Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

crhe right way ofc{ying well. concerning the body; and that is,tharall ficke perfons mull: bee carcfull to pre_ferue health and lifotill God doe wholly rake it away. For PaNI faith,R•m·I4·7,8• Noneqfvslitieth to him elfe,ncithcrdoth any die to himfelfe: for whether w~ liue, weliuevntothe Lord, orwhetherwe die, weedie vnto the Lord,whether wee liue therfortor die,-weare the Lords.For this caufe we may not doewithourliues as we will, butwe mull: re– ferre the whole difpofition thereofvnto God, for whofe glory we are to line anddie. And rhis temporal! life is a moll precious iewell, ' & as the common fayingis, life is very fweet; becaufeitis giuento manfor this end, that he might haue feme fpace of time wherein hee might vfe all good meanes to attaine to life euerlalling. Lifeis not bellowed on vs, that wee lhould fpend our dayes in our lulls and \'aine pleafures, bnr that we might haueliber– tie to come ourofthe kingdomeofdarkenelfe into the kingdome of grace, and from the bondage of linne into the glorious libertie of the fonnes ofGod: and in this refpeCl fpeciall care mull be had of preferuationof life, till Goddoe callvs hence. In the preferuing oflife, two things mull: beconfidered: themeanes, and the rightvfc ofthcmeanes.The meanes is good and whcl– fomc phyficke, which though it be defpifed of many as a thing vnprolitable and needles, yet mull itbe ell:eemed as an ordinance& blcfsing ofGod. Thisappcarcs, becaufe the fpirit of God hath giuen approbation vnto it in the , King. Scriptures. When it was the good pleafurc of :-o,7.· God to reflore life vnto King E%!kjtt~.~ alumpe ofdry figs by the Prophets appointment was laid to his boyle and he was healed. Indeede this cure was ic fome fort miraculous,becaufe hee was made whole in the fpace of two or threcdayes, and the thirddayhewentvp tothe G 11 1 temp!.: yetthebunchofligges wasanaturall de ~;t.~u: and ordinarie medicine or plaifl:er feruing to '"·"P·1· foften and ripen tumours or fweUings in the flelh. And the Samaritane is comrnended for Luke 10• the binding vp and for the powringof wine 34. and oyle into the wounds of the man that lay 11 d wounded betweenelerufalem& Ierico. Now 1,;,: phi- this dealing ofhis was a tight prachfeofphy– lofo, c.s.· ficke:forthc wineferued tocleanfe the wound and toeafe the paine within: and the oyle ferued tofupple the flelh& to alfwagethepaine '}'ithout. And the Prophet Ef.ry,feemesto eo– mend this phyficke, when he faith Efo. I. 6. From thefoleofthefootvntq the helld.~there Una– thingwhDfe therein,but wvunds andfwellings, and 'furesfi•B ofcorrupti.n: they haue not binwr•pped 111Tf bound 'V p,mrmoBifiedwith oryle. And where– asGod did notcommand circumcifion ofchil– dren before the dght day , he followed arule ofphyfickeobferued in all ages,that the lifeof thechilde is veryvncertainc till the lirll: feuen A name their .children before th~ eight d~y· I . Thus then it is manife!l: that the vfe of phy– ficke is lawtulland commendable. Furthermore, thatphyficke may bee well applied to the maintenance ofhealrh, fpeciall care mull be had to mak~choife of ll1ch Phy· litians as are knowne to be well karntd, and men ofexperience, as alfcofgood confciencc and good religion. For as in orher calliNgs,fo in this alfo, there be fundry abufes which may indanger the liues& the health ofmen. Some venter vponthebare infpeftion of rhevrine, withont further direelion or knowledge of the ellate oftheficke, to prefcribe aod mini· !l:er as lhal feeme bell vmo them.Butthe learB ned in this facultie doe plaioly auouch , that thiskinde ofdealing tends rather to kill then to cure, and that fundrymen are indeedekil– led thereby: For iudgement by the vrioe is moil deceirfull: the water ofhim that is ficke ofa peftilent feauer euen vnto death , !cokes for lubllance and colour as the water of a whole man: and fo doth the water of them that are ficke ofa quartane or ofany other in– termittingfeauer: fpecially if they haue vfcd good diet from the beginning, as alfo ofthem that haue the pleurifie, orrhe inflammation of the lungs, or the Squinancie, ofteotimes when they are neere death. Now then confidering the waters of fuchas areatthe point of death, appeare as the vrines ofwhole and C found men, one and the fame vrine may fore– fignilie both life and death, and be a figne of diuers , nay of contrary difeafes. A thinne, erode, and palev,ine in them that be in health Isatokenofwantof digellion; but in them that are ficke of a lharpe or burning ague , it betokens the frenfie, and isa cerraine liglie of death. Againe, orhersthercbe thatthinke it a {mall matter to make experiments of their deuifed iliedicines vpon the bodies of their pati!'nts, whereby the health, which they ho– ped for, is either much hindred or.much de– caied. Thirdly,there be others whiCh miniller nophyfickeat any time, or vfe phlebotomie without the direction ofiudiciall Allrologie: but ifthey lhal follow this courfe alwaies,they Forrd1:. denm. iudiciis hltJ. Lang.l.:. epdl. 41. D mull:needs kill many a man. Putthe cafe that a man fullbodiedistaken witha plenrifie, the moone being inLeone, what mull bee done ? The learned in this art fay, he mull: prefently be let blood: but by All:rologie a ll:ay mull be made, till the moone be remooued from Leo the houfe of the funne: but by that time the impollumewill be fomnchincreafed by the gathering together of tl!e humours, that it can neith~ be dilfolued nor ripened : and by this mcanes the ficke partiewanting helpe in time , !hall di";;either by inflammatio'! or Lang 1, 1 • by th~ confumptton of the lungs. Agame, cpift,J(, whenamanisfickeofthe Squinande, or of See Ga– the feauer calledSynochf/4, the rnoone then be- niuentls ing in the malignant afpeCls with any ofthe ~:;~~A· mfortunate planets (as Allrologers vfe to m:Ji<o· fpeake)ifletringofbloodbe deferred till th_e turn. A ·a d dayesbeexpired,aswemayfecbytheexam– hift. ;.,: pie ?fth~ child which 'Z>auidhad by 'Bathfal" mal,l,7, i' Which d1ed the fcucnth day. And vpon the "P•'• very fame ground heathen men vfed nt>t to ----~----------------------------------------------------------~"~'~oo_n_e______