500 'The right wayofdying well. whatis the doll:rine ofthe Papifrs, and then A thing to receiue the Euchari!l:in thctime of afterward the truth. By thePopilh order and fickeneffetowarddeath, and that priuately of pratlife, when aman is about todie, he isinthe (ickepartic alone, they haue no warrant ioyned three things. Firfr ro make facramenfor their pratlifc and opinion.Forin the want tall confefsion, fpecially ifit be in any mortall ofthe facrament there is no danger, but in fin:fecondly, to receiue the Euchari!l; thirdthe contempt: aud the very contempt it felfe ly,torequire his annoyling, that is, the facrais a finne which may be pardoned, .ifwee rement(as they call it) ofextreame vnllion• pent. And there is no reafon why we lbould Sacramentall confefsion, they tearmearethinke that ficke men lhould bee depriued of \. hearfall or nomtration ofall a mans finnes to the comfort ofthe Lords (upper, if they reapriefr, that hemay receiue abfolmion. But cciueit notindelth; becaufe thefruitand ef- : againfr this kind ofconfefsion,fundry reafons ficacy ofthe Sacramentonce receiued, is not ·· may be alleadged. Firll ofall,ithata no wartoberell:rained to the timeofroceiuing; but ! rant either by commandemeot or example in it extends itfelfe to the whole time of mans the whole word ofGod. They f&y yes: .and lifeafterward.Againe,thefuppcr ofthe Lord they indeauoor to prooucitthus: He which B is no priuate atlio,bot meercly Ecclefiafrical: lies in any mortal! finne, i• by Gods law andthereforeto be celebrated inthe meeting bound to doe penance and to feeke reconci· and alfemblies ofGods people;as our Sauiour liation with God: now the neceffarie meanes Chrill: prefcribcth,whenhe faith, Do<yethi&; Lu!o.,, after baptifme to obtaine reconciliation, is and P4ulin&ying,Wh"'1""""''githtr. But it ••· the confcl5ion <ifall our fiones roapriell:: Beis alleadged , that the Ifraelirrs did eate the •.Cor, caufe Chrill bath appointed priells to bee Pafcba!Lambintheirhoufes when they were n,:o, iudges vpon earth, with fuch meafure ofauin Egypt• .Anfw.TheIfradites had then nolithoritie , that no man falling after baptifme, bcrty to make any publike meeting for that ""nWithout their fentence and determination end; aAd God commanded thatthe PatChal bereconciled; and they can not rightly iudge, Lambe !hould bee eaten inall the houfes of vnlelfe they know all amans finnes:.therefore the Ifraelites at oneand the lame infrant 1 and all thatfall after baptifme are bound by Gods that in effect was as much as if it had becne word to open all their finne.roa priefr•.An{. publike. Againe, they alleadgea Canon of It is falfe which they fay, tbat ptiell:s are indthe Council! of Nice; which decreeth ;hat ges,hauing power to examine and take knowmen being about to die, mull: receiuethe Eoledgeofmens Gnnes, and iurifdi<tion where· c charill: and not be a depriued ofthe prouifion 1 Fraudaby they can properly abfolue and pardon or offood necelfary fottheiriourney• .Anfvm;. ririatico, retaine them. For Godsword bath giuen no The Councill made no degree touching the more to man, but aminifttrieofrtc-ili•tion. adminifrration of the Sacrament to all them a.(orinth.5 .1 8. wher~by in the name ofGod, that die, but to fuch onely as fell away from and according to his word, he doth preach, the faith in perfecution, ot fell into any other declare, andpronounce, that God doth parnotorious crime,and were thereupon excomdonornot pardon his finnes. Againe, parmunicate,and foremained till death: and eidon may truely bee pronounced, and right thet then or fomewbat before tefrified their iudgement ofthe ell:ate ofany man, without repentance for their offences. And the Ca- ·aparticular rehearfall of his linnes, for hee non was made for this end, thatfuchperfons which foundly and truely repents of one or might bealfured that they were againe receifome few finnes,repents ofall. Secondly,this ued into the Church ; and by tbi• meanes deconfetSionis ouerturnedbytheprallifeoftho . _partwith more comfort. Thirdly, itlsobieProphets and Apoll:les, whonotonely abfol- ·l'l:ed, that in the primitiae Church, part ofthe ued particular perfons, but alfo whole ChurEucharifr was carried by a ladde toStrapicn Eu(e&. 1. chcs withoutexallionofauticularconfefsion. D an aged man, lying ficke i• his bed. tA•fw. f,c.J•; When :l'(jthaR the Prophet had rebuked DAIt was indeede the cufrome of the anc1ent HiJfor hiscwo great andhorriblecrimes, 'D4Church from thevery beginning,that theeleuid touched with remorfe faid, •• sa...u.u. rnentsofllrcad& wine lhould be lent byfome 'f h""'Jiruml, and Nath"" prefently without ofthe Deacons tothe lick,whichwere abfent further examination declared vnto him inthe from the alfembly. And yet neuerthelelfe name of<&od, that his finnes were forgiuen here is no footing for priuate communions. him. Thirdly, it cannot be prooued by any For the Eucharifr was onlyrh.en fentwloethe good and fuflicient proofes, that thisconfdli . reil: of the Church did openly communicate;· on was vfed in the Church of God tillafter 5. and fuch as were then abfent onely by reafon or 6. hundred yeares were expired. For the officknelfe,and delired to bepartakersofthat confefsion which was then in vfe, was either bleffed comunion, were to be reputed as pre- B•fil. 'P· publike before the Church, orthe opening of fent.Lafrly itis obietled,thatit wasthe maner ad CzC, a publike fault to fome priuate perfon in feof men and women in former times to carry ;.•:d"~~: cret. Therefore to vrge ficke men vntoitlypart of the Sacrament home ro theirhoufes, ing.atthe pointofdeath, is to lay more bur- &to refcrue ittill the time ofnecefsity, as the ~i':in dens on them,thcn euer God appointed. time officknes and fucb hkc..Anfw.Thc refer- Apol.pro And whereas they make it a neceffarie uatiooftheSacramentwas butafupetftitious (inial>. pratbfe, /