Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The riffht n>ay ordyinff well. 501 !-:-'--~:-----=---;:;-::-:-::-~0:-;::-:;:-:-~'J::=-;:::-:;~~~~-::::;;::--;::;;:;:~:-::::-:;-1 practife,rh<>ugh it be_auncienr. _Forour ofthe A the bodie, and offickeaelfe~ befide finne; and adminifrration, that 1s, beforetr begmne, and though they be nor knowne to vs, yet they are after it is ended, the Sacramentceafethto be a knowne to the Lord. Hereupon Cbrifr when facrament, andthe elements to beeelements. he faw acertaine bHnde man, and wasdemanc . 1 As for the. practifeofthem thatvfcd to cr-am ded what wasrhecaufeoftheblindnes,anfwec~",'~:. Ithe Eucharifr into the mouth of them that red./oh.9. z,1>(!_ith"haththu mqnjinned,n.,. hu cao:o, " .\'.were deceafed;iris notonly fi1perfririous, but farenrs,but that the work! ofGodjhouldbe{hmed alfo very·abfurd; . .. • r. ~ on him.yet we for our parts,who are to go not As for tlie Annoyling offhe ficke, that is: bythefccror,but by the reuealed willofGod, • ' theannointing ofthe body, fp-(cially the_or. mufr make this vfe ofourficknes, that is fent 1 ganes or infrruments of the.fenfes, that the vnto vsi fonmr finnes. When Chrifr healed party may obtaine the remifsion.ofhis finlles, the man ficke ofrhe palfie,he faith, Mat.9·2· ' and comforta.gainftall temptationsofthediS.ofgood comfore,thyjinnes areforgium thee;& uell in rhehouceofdeath; andfuengrh.more when he had healed the man by the poole of · c~fily to beace tbe pangs offickeneU:e andtM Berhefda, that bad bin.licke thirty eight yeers, ' pangs ofdeath, and he reftored ro 'htscotp1i• B he bids himfi•neno more,ltftaworfe thingjhoHid . rail Mealth, ifit be expedient forthe faluarion happen vnto him : giuing them both to vnder- Iob.s->4· ofJ1is foule; is but a dotage of mans braioe, frand, th:ii their fickenelfecame by rea(on of · and harh not ·fo much as a!hew of reafon to theirfinnes. And rhus !hould tuery ticke man iuilifie it, .The fifth oflames is commonly alrefolue himfelfe.Now when we haue proceeleadged to this purpofe, bot the annointing ded rhus farre, and haueas it were laid our fin· th<re mentioned is notofrhefamekind with ger vpon the right and proper caufe ofour · this greafie facrament ofthe Papifts. For that iickene!fe, three things concerning our finnes annoiming of,the body was a ceremony vf~d mufr be performedofvs in fickneffc. Firll,we by the Apofr)es andothers, when they put 111 mu!t make a new examination of our hearts practifethis miraculous gift 9fhealing, which and liues, and fay as the Ifraelires faid in affligjftis now ceafed. Secondly,that aanointing d'ion: Let vsftarchandtrieoHr waies,andturne ' pad apromifo1that the party !hould recouer againc vntothe Lord, Lam. 3· 40. Secondly, hishealth,but,this popi!h annointing harh n\? wemull: make anew confefsion to God ofour fuch promife, becaufe for the.mofr part the new and particular finnes, as God fends new perfonsrhus annoinreddy afterward without corre~ionsand chafrifements. WhenDaHid recouecy; whe'reasthofe whiCh weceannoin- C had the hand of God verie heauie vpon him ccd in the primitine Church alwaies fccouefor hisfinnes, fo as his very Gones andm.ifluri red. ThirdlY! theauncient annointing ferued confi•medwithinhim, Pfol, 3·14• bee made con. onely for the ·prdcuring of health> but this fefsion of them VntoGod,andthereupoucb· tellds filtther to rho procuring of remifsion of rained his pardon, and washealed. the third l<~r?.;s,and frrength in temptation·. • thingis to make new prayerand moreearnell Thus hauing feene the'dothine o(the PJtheneuerbefore, with figbes andgroanesof pifls, 1come now tO fpeakcof the true apd thefpicir,and rhatforpardonofrhe fame fins, right manner ofthe making particular prepa· and for reconciliation with God in Chrifr. In ration before dearh, which conraines three the exercife of rhefe three duties !tandes the forts ofduties: one concerning God,the other renouarion ofourfaith and repentance, wherconcerning mans owne felfc, the third conby they are increafed,quickesed,and ri:uiuc'd. cerning our neighbour. The lirfr concerning And the more fickene!fe prcuailes and takes God ; isto feeke tobe reconciled vnto him in place in thebody,the more !hould we be careChrift, tHough we haue beene long affured of full toput them in vre:char fpirituallife,might his fauour. All other duties mufr come after increafe as temporallllfe is decaied. When inthe fecond place,and they are oflittle or no D king E<echi.u'lay ficke, as hee thought vpon effetl: without this. Now this reconciliation hisdeath-bed; h<: wept as foe fame other eau. intifr be fought for;.& is obtainedby ;j renew· fes, foalfo fot his fins, and withallhe prayed ing of 6ur former faith.and repentance ; and God to i:afre them behinde his backe. 'Dauid they ri1~fr bee reRewed on this manner 1 So madcccrtaine:\'falmes when bee was fickeJor fooneas a man !hall feele any manner oflickat the lealt vp<>n the occafion ofhis fickne!fe, nesrofeazevpon his body, he mufrconfider as namely, the6.thqz. 38, 0 9. &c. aild they with hinifelfewhenceiiatifet~:andafter feriall are Pfalmes ofrepentance 1 in which wee ous confideration, he !hall find thatit comes may fee how in diftcdle of body and mihde not bvchaunce or fortune, but by the fpeciall hee renued his faith and repentance; heartily prouidence ofGod. This done, he mufr goe ~ewailing his finnes, and intteating the Lord yet further, and confider.for whatcaufe the forthe pardonofrhern.Manaffis,'onethat fell Lord!hould affliit his body with any ficknes from God, and gaiiC: himfelfe tomany horri· or ilifeafe.And hee !halllindebyGods word, ble finnes, when he Was takencapriueand im- · that fickuclfe comes ordinarily and vmally of prifonedin Babylon, He prayedto the Lordhu : fin. Wherefore i< the liHing manforrowfu/11 m•n God4ndhHmbled himfelftgreatly before tbe God foffimhfor hUfinnes, Lam.3. 39· It is true in- •fhi4fothers;4ndprayedvmohim: and Godw.U l uc:dc, there bee other CauftS ofthe WantS of intrt4tedofhim,andheArdhio pr4ytr,.ndbroHgh1 Vv: hint