Ioh.$ 1 ... CI'he right way oft(ying ll!ell. 499 'f.tythis, we mufr haue three gifts and graces A dieindeed. And as men thatare appointed to ofGod wherein efpcciolly this lirfr degree runne a race, exerCife themfclues to running oflife c~nfifrs. The firfris, fauing /eyowledge, thatthey may getthe viC\orie ; fo lhould wee whereby we doe rruely refoluc our feluesthat beginne to die now while wee are liuing, that GodtheFathcrofChtifrisourFather,Chrifr wemightdie well in the end. Butfome may his Sonncour redeemer, and theholyGhofr [;y, how fhouldthis bedonel p,,./giuesvs our comforter. Thatthis kndwledge is one direlbon inhiso~ne.example,when he faith, parr ofcternalllife, itappeares by thefaying 'Bytheretoycmgwhu:h l hanemChrift,'fdmlaily. ofChrifrin 'fohn '7·~· This is life etern,B,tbat r.Cor.15 ·31· Andhedieddaily, nor onely beis, thebeginning and entranceinto life etercaufe he was often in danger of death by reanal,to /eyiiW theetheonly God,andwham thoM haft fon ofhis calling; but alfo becaufe in all his font IefmChrift. The fecond grace! u peaceof dangers and troubles, he inured himfetfe ro conjcienc.whichpajfetha/1 vndirftandmg,Phil+ die.For When men doe make the right vfe of 7.and rhtrefore Parrl faith, Rom. 14·'7· that their afBidions, wherherthey be in bodie or thekingdome ofbeauonisrighreoufoejfe, peace minde, or both, anti doe with all their might ofconfcience, andi.yinthe holy Gh•ft. The hor- B endeauour to beare them patiently, htlmbling rour ofa guilty confcience is the beginning of themfelues as vnderthe corredion of God, death a.1ddefrruchon:therefore peaceofconthen they begin to die well. Andto dothis infcieucederiucd from the death of Chrifi, is dcedeisto take anexcellent cour{e. Hee that life andhappineffe. The third isrhe_regimem would mortilie his grearefi fins, mufr begin ofthe fpirir,whcrebythe heart and hfeafll)an to doe it with fmall.finnes; which, whenrhey is ordered according to the word ofGod. For are once reformed, a man !hallbe able more P4itl faith, Rom. 8. I4• rhatthey that are the eafilyroouercome hismafrer finnes: So likechildren ofGod, are led by theJPirit ofChrift. wifehe that would beable to beare rbe crolfe Now feeing this is fo,thatifwe wouldliue eofall croffes, namely, death it felfe, mufi lirfr ternally wee mufr begin to liue that bleffed ofalllearnetobearefmallcroffes, asficknefandeternal! life before we die, here we mufr fes in bodie,and troubles in minde, with loife bccarefull toreforme twocommonerroars. ofgoods&friends,andofgoodname: which The lirfiis, that a man enters inroeternalllife I may titly tearme little dearhes, and the bepoll cru· when he dies, and not before: which isaflat ginning of death it felfe: and we mufr lirfr of '"1' mi· vnrruth. Our Sauionr Chrifr faid to Zache~<~, alacquaintourfelueswiththefe littledeathes · norell. Lu~19·9· Thi< day i4JaiNAtwncometoehy houfo, C before we can bee well able to beare thegrea; giuing vsro voderfrand , thata man then bedeath ofall. Againe, the affli<'tions ami calagins to be faued , when God dorh elfe.!lually mities ofthis lifell[e asit were the harbingers callhim by theminifrery ofhisGofpel. Who· and purueters ofdeath:& weare lirlho learne foeuer then will bee faued when he is dying how toentcrtaine thefe meffengers,thar when and dead, mu(c begin to be faued while heis death the Lord himfelfe fhalcome, we mav in now liuing. His faluation mufr begin in this better manner enrortaine him.This point Bil. life: that would come tofaluarion after this nrythemartytwelconftdered,whooftenrimes life.Vcriiy,veriiy,faithChrifr,hethat hearethmy before he was burned, pur his linger into the word,andbeleeKeth him thatfont mt,hatheternall flame ofthe candle, nor onely to make rriall life, namely, in rhis prefentlife. The fecond ofhis ability infulfcring, buralfo to arme and erronr is, that howfoeuer a man liue, ifwhen llrengthen himfelfe againfr greater tormeots heis dying,he canlift vp hiseyes,& fay ,Lord tn death. Thus ye fee the fourth duty, whtch h~tHemercievpon me, he is certenly faued. Beye mufi: inany wtfe learne and remember, be· hold avery dangerous and foolifh conceit, caufe we cannot be able to beare the pangs of rhatdeceiuesin•ny a man. Iris all one as ifan death well, vnleffe•we be lirfr well fchoolcd arrant theife fhould thus reafon withhimfelf, L> and nurtured by fundry trialsin this life. and fay; I will fpend my daies in robbing and '{he fifih and lafr duty is fer downe bys~. frealing,I feare Mcither arraignment,nor exelomon,Ecclef9·1o. Allthat thine hand Jb•il finde cutioa. For atthe very time when lam to be tod.i,doe irwithaO thy power. And marke the turned offrhe ladder,ifI doe but callvpon the reafon: For there u ntither work!;, nor inuenrion, iudge I know I !hall haue my pardon.Behold nor /eyowier}ge, in thegrauewhither a mofr dangerous atid defpcrate courfe: and thougoeft.To the fame purpofeP•ul faith, Gal. the very fame is the praaife of careleife men 6. xo. Doegood toa/J men while yeehauceime, in thematteroftheir faluation. Fora man Therefore if amanbeeabletodoeanygood may die with Lord h•u< mercie in his mouth, feruice eithertoGods Church,or ro the corn· and perifh eternally: except in this world hee mon-wealth,or to any priuateman,ler himdo enter into the lirfr degree ofeternal! life; For it with all fpeede and with all might, lefr noteii<YJ onetharfaith,Lord,Lerd,[ka/J enterinta death it felfe preuent him. He that bath core h<aucn' but thewiOofthefather.which thus to fpend hisdaies , !hall with much corn. is inheauen,Matth 7.21• fort and peaceofconfcience end his life. , The fourth duty is, ro exercife and inure Thusmuch of generall pr~paration. Nc;>w our feluesin dying by little and little fo long followeththe particular, which is jn the rime as weliueherevpon earth,bcfore we come to offickene!lc. And here firfr ofall I will!htw Vv ,·:::.:··---'