The right 11Jay ofdying well. 4-95 rcm::}.itlt without fruite or lcaues, and beeing 1 A ccuenanr,and die outofCbl'ifi, thei~ go beatt:n with \'9ind and weather ~ppeareto the to hell, andtheir bodies rot for aurne mthe eyeas ifthey wcrc.rot~en trees: y~t ~hen the g~~c;butafre:·wardsthcy r~fetoer:dlef!";; pcrfpring timecomes agamo, they brmg TOrth,as d1t1on. W herefore I fay agame and agame,labefore, buds aud blotlomes, leaues and froite: Ilour tha~ your confc1ences ?>:the holy Ghofi: the realon is, becaufe the bodie, graines, and' may teibfie, that yee are hmng ftones mthe arrnes of trees, are all ioyncd to the roote, temple ofGod, and branches beanng frmtm whcr~ liesthc fappc in the wimer feafon, and the tttJC vmc: and the~ ~e!hall feele by cxpewhencc by meanesofthisconiun0ion it is denence that thepan~sol death !hallbee a furriued toa! parts ofthe tree in the fpring time:· tHer deijr« ofhappmdfe then euer ye fotJnd Euen fo the bodies of men hJ.ue their wintCr 1n your hues; enen then when ye are gafp1ng alfo; in which they are turned todufl, and fo' and panting for breath•. remainc for the fpace of many rhoufand 'l'lius much ofthe meamng ofthe text, now yeares;yet in of iudgement by meanes follow the vfes , and they are mamfold. ·The ofthatmyliicaUconiunClionwithChrifl,lhal 6rtl: and prmClpallts thiS· I~ that Safomun diuine and quickening vertue lireame thence' 1 B p:eferres the day ofdeath bel ore the day of to all the bodies of the ekCl ro cautio theRl to I bmh, he doth therem gme vs to vnderft,nd, liuc againe, and thatto life. eternall. But thattbereis~direcbnd ccrtaine way wherby fomewia fay, that the wicked alfo rife a : a man may dtewell, tf!thadbeene otherw;fe, gaine. .An[. They doe fo icd«di but not by he could not hauc fatd that the day ofd,atb u I the fame caufe; forthey rife by the power of1 Ibetter. Andwhereas hee auouc.heth this, hee Chrili as hee is aiudge to condemne them~. lheweswtthall that there Is an mfalhble way whereas tke godly rifcagaine by the vertueof wherbyaman maymak~,. bleffed end. _ThereChrilis rcfurreClc6,wherofthey are partakers fore now IHvscome ro fcarch cm this way: by meanesof thatbleficdand indifiolute con'- the knowledge and true vndcrftaodtng wher· innClion which they haue with Chri!t. An ofmuft not bee fetched froni the writing• of the bodies of the eleCl though they putrifie men, but from the wordofGod i who hath and confume neuer fo much itHhe graue, yet .I t!JC powc·• of life and death in his owne haird. are they frill in the fauour of God, and in the~f I Now that ariian m~y diewell, Gods word couenitofgrace:to which, bwaufe they haue'l requires two-things: a preparat'ion before rightand title beeing-dead, they !hall not re-· death,anda right behauiourand difpofition of mainefoforeuer, butfi>allrifetoglory at the C death. ' . !all: iodgement. ·Therefore the rotting ofthe , / The preparation vnto deaih,i5anal!l:ion of body is nothing in. refpett, and the death of ' a repentant'finncr, wherby he makes himfelfe the body isnodeath.And therefore alfo death , litand ready tedic, andit is aduty veryuecef. in theoldandne.w Teftament ismade buta fary, towhichweearebonndbyGodscomfiecpc, and the graue a bed, whereofthe like mandernent. For there bee fundry places of \y~sncuer fc:ene: wher~inaman may refi)no,.. Scripmrc which doe firdghtly enioyne vs ~o tmng at all troubled wlth dreames or fantawatch and pray,and to make our fdues-readte lies, and whence he !hall rife no more fubie<'l: euery day againtl: the feco;td commii1g of to w,eaknes or ticknes, but prefently be tranCb<ili to iudgemem:.Now the fame places do flared to eternal! glory. l}y this then which withall bind 'vs to make'a preparation againft hath bin faid, it appearos thatthedeath ofthe death, at' which time God comos to iudGenghteolls; is ·a fecond degree to euerlafling ment vnto vs particularly. Againe, lookeas happiue!lc. , death leaucth'a man ; to !hall the Iatl:'iudge- . Now then confidering our coniunClionwith meht linde>blm, & fo lhall heabideeiernally: Chrifl is the foundation of ,;u, our ioy and there may b<e changes li!ld conuerlious from C<?m.fort mhfe and death;woe are in the fear~ }j· euillto good in this life, but after deaththtre of God ro learnt: this owne kffo>t,hamdy,thar is no change at all.Thetefore a preparation to wlJile we haue time in this world;we mull: la-·,' 'death can in no wife bee omitted of him tha bourto bevnited to CbrHt, that wee may bee' deCireslro'make ail happie and bleffed end. bon.eofhis bone, & flelh of his tklh. This ve- 1 This;prep~rationis tw6-fold, generall and rypointisas it were aflaggO of wiaeto reuiue par":ticltlar. Gc:nerall prep:tradon isthar,whc:rour foules when they be in a fwoune at any in- j1 by amail pr<pares pimftlfetodiethrough the tl:ant. A:nd that wemay be affuredthat wqre · whole clllftfuof his life.A duty moll needful! certainely ioy!!ed to Chrill,we muil lhew our whi<b mull: ibno wife bee omitted. The reafelues to be members of hismyfhcall body by \'follsarethefo: firfl of all death which iscerthe daily f.•uits ofrightcouliletfe and true re~\1 tainc;is moll: ofall vncertain,I fay itiscertain, pentance. And bemg once certamely affn,ed bccaufe no man cab- dl:hewdearh. And it is ,in coufcienc~ of~x1r being~n Chrift, let death-! vncertainc three waies:firfl)n regard oftime:' come whentt wtll,and let 1t cruelly part afonJ for no man knowcth when hee !halldie: fe· dcr both b"dy and foule, yet !hall they both ooildly,ih regard ofpluce: for no manknowes remainc int~e~c0uenant,and by m:anes. th~re!..- ~ where h~ 11taltdiv~wl;ethcr inhiS bc_:d,or in the ofbee rc-vmted·andtakenvp to hfe ctertlatl. lidd,w~ether b9lea,or by land: th!l'dly in re- ~hera~n~contrary,ifmen.bee out ofthe : fpectoftht kind·ofdenh: for n<;>mank;!Owes whether)