1 5o8 ' · er berightrMyofdyit~grPeU. pheciesoftbeefrateof hischildren. A~dour A fro'!' his blood and pofl:eritie. It is a thing p!.oo de Sau10ur Chnfl:,loh.t9·•7· when he wasvpon whtch the very law ofnature it felfehilthcoo. rep.!:, the cro!Te promded fo_r htsmorber ' fpec!llly demned. Againe,ids a fault to giue all.to rh. A,fi.pol. commendmg herto hts Dtfctple John whom ~dell:, and nothing in refpeCt torncrcfl:r; as I.!•"P·8· he lou~d. And mdeede thiSd~ueof m~kmga though the d\lefr were borhe -ro. bee. ge~:~tle' Wtll, ts a matterof great wetgbt.and tmpor• men, and yonger bmhh'nborne to:b~:ireth~ tance 1for it cutsoff much hatred and conrenwallet• Yet in equitio ,the-eldell: muft haue lion infamilies,and fl:aiesmany fuits in law.It morotheo any, cuen bcc:iufche isthbJide£1:" isnotth~refore alwaiesa matter ofindifferen; and beca~fe·fl:oc~es ~11d families in thlsi~per: ctc, whtch maybe;done or not done, as many. fous areto be matntamcd;rand beeau!C!i>here falfly thinke, who vpon blind and finifl:er remull:alwaies be feme th)lt mull: ~e fit to doe fpects abllainefrom making W ils, either befpeciall feruice in the peace ofthe.comrtioncaufe their wealth lhould NOt be knowne, or weale, orin the timeof:wa~re; which.toula becaufe they woold haue their decaied efl:ate not be , ifgoods lhould be equally part<d to to be conccaled,or becaufethey feare thi:y lhal all. The fcurthand1afl: ruleis, that no ivill i~ HeL 9 • die the,fooner ifthe Will be once made. B Qff<>rcetill the tcfl:ator be dead,forfo·long as ••· Now though the making ofWils belongs to - he isaliuehee may altarandchangeit. .Thefo another pLlce& profefsion, yet (o rpuch may ru~e~ mull: be.remembred,becaufe.they·are.rCbe fpoken here as the holy Gho£1: hath V.ttecorded in·Scripture i thl: opening of other red in the word: and that I will rc<)uce to cerpojnrs and circumfl:anccscbelongeth to lke tainerules. The fir£1: is, thattheWillmull: be profefsianof the law. ' · made according to the law ofilatur.e; and the Th~ fei:ond dutie of the ma!ler oftheramiwritten word.ofGod, and the good and hole~ ly concerneth the foules of fuch as bee ·vnder fome pofitiue lawesofthatkingdQ.I.neorcounhisgouernment : and that isto giue c~ar;l5" t'o rrie whereof a man isa member. The will of· them that they learne, belceue and olieythc God mull: be the rule ofman.< will. And theretrue religion, that is,the dol'trineoflaluation fore the will that is madeagainfi any of thefe, fer down in the writingsof:rhe Prophets and is faultie. The fecond is, that if goods euill Apofl:l.es. The Lord himfelfe:commends ;A; gotten be not rell:ored before, they mull: euen •raham for this : I ktrrrw :itbr.ham, faith hee, Gen, 1S, then be rell:ored ~y Will, or by fpme other thathewiU'""'"'""dhi4fotines ,·anri hu hokjhold. '" w•Y· Iris the pratbfe ofcouctou~ men to be- -fter him,that they k!epethe wayoftbelArdtoda queath their foules when they die to God,and. C righteoufmffe and iNdgement, And D•Nidgiues JIG•t·"' · their goodHuill gotten to their ~hildren and Sa/frnonon his death-bed amofl: norable·and r<ad all, friends; which in all equitie lhould be rell:o- (olemne charge, the fumme and fubfl:ance red to them to whom they belong. Queft. wherofis,toknowtheGodofhisfathets,and How if a mans confcience tell him that his to fc:rue him : which beingdone, heefurther goods beeuil gotten,& he knowes not where, commends.him to God by·prayer , for which ortowhomtomakere!titution? Anfw. The purpofethe?•· Pfalmewasmade. Thispra· ca!i: is commotl, and the anfwer is this. dile of his is to be followed ofall. Thus go. When the partie is l<•owne whoin thou hall uernours, when they lhallcarefullydifpefe of wronged, refl:ore to him particularly; if the theitgoods,and giuechargetotheir po!!erity parric be vnknown or dead;rell:ore tohis exetouchingthe worlhipofGod,lhall gceatly hocutors or afsignes,orto his next kinne;ifthere nour God, dyiog,as wellas lining. ·- be none; yet kcepe not.goods euill gotten to Hitherto I haue inrreated of the two-fold ihy felfe, but rell:ote to God,that.i.s,in way of preparationwhichisto goe.beforedeath:now recompen10e and ciuill fatisfa£lion, bell:ow followesthefecondparrofdyingwell,name· themon the Church or common-wealth. The. ·ly,the difpofition in death. Thedifpofitlon is third rulds,.thatheads offamilies mull prin- D nothing elfe but a feligieus and holy behaui• cipallybefl:ow theirgoodsvp6theirownchilour,fpecially towards God,when weare inor dren,and themthatbe oftheir owne kindred. neere the agonie or pang of death. This beThuman(faithGodto Abrahamof Elea<ara hauiout containesrhrce fpeciall duties. The !lranger, G<n.z)·4•) fl•allnotbethineheir<, but firll: is,todie in or by faith. Todie by faith is, thefonnc which(hallcorneofthy loynes. And this when a man io the time ofdeath,doth with all N was Gods commartdetnent to the lfraelites, hisheartrcliehimfelfewholly on Gods fpcci• 8 ~~·•?• that when any man dies, his fonne lhould bee alllooe and fauour a•d mercie inChrift, as ' ' his lteire, & ifhe haue no Con, thcnhisdaugh. it is reuealed .in the word• .llud tJ:ough there ter: and ifhc1Jauenodaughter, thenhisbrebe no part of mans life voide ~f tuft ?Ccali~ thren: and ifhe haue no brethren, then, his faons whereby we may put fatth tnpradtfe, )et thers brethren; and ifrhcre be none , then the the fpeciall time ofall is th_e pang ofdearh, nexr ofhis l<inne whofoeuer. AndPan/ faith, when friends, and riches, and plea~!' res, and Rom.8. 17.lfyebefonnes ,then •lfo beires: And a. theoutwardfenfcs, and temporall hfe,and~U gain,r Tim.) .&Be that prouidcs notfor huown, earthly helpes forfake vs. forthen true fauh andnamely for themof hu houjhold, uworfe thm maketh vs to goe wholly out.of our ~elue~i· nn infidel. Therefore iris afault for anyman ro and to defpme of comfo:rand talaatton ·t~ alienate his goods or lands, whollyand finally refpect of any earthly thmg; and With au the