t.King. i•ll• A&. :o to. loh.11. 41· The right way ofdying .rve!!. o;d;O{e finnes whichlie vpon a mans confci- A mu!Het his t'Oote fure, andcall: histye eo the ence when he is ficke: but the popifh doctrine banke on the fiuther fide: and fo mull he that rcquirerhaparticular enumeratioofa! a mans drawesneere death, as it were looke ouor the Ctnnes. Againe, S, l11mes enioynes confefsion waues ofdeathand directly fixe the eye of his <>nely as athing meere, and conuenient: but faith vpon cternalllife. The fecond practifc the Papi!l: as a thing nece!farie to the remifsiis to looke vpon death in the glalfeoftheGof- <JO offinnes. Thirdly, S. (•m<~permits that pel,and not in theglalfe ofthelaw; that is, we confefsion bee made to any man, and by one mull confider death not as it is propounded in man to another mutually: whereas Popifh the'law,&lookevponthatterrible face which fhriftis madeonely to the Priell:. The fecond thelaw giueth vmo it; butasit is fet forth in duty then is, thattheficke partietroubl<din the Gofpell. Death inthelaw isacurfeand minde with the memorie and conliderarion the downefall to the pit of deflrudion; in the o(any ofhis linnes pa!t,or any mannerofway Gofpell it is the entrance to heauen : the law tempted by the diuell,fhall freely ofhis owne futs forthdeath as dcath;the Gofpel fets forth accord open his cafe to fuch as are both al>lc death as nodeath, but a Ueepe onely; becaufe and willing tohelpohim, that he may recciue B it fpeaketh of death as it is altered and chaticomfort and die in peace ofconfcience. , ged by the death of Chrill:; by the vertue Thus much oftheficke mans duty; now fol· wherofdeath is properly no death to the ferlow the duties of helpers. The lirfris,to·pr'9' ouants of God. When men fhall hauecar~on 11erhim, that is, in his prefence to pray with this manner to confider ofdeath, it will bee a him, and for him, and by prayer to prefent his notable meanes to firongtheo and llablifh very perfon and his whole e!l:~te vnto God. them againll: all immoderate feares and terThe Prophet1;1iw .,,the ApoflleP4uland our ror~ that vfually rife in fickenelfc. Sauiour Chri!l: vfed this manner of praying; Themeditations which ferue for this purwhen they would miraculoufly re!l:ote ternpofe are innumerable, but I will touch onely poralllife:& therfore it isvery meete that the thofe which are the moll: principall and the fame !houldbevfed alfo ofvs, that we might groundsofthe re!l::and they are foure innumthebetter!Hrrevpouralfectionsinpraier,and ber. Thefirll: is borrowed from the fpeciaU our compafiion to thelick when we arc about p~ouidenceofGo:!: namely, that the death of to intrcat the Lord for the remifsion oftheir euery man,much more euery chi!de ofGod, is finncs,and for the faluation oftheir foulcs. notonely forc-feene, but alfo fore-appointed The fecond duti< ofhim that comes as an C of God : yea thedeathof eueryman deferued helper, is toannoint the lick party with oyle. and procured by hisfins, i• laid vpon him by Now this annoioring was an outward cereGod, who 111thatrefpect maybe faid to bee mony which wasvfed with the giftofhealing, the caufe ofeuery mansdeath. So faithAmt 4 , which is now ceafed, and therefore I omit to I Sam- 1. 6. The L ord J:illctb andmak,rtb (I/i 11 e. fpeake further of it. The Church of Ierufalem confe!fed that noThus much0fthe duty which the fick man thingcametopalfein the death of Chrilt but owes to God: now follow theduties which he that whichthe fqye-k!Jmvledgeandmrna/1 ;.,.n. is to performe vnto loimfc!f,and theyare twofellofGodhadappointed, A<'I:. 4· 28. And therefold:one concerneshis foule,the other his bofore the deathalfo of euery member of Chrill: dy. Thedhtieconcerninghisfoule , is that he Is fore-feene andordained bythefpeciall demu!t arme & furni!h himfelfe again!l: the imcrec and !'tonidence of God. I addefurthrr moderate fearc ofprefent death.And the reathat the very circumll:ances of death, as th; fon hereofis plaine: becaufe howfocuer natuttmc when,the place where the manner how rally men feare through the courfe of their the beginnings oflickencs,'the continuance' lines mere or lelfe; yet in time of lickenelfe and the end , euery fitte in the !ickene!fe' when death approacheth , this naturall fearc D and the pangs of death, are particnbrly fe~ bredin the bone will mofl ofalllhewit felf,e . downe in the counfellofGod. The very haires oen in fuch fort, as 'twill a!l:onifh the fenfesof ofour headsare nMmbred(asour Sauiour Chri!l: theficke party, and fometimc caufc dcfperatifaitlo,Mat.Io.z9-39·)andajparrow lights noton on.Thcrfore it isnecelf"ry that we vfc meanes thegr011nawithoutthewilofour heaHeniy Father. to frrengthen our felues againfl the feareof Dauidfaith exceliently,Pfal.q9, 1 5 1 6. My death. Tho mcanesareoftwo forts;prallife•, hones arenot hidfomtbee,thoughl "'"' made ina and mcd,itation. Practifes are two efpecially. fecm plAce,&fafhisnedbenwhin theearth·thine The. fir!t is, that the licke man mull: not fo eies clidfeemewhenlw.u ~>ithootfortne,forinthy much regard death it felfe as the benefits of book,r~>erMllthingswritten, whichincontinuance God whichare obtained after death· He mull weref4Jhioned,whenthere~>Mnoneoftbembefore. not fixe his minde vpon the conlideration of And he praies to God, toput hi< teaw intohi< the pangs and torments ofdeath; but all his bottl<,Pia1.;6.8. Now ifthis betrue,that God tl!oughts and affections mull: be fet -.pon that bath bottles for the very tearcs of his fer· ble!fed ellate that is cnioyed after death. Hee uants, much more hath hee bottles for their that is to pa!fe ouer fome great and dcepe riblood , and much more doth hee refpea and ncr, mullnot lookedownward to the ftreame regard their paines and miferies with all the ofthe Water;but ifhc would ptenent fcare, he circumlhnces of fickcnelfe and death. The Vv 3 care-