!4-94The right way ofdying welt. reom(faith the1'rophet,Efo.5I·7·)perijlmhand A fider them as they are altered and changed by nomanconjiderethmhu heart :andmercifnOmen the death and buriallof Chrift , who hauing are tak,_tn4!M-!, and no man vnderft•nliltth that vanquifhed death vponthe crotfe,purfued him thenghteomu t~ktnaw"Y fomth.eui!ltocome. afterward to his owne den, and foyledhim Examples of thiS wee haue m Iojiu. Bmutft there,and depriued him ofhis power. And by (fatth the Lord. 2 Kmg ·22·20·) thsne heart did this meanes Chrift inhis owne deathhath bumelt, andthon h.jl h~<mbied thy ftlfe before the riedour death,and by thevertuc ofhisburiall Lord,whenthou ht4rdeft what I JP•k£ againft thu as fweet incenfe hath fweetned and perfumed 1 p}ace,&c.beholdthereforeI ".iNgather theero thy our graues, and made them af ftinking and I tathm, andthouJhaltbe put mthygrauempeace, loathfome cabbms, to become princely pallaandthineeyesfha/1 nut foe aR theeuillwhichiwiO ces, and beds ofmoll: fweet and happie reft !fa.J7·•· bring vponthu place. And Paul faith,I Cor. 11• f.rremoreexcell<nt thenbedsofdoune. ' ll• that at>1ong the Corinthians fome were aAnd though the body rot in the graue and fleepe, that is, dead, thatthey might notberonbe eatenofwormes, or offifhes in the r:a or demnedwiththeworld. burr.t to afhes, yet that will not be Vnto~sa Thus much of freedome from miferie, B matterofdifcomfort, ifwedoewcllronfider which is the firft benefit that comes by death, thegroundofall graces, namely, our coainnand the fir.ft ~ep to life : nowfollowes thcfeet ion with Chrift. Itis indeed afpirituall, and cond, whtchJs, thatdeath gmes an entrance yet amoft real! coniunction. And we rnuftnot to the foule, that it may come into the preimagine that our fooles alone are ioyned to fence ofthe cuerlafti~g ~od,o£Chri£l:,andof the bodyor foul~ofChrift,but tl~e wholeperall the Angelsand Samtsm heauen. The worfonofman both m body& foule lS ioynedand thinetfeof this benefit makesthe death ofthe vnited towhole Chrift.Andwhen wear< once righteous to be no death: but rather a blefsing ioyned tO Chrift in this mortalllife by the to be wifhed efall men. Theconliderationof bond ofthefpirit,wefhallremaine & continue this made'Paultofay, Phi/J, 23• I dejire to be eter11allyioyned with him: & thisvnion once diffoU.ed: but what is the caufeof this delire? truly made,fhall neuer be difiolued. Hence it that followesin thenext words, namely, that followes, that although the body be feuered by this di!folution hee might comttob" with from the fou!ein death, yetneither bodie cor Chrift. When the ~eneofSheba faw all Safoule arefeueretl from Chrift, but the very bolo,.ns wifedome , and the houfe that he had die rotting in the graue, drowned in the fea, built, and the meat·ofhistable,and the fitting C burned to afhes,abide>'ftill vnited to him,and ofhis feruants, and theorderof his mini!ters, isas truly a member of Chrift then as before. andtheirapparcl,&c.fhefaid,t King.to.Hap. Thispoint wcmuft remember as t~efounda· PJ are thymen,happyare theft thyferuanttwhich tion ofall our comfort, andhold it for euer as jtand •uer before th" and heare thy wifod•me: a truth. Forlooke whar was the condition of much more then maywe fay, that they are ten Chrif! in death,rhe fame or the likeisrhe con. thoufar.d-fold happy which fiand not in the clition ofall his mcmbers.Now the condition prefence of an earthly king; but before the ofChrift was this, though his bodyand foule kingofkings,the Lord ofheauen&: earth: anq were feuered each from otheras farre as hea· athisrigllthandenioy pleafures for euermore. uen and the graue, yet neither ofthem were M efts hath beene renowned in all ages for feuered from the Godh~adofthe Sonne, but this, thatGod vouchfafed him but fo much faboth did ,in death fubfift in his perfon. And uour as to fee his hinder parts at his requeft: therefore though our bodies and foules bee 0 then, what happineffe is this,to fee the glopulled afunder by natutall br violent .death, ry and Maieftie of God face to face, aod to yet neither ofthem , no not the bodie 1t felfe, haue eternall fellowfhip with God our Fafhall bee feuered and di6oyned from Chri!l:. ther,Chriliour Redeemer,andtheholy Ghoft D It will bee alleadged , that if the bodie were our Comforter, and to liue with the bl~ffed then vnited to Chri!1:, it fhould liue ~rid bee Saints and Angels in heauen for euer? quickened in the graue, .A•fw. Not fo:when Thus now thetbird point is manifeft,nameamansatme or leg is taken with the dead pally,in whatrefped: death is morecxcellentt~e lie, !tr<ceiues little or no heat, life, ~enfe, or life. It maybe 1-terethemmdofmanvnfat.tf- ~on~nfromthe body; andyetnotwithftanfied, willyet further reply & fay, thathowfodtng It remames fttll a member ofthe body, euer in death thefoules ofmen enterinto heabecaufe the llefh and the bone of 1t remame I uen, yet their bodies though they haue beeoe ioyned tothellefh and the b?ne of the body: tenderly kept for meate, drinke.and apparell; euen fo may the body remame a m~mber of and haue flept many a night in beds ofdoune, C~rift, though for fome fpace of "'!Ire It reI muft lieindarke & loathfome graues, & there cemeneither fenfe, nor'?'onon, norbee from be:wafted& confumed by worms..Anf.Al this the foule.or from th,e frltlrofGod. . is true indeede, but all is nothing, iflo be that Furthern10r~ , wee muft remembertl\at by we wil but con!i"dor aright ofour gtauesaswe the verrue ofth!S conlund:)on, o,.u the dead ought· Weemufl: not iudge ofour graues, as body,-be 1~ rotten, bu~ned, deu'?ared.or h01:Vtheyappeare to the bodtly eye, but wee mufl' , foeuer confumed, at tneday?f mdgementnfe looke vpon them by the eye of faith,and conto eteroall glory. In the wmter leafon trees re-