Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

T'he right ):}lay of dying well. wh_etherhelhalldieofalingringo~fudden,of A ooce to dreame that they mayhaue repen" aVtolentornaturall death. Hcncc1t followes 1 tance at command; nay it isa iuft iud ement thatmen lhould eue.ry day prepare thcmfelues that they lhould bee contemned of ~od in todeath. Indeede1fwe could know when, death, thatdid contemne Godin th<irlife: & where 1& howw~lhould d1e, thccafe wereothat they lhouldquite be forgotten ofGod in therwtfe,.but feemg we know noneofthefe,it lickencfie, thatdidforget God in their health. fiandsvs mhand tolookeabout vs. A fecond Agame I aofwer, thatthislate re entanc · 8 reafon ferumgfurther t'? perfwade vs, isthis. fcidome or neuer true repcntanc/ It is li~~c !he moll dangerous thmg ofal tn thts world, hke the partle himfelfe commonly 1nn · ts to negletl all preparation. To make this lhing and dying togethc~ with him 1~ but- ' point more manifeft, I willvfe this coparifoo. ranee lhouldbe voluntary (as all obe.die:P•~· ~ ccrcaine m~n purfued by an y uicorne, in God oui!ht, )but repentance taken vp in G~k~ h•s B1ght fals mtoa dungeon, & mhisfaltakes nefi'c, ts vfually conftrained and extorted b hold and hangs by.the armc of a tree :now as I the fcare of hell , and other iudgements J he thushangs looking downwa!d,hc fees two God : for crofi'cs,. afflidions, and fickcne!fe wormes gnawmgat the root ol the tree, and B wtl caufe the grofieft hypocrite that ecer was as bee lookes vpwaidhe fees an hiue ofmoft to ftoopc and buckle vnder the hand ofGod fwe<:thonie, ~hereuponhe climes vp vnto it, and difiemblc faith and repentance and cuery andfitunfl by 1~feedes therc<>n. In the meane graceofGod, as though he had them as fully feafo ':"hlle he 1s th•sfitung, the two wormes os any ot the true feruants of God ; whereas gnawmpe~cesthe rooreofthe~ree: which ' lndeodhcwantsthemaltogither. Wherefore done, rreeand man andallfalles mto the botInch repentance commonly is but countertome ofthe dungeon. No':" this Vnicorne is fcit. For in rrue and found repc~tanccmen death; the man that Btes ts euery one of vs, mull forfake thelt linnes; burin this the finne and oueryliuing man : the pirouer which bee forfaktS the man:who leaucs allhis ~uil waies hangeth, is hell; the arme of th"reeis life it only vpon this, that he is conlirainedeo Icauc felfe, thetwo wormesaredayand night, the the world. Wherefore it is a thing greatly eo. continuance whereofis the wholelife ofman: be wifhed,thatmcn would repentand prepare the hiue of honie is the pleawres and profits themfclues to die in the time ofhealth before and honorsofthis world, to which when men the day of death or fickencfi'e come. Laftly wholly giue themfelues, not confidering their . iris alleadged that one ofthe thccues repeted el1ds,cillthctreeroot, that is, thistemporall C vponthecro!fe. Anfw. Thotheifewascalkd life bee cut off:which beeing once done, they alter the cleuenth h~ure at the point ofthe plung~chemfelues qnite int~ the gulfe ofhell. twelfth,whcnhc ':"as now dying and drawing By thts wee fee, that there ts good caufe that Ol~: Therefore h1s conuer!ion was altogithermcn fhould not defcrre their preparation rill mtraculeus and extraordinary: and there was the time of fickenelfe , but rather euery day afpec1all reafoR why Chrift would haue him make rhemfelues readie again!l the day of tobecalleorhc,thatwhilehewasinfutlering death.But fomewillfay,it!hallfuffice ifrprehe m1ght !hew torch thevertue ofhispafsion: pare my felfe to pray when I beginne to bee that al which faw theone,mightalfo acknowlickc•.dnfw.Thefe men gte.ttly decciue themledge the other. Now itis not good for men femes, forthe time rhen is moft vafit eo begin to make an ordinary rule ofan extraordinarie a preparation, becaafe all the fenfcs and powexample. ers ofthe body are occuplcd aboutthc paines Thusthen this point bceing manife!l, chat and troubles ofthedifeafe: and thefickc paragcnerall preparationmuft bee made, let vs tic is exercifed partly in conference with the now fce in whatmannerirmn!l be done. And Phyfitian, partly with the Minilier about his f<>r therighcdoingof it, fiue dutiesmuft bee fooles health aRd matters ofconfcience, and D prallifed in.the courfe of our line>. The lirll partly wirhfriends that comecovifite.Thereis,the meditation ofdeathinthe life time. Fm fore there muftfome preparation goe before the life ofa Chtiftian is oething dfebut ame· in the cimeofhealth, when the whole man diration of death. Anotablcpradifchertof with all rhe powers of body and foule arc at weehaue io the example of loftph of Aril1!alibcrtie. Againe there be fome others which chea, who made histombe in hislife rime in imagineand fay, thataman may repent when the mid!l ofhis garden: no doubt for thisend, hewill,euenin the timeofdeath:and that fuch to put hi'llfe!fcin minde ofdeath, andthatin repentance is fuflicient. An f. It isfalfe which · the midft of his delights and pleafwres. Hea. they fay: For it is notinthepowerofman to then Philofophers, that neuer knew Chriil, repent when he himfelfe will; when God will had many excellent medltattons .of death, he may. It is not in him that willeth or runthoughnotcomfortablc iertgard of life eucrneth, but in God that hath mercie. And lalling. Now we, that hauc knowne and be1 Chrift faith, that many !hall feeke to enter leeued in Chrill, muli goe beyond tbem m I into heauen, and !hall not be able. But why ch1s point, coniidering with ourf<lues fuch fo I becaufe they fecke when it is too late; thing$as they neucr thought of, namely, tke j namely,when the time ofgraccis pall. Therecaufe ofdcath,our finne: rhe remedy thereof, fore it i• exceeding folly tor men fo much as the curfed death of Chr!lr: curfcd I fay, w ___!_____!--------------------~~--