Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'h twayo rymgweIf . 507 ficke I willhere fer downe two fpecia!l duties A be handled; the firfl: ofthe Magifl:rate, tne leof th~ Phyfitian himfelfc. The firfl: is, thatin cond ofthe Minifier , the third of the mafl:er the want and defefi of fuch as are to putficke ofthe family. The Magilhatesdutie is,befa<c I men-in mindc oftheir finnes, it isadutY. fpec!· hedic,toprouid~,as much as he can, for the ally concerning him; bee being a member of godly and peaceable efl:ate ofthe rowne,citic, Chrill, ro aducrtife his patiets thatthey mu£< or common-wealth: and that is done partly truly humble rhemfelues , and pray feruently by procuring the maintenance of found relito God for the pardon ofall rbeir finnes : and gion and verrue, and partly by ellablifhingthe fureiy this dutic would bee more commonly execution of ciuill iullice andoutward peace. prafiifedthen it is,ifal phyfitians didconfider Examples of this pratlife•in Gods word are that oftentimes they want good fucceffe in thcfe. WhenMojuwa• ap hundredand twen- Dcut.Jl. theirdcalings,not.hecaufc there is-any want in tieyeere old, and was no more able to goe in .. Art or goodwill, but becaufe the partie with and out befor< •he people oflfrael, hee called who111 they dealc·is impenitent. The fecond thembefore him , and fignified that the time dutie is, whenhefeesmarilfellf~gnesofdeath ofhis departure was at hand; and thereupon inhis patient, nottodepart concealingthem, B tookeorder for their wel-fare afterhis death. · but firfr of all tocerrifie the patient thereof. And firfl: ofall he places lofit•h ouer them in There maybe and is too much nicenesin fuch his!lead, to bee theirguidetothepromifed concealemenrs, I!< the plaine truth in this cafe land: fecoodly, he giue• fpeciall charge to all kpownc,isveryprofitable.For when thepany rhe people, to be valiant and couragious aisCertaineofhis end,it bereaues himofall eogainll their enemies, an<l to obey the cornfidenceinearthlythings, &makeshim put all mandements ofGod. And bfoahfollowes the his the metre mercyofGod. WM fame came courfe, Iofo. 23· For he cals rhe E<.«hiMwas fickc, the Prophet fpeaks plainly people together, and fhewes them that the Vntohiin,and faith: lfo. 38.1. Set thine houftin time ofhis death is athand, and giucsrhem a ortin,fll'ftho• m•ft .r'ie, Andwhat good we may <barge to be couragious , and to worfhip the reap by knowingcertainly that we haucrcceitrueGod :·which done, he ends his daies as a ued the fentence ofdeath, PAul lheweth when wonhy Captaine. Whenking D~•id(I King. hc!aith,2Cll'f.I'·9•We h1111<receiutdtheftntmce 2·1,2,3,&c.) wastogoethe wayofallflefh, . ofdeRthinourftl~es,becllllft wejbouldnottruftin and layficke on his death-hed; he placed his / oMrftlues;but i'l Godwhi<:h rl<iftththe tied ownefonnc Sa/omenvpon his throne,and gaue Hauing thus foene whatbe thed~giesofthe C him charge,both for maintenance of rdigion ficke man tohimfe!fe, letvsnow fee what be andcx~cution ofiufiice. ' the duties which he oweta to ~is neighboUr; The dutie of Mini!iers wl1cn they are dyand they are two. The firfl: is the dutie of reing,is;as much as theycan,to call and prouide conciliation, whereby he is freely to forgiue for the continuance of the good ellareof the allmen : andtodefire to be forgiuen ofall. In Church ouer which they are placed. Confitheold tefl:ament, when a man •vasto offer a dertheexample of'Pmr, 2Pet. 1·15· /will buUocke or lambe inlicrifice to.God,he mull: (faith he) indea•our •lwaiu, th•tye•lfo m"Jbet leaue hisofferingat the altar,and firfr goeand ab/~ to haueremembranceofthtft things aftermy bee reconciled to his brethren, if they had departure, Ifthis had bin well obferued,there oughtagainll him: much morethenmullthis could nothaue bin li•cha6undanceoffchifmes, be done, when we are in death to offer vp our errors,&herefiesas hath bin, and the Church ft!ues,our bodies, and foules, as an acceptable of God could not haue fuffered fo great hafacrifice vnto GGd•.Q!<eft. What ifaman canuocke. But becaufe men haue had more care not come tothe fpcech of them with whom to maintainc perfonall fuccefsion , then the he would be reconciled; or if he doe, what if right fuccefsion , which llands in the dothine theywillnotbereconciledl .dnfw. Whenthey D ofthe Prophets and Apollles;therf<>re wolues Aliio, !hallin their fickeneffe feekc anddefire reconhaue come into the roomes of faithful! tea2.Ss'Z.?, ci!iation;and cannot obtaine it, eitherbecaufe chers,andthe Apollacie'ofwhichPaut fpeaks, • Thclf. the parties arc abfent,or becaufe they will not bath ouerfprcd the face ofthe Church, ..... releor, they haue difcharged their confcience, Thirdly,houfholders mull fettheir families and God willaccepttheir wil for the deed.As in orderboforethey die, as the Prophet Efoy putcafe,aman lying ficke on his deathbed, is faith toE<ekjah:Set thine houft inortin,for thou at .enmitie with one that is then beyond the muftdie. For the proc•ring of good order in fea; fo as he cannot pofsibly haue any fpccch the family afterdeath,.z.rhings are te be done: with him,ifhe would neuer fo faine,how tball The.lirll:cocernes thislife,& that is to difpofc: hefl:ay his mindl why, he mull rcmemherthat oflaods and goods. And that this may bewell inthisc:afe,a will and deftreto bereconciledis & wifely done;ifthe Wil be vnmade,it.'; with reconciliation it felfe. godly,aduice& counfel to be made in the time The fecond dutie is , that thofe which arc officknes;according to the P'"fiife ofancient rulersandgouernors ofothers, mull hauecare and worthy men• .Abraham before his death and takeorder thattheir charges committed makes his Will,& giues legacies; fo did !fo<e, GeA.t1• to them by God, be left in good cllate after andhcob,in whofe!all Will and tefl:amentare f,6.&:Z.7 thetr death: and here come three duties to contained many worthy blefsings and pro- &49· I phecies