Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

502 'The rightrPtJJ o/dying well. himagaine intolerufo/em into hu ltjpgdome, and A miracles on their children. Hence wee may then Manajfes ~,.,that tbt Lord w.u God,,; learne that howfoeuer it bee the dutie of the Chron. 33·' •, 13. Now k>Oke what Man•Jfes minifrers of the word principally to vifit and did inhistribulation, the fame thing mufr we comfortthe ficke, yerir is not their dutieadoe in the time ofour bodily fickenetfe. lone, for it belongs to them alfo which haue Here I haue occafion to mention anotoriknowledgeofGodsword,andrhegifi:ofpraious fault, that is very common·in this age, ·e· ~r.exhrtsneanother(fuirhthe H. Ghofr~Heb, uen among fuch as hauelong lined in the bo . 3·13·)whileitucaOedtod"Y·Andagain, 1 .Thef. fomeof the Church: and rhatis this: Men 4·II .I4• .ddm•ni{hthemthatar<dtfordered,and no•v adayes arefo farre from renuing their comforttbeftthatarewea~. And indeedeinefairh ana repentance, that when tbey lye quitie it fhauld be the dutie ofcucry Chrifrifick and are drawing toward death,they mufr an ma tocomfort hisbrotherin fieknes. Here be catechized in the doarine offaith and r~- w'ee mufr needes rake knowledge ofthe comp<nrance, as ifthey had beene but oflare re. mon fault of men & women when thoy come ceiued into the Church. Whofoeuer will,but to vifit their neighboursand friends:rhcy canasoccafionisoffered,vifitrheficke,fhalllinde B not fpeakea word.ofinfrruaionand comfort this to be true which I fay. What afhameis bur fpend the time in filence, gazing, andloo~ this, than~henaman harh fpent and kingon:orin vtteringwords to lideorno purdayes in the Church for the fpace ofrwentie, pofe,faying to rhefick parry,thar they areveor thirty, or fourtie yeares, bee lhould at the ryforry to fee him in tharcafe,thattheywould very end ofall & not before, begin to inquire haue him tobe ofgood comfort, bur wherein whatfaith, and whatrepentanceis, and haw and by what n\eanes they cannot reil; that his foule might be faued. This one fin argues they doubt nor bot that he~ fhall recouer hi, the great fccurity ofthis age,& thegreat conhe~lth and liuewith them run_' and be merry tempt of God and his word. Well.let all men as In former rtme;that they willpray for him. hereafter in time tocome, be warned to take whereas all their prayers are nothing els bu~ heed ofthis exceeding negligencein matters the Apofi!es Crecde, orrherencommaunde. offaluation,and rovfeallgoodmeanesbefore menrs, and the Lords prayer vrrered without hand, that they may hee able in fickene!fe and vnderfranding. And this is the common camin therime ofdea,th to pur inpracHfc rhefpiri· fort that ficke men get at the hands of their tuall exercifes ofinuocation and repentance. neighbours when they comevnto them ; and Now iffohe it fall our that the ficke parrie c all this comes either becaufethey liueia ignocannor ofhimfelfe renew his owne faith and ranee ofGods word, or becaufethey falfely repentance, he mu[Heeke rhehelpeofothers. rhinke rllar the whole burthen of this duric When the man that was ficke ofthe dead palliesvpon the fhoulders ofthe minifier. fie could nor goe to Chrifr himfelfe,M•r·2·4· The fecond circumfrance is, when the ficke hee got othcrsto beare himin his bedde: and parry mufr fend for the elders to iallroa him when they could not come neere for the mu!- andpray for him. Andrhari•in the very tirfi ritude they vocouered the roofe ofthe houfe, placeof all before any other helpe bee fought and let the bed downe before Chrifr 1 euen fo for. Where the Diuine endes,there the Phyfi. when ficke men cannot alone by rhcmfelues tianmufr begin: and it isa veryprepofrerons doe the good duties to which they arc bound, courfe that the Diuine fhquld there beginne they mull borrow helpe from their fellowwhere the Phyfitian makes anend. Forrill members; who are partly byrheircouncel! to helpe be hadforthefoule, and finnewhich i, put to their helping hand, and partly by their theroore officknes be cured, phyficke for the prayersro prelenr them vnroGod,andto bring body is nothing. Therefore iris athing much them into the prefenceofGod. · robe dilliked, that in all places almofr the And touching helpe in this cafe, fundry du- D phyfirian is lirfr fentfor, andcomes in the he. tiesare to beperformed.Saint)'4mu fees down ginning ofthe ficknes,and theMinifrercomes foure; two whereofconcerue the ficke pariwhen a man is halfe dead, a11disrheu fenrfor enr,abd other twofuch asbe helpers. Jhe lirfr oftenrimes when the ficke partielies drawing dutyofthe lick manis tofend for help: where on and gafping for breath, as though Minitwo circnmfrances mufr bee confidered: who frers ofthe Gofpelin thefe d:Ues were able to mufr bee fent {or,and when.For the lirfi,Sainr workc miracles. Janmfaith,Jam.5-14.Jsanyfic~amongyou?let The fccond dutie of the ficke panic, is to him caNfor the Eldm ofthe Chorch. Whereby confeffehis finnes, as S. I•mu faith, Confiffe are meant notonly ApoUles and all rninifters yourfmnesoneto~tnothtr,4ndprayoneforAnother. Iam.f. 1 6 oftheGofpell, bur others alfo (as J rake it) It will bef•id, thatthis is to bring in againe which were men auncient for yeares, iAdued Popifh fhrift• .dnfw. Cenfefsion ofourfinnes, with the fpirit of v11derfranding and prayer, and that vnro men, was neuerdcnied ofany: and had withal! the gift ofworking miracles the quefrion isonely of the rnann~r and order Tertul• andofhealiagtheficke. Forin the primitiae ofmaking confefsion. And for thrscaufe Wee de coro· Ch1rrch this gift was for atimdo plentifully mufr put a great difference betweene Pepifh "•mifi.c' hell:owedon the that belieued in Chrifr, that fhrift,& rbeciifefsion,ofwhrch S.l•mes f~ea- " & de fouldiers cafr out diuels,and parenrs wrought kerb.For herequires only a confefs10n olthac ~~ ~