . blcnherefdre it may feeme, thatthedly of foeuerthey bee, they doe in fomep<~rtlye in fuddendeathis motlmifcrable. Anf. Itistrue bondagcvnder originall corruption and the indeede, that fuddainedeathisacurfeand a remnants rhereof, which are doubtings of grieuous indgementofGod,aodthereforenot B Gods pronidence, vnbeltefe, pride of heart, without caufe feared ofmen in~he wprld: yet ignorance,couctoufiH::tlC, ambition, enqy,.haall things conGdered, wee ought more to be. tred,lull:,ond ll1ch like lins, which bring forth afraid of an impatient and euilllifc, then ot And to bee in fllbieClion to fuddaine death. For though it bee euill, as linne onthis manner, is a mifery of allmifedeath itfelfc in his own nature is,yetwemutl ries. TherforePant when he was tempted vnnotthinkeitto bee limply euill: becaufe it is tolinby·hiscorruption;calles thevery temp• not euill to all men, nor inall refpefts euill. I ration the bHjfmofSathan,& as it were 4 pritk! .fay it is noteuill to all men, confidering that or thorne wounding his fldh, and paininghim no kinde ofdeath is euill,or acurfe vnto them at the very :hcarr.. Againe, i!) another place that are in Chrift: , who are freed from the wearied with his ownecortupiions, he cornwhole curfe of the Law. And therefore the plaines ihat he is fold vnder finne,and he.cries holyGhofr faith, ,4pK.I4·13• Blef[edorerhey out, Rom.7. •+ 0 mifirable man that I am,,.h. thatdie intheLord,fof(heyreftfrotheir IAbOHrs: /hall deliuermeefom thu bodie.fDwh! Dauid whereby isligoilie.P, that_ they which depart faith,Pfol.ll9 IJ6.that hueysgujhedout wsrh thislife, beingmewbers of Chrifi: enter imo TiHersoftcareswhenothcr17J.CnjinnedagainftGoti: euerlafringhappine~; of what d,eath foeuer C howmuchmore then was hee grieued forthe they die, yea though1t be fi1ddame death. Afinnes wherewith hee himfdfe was ouertagaine, I fay that fuddainedeath isnoteuill in ken in this life? And indeede it is a very hell all refpel:ls.J'oritisnoteuill,becaufeitisfudfor a man tl]~t hath but a fperke of grace .ro daine, but be<aufe it commonly takes men beexemfed ;, rurmoyled, and tcmpttd wuh vnprepared, and by that meanes makes the the inbcime 1conuptions and rebellion~of his · day ofdeath a blac!<~day, and as it were a veowne heart: and ifa manwonld deuife a torryfpeedy downe-fall to the gulfeof hell. 0ment for fuch as feare God,a.;l deiire to walk therwife if aman bf readie and prepared ro ~n nt.wnefle ofJ!fc, he car.not deuifc agreater die, fuddaine death is inelfeft no death, but then this. For this Cdu(c blelfed is the day of aquicke and fpeedic entrance tq etcrnalllife. death which brings with it a frecdtJme from Th~f~obieClim1s being thus anfwered, it ~11 fin wharfocu~r. fo(when~edie,thecorappcares to bee a manifell truth~hjch Saloruption ofnature is quit<; ~\Jolifhed ,.and fanman ~ith, that theday of death u bet,t<r indeed< lhficarion isaccomplifbed.LatHy,it is a great thenthe tf-yofbirth, Now I col"e to the third mifery that the people ofGod art conllraiqed point,jiqwhich the reafonsand refpeChareto in this world>to liue and GO!merfi: in the cornbe confidered, that make the day of death to D panie ofthe wkkcd ; as fhcepc arc mingled furpalfe the day of a, mans bir,,~: and they with goats which llrikc them, annoy their may allbeer~duced to this one, namely, that paflurc,and mnddy their Wlter.Her<uponD4 the birth day is anentranceint9.all-woe and Nidcriesout, Pfol.tzo. ;. WoeU meth:ztlre. mifery: whereas the day ofdeath ioyned with '!'ainein Mejluch,and d~>e!lin the rents ofKedar. godly and reformed jife, is an enf~arr~~orde1 King.19. 4· When E/i~.o faw that Ahab ar<i gree toeternalllifc, Wbich I make maoife~ lefobei had planted Idolatry in lfr,!el,and tha.£ thus: Eternalllife hath threedegree~'• one in ~hey fought hislife alfo,he went apart into the this lif~whena maq~~n truly fay,tlJat heliues wildcrnelfe aod d<lired rodic. But thismifery not,but that Chri£t ,liucs in him: ,anq this 'all al(o is en~ed in the day of death, inas m·uch men_gn fay thaqepc;l)t and beleene, and are as,<leath is as it were tho hand of God to fort iu~ified and fanftifie4,atid haue,p,e.a£~ of'9'b and Goglc OUt thofe that bee the feruants of fctence,wjFJ1 ?thg;gifr~ ofGods (j>jntt,which CRd from all vngodly n\en in this moll wret· are the earnefr ofthf}r,ljlluation.,J/!eJecqnd ched world. . degree is in t!Je enao(tQ~~ lite,whenrJle bo~y J:ur,thermorc. this ex<eedlng benefit comes goes to t!Jc earfh ,. •94.. \i.¥; foul>J~ 9$riel\ ~y W ,. thatjr dotil nO!: oneiy aboliih the the Angels into he~UCJ)•, Tl)e thiilt 1S in the l)lileries,wbic2J?refently are vponvs,but "lfo end ofthe world atthe lalhudgo;m•!", when preuem rh<>fe wh1ch are to come. The righ- ====~~~--~~~~~-- -.,...,...:_~-=~-~~~~----------- . ...l.:.._4 _ teor.< tCcr. IJ,7.