JSam. , •.6. Heb.n. ... lobzo9· le Doll tbltl COAtiRae yet ill binevp. rigbtncs~ nrfc g. crhe right 'll>ay ofqying TlJe/f. the power and firengtb ofthe heart to refi on A counfell is very good arid to bee followed of the pure mercie of God. This made Luther ~!I: thoughit may bee the app!ying<>f it (as both thinkeand Jay, thatmen were bell Chn· fOb well perceiued) is mixed with folly. . fiians in death. An example of this faithwee . Here.it may bealleadged, that inthe pangs haue-in 'lJauid, who when he faw nothingbeofdeath men want their fenfes andconuenifore hiseyesbut prefent death, the people in· ent viterance, and thattherefore they are vn· · tending to ftonehim,co,.,forted himftlfeat that ableto pray. Anf. Thevery fighes, fobs,and · v<ry inftant (as thevery text faith)in the Lord gronesof a repentant aod beleeuing heart are · hil G,J.And this comfort he reaped,in that by prayer• before God, euen as elfeauall as if faith he applied vnto his owne foule the merthey we-re vttered by the befi voice in the · cifull promifcs ofGod:as he teftjfieth ofhimworld. Puyedhnds in the .alfet'tion of the felfe : Remember (fairh he) the promiftmadero heart , the voice is bnt an outward mdfenger thyftrHIIIIt,wherein thou haftc.HftdmeetotruJI. thereof. God lookes not vponthe fpeech,but It u my comfm in troHble: for thypromift bath vpon the heart. 'bauid[aith,Godhe•resthede. qilic/eynedme, Againe, My jlejhf.iiled andmy iftm o/thepoore. Againe, thathee ws/JfulfiUthe heortR/fo,but Godu theJlrengrh ufmy he.rt, and B d.ftres uf them thatfi•re htm; yea thctr. very mJ ptirtion for euer. Now looke what Dauid teares arc lowd and foundmg prayers 10 hts , here did, the fame mull euery oneofvs dcein eares, · thelikecafe. When the Ifraelites inthe wilAgaine, faith may otherwife be eXJ)rd!ed · dcrnelie were fiung with fieric fcrpcnts, and by the Laftword!, which for the niofl: part in lay at thepoint ofdeath,they loekcd vpto the them thathaue truly li:lued Gnd, are very <X· br;rfen ferpcnt which was erea:ed by the ap· cellent', and comfortable, and full ofgrace : · pointmentofGod,andwere prefcntly healed: lomechoice examples whereofI will rehearfc: Pfal.to. 17.&14$ '9• euen fo wben a11y man fi:eles death to draw for infirul1ions fake,& for imitation. The lafi neere, and his fierie !ling topierce the heart, words of7acobwere thefe, whereby as aPro- Geo, 49 , heemufi fixe the eye of a true andliuely faith phet he foretold blefsings & curfingsvponhis vpon Chrjfi, exalted and crucified on the children : and the principall among the refi crolfe, which beingdone, bee ihall by death werethefe: ThefcepurjiJa!lnotdepartftom 1•- ·verfc 1~, enter intoeternalllife. dAh;•hdthe law.giuer{i-ombetweene hu feet, till Nowbecaufe true faith is no dead thing, it Shilo come:and,O Lord{ haue waitedforthyfol- V.rre 18. mufi beexprelfed by fpeciall aa:ions;the prinH<Non. The !aft words ofMofis arein his moft cipall wheroof is lnuocation, whereby either C excellent fong fet do111n.Dmt. 3z.And the laft prayerorthankefgiuing is direCledvntoGo:!. words ofDauidwere thefe, The Spiritof the • Sam. When death had feized vpon the body of LordJP•k!"Jme,andhuwordwtUinmyton¥_ue: >!.%•!• lacob, he raifcd vp himfclfe, and turning his the GodofffraelJPak!tome, theJlrengthuf lfra. face towards the beds head,leaned on the top e/fit~~l, Beare r11/eouer men, &c. The werds of of his fiatfe by reafon of his feeblenelfe, aod Zach•ri46 the fonof{ehoidn, when hewas fro. •Chron_ prayed vntoGod: whichprayerofhis wasan ned,were,The Lordlookt vpon it,a11drequireil. , 1 ,u. excellent fruit of his faith. Jobs wife in the Thel~ft words ofour SauiourChriftwhenhe midft of his afiliClion faid vnto him to very was dyingvpon the croffe, were moll admigond purpofe, 'lilef{e Got/anddie. I knowand rable, and ll:ored with abundance of fpirituall grantthat the words arecommonlytranfiated grace. I • To his Father he faid , E-therfor~ otherwife, Cur(e Godanddie: but (as!takeit) giuethem, they k_now nDtwhatthry dce. 2 • To the formeristhe b7fi· For it is not like that in thethiefc_, Verity, i' f"Jvntothee, thil d"J]halt fo excellent afam!ly, any oncperfon, much thou beewuh"'" in 'Paradift. 3 . To his mo. leff~amatro!'andprincipall gouernour therether, Motherbeholdthyfo>me: and to (ohn, Be. of, Wouldgmefuchlewdandwretchedcounholdthymother. 4· And in hisagonie VUj fell? which the moll wickedmanvpon _earth D God,myGoJ,whyhaJithouforfak§nme? 5 . .Ptnd haumg no~orebut the hgbtof nature would earne!Hy defiringourfaluation,1thirJI.6.And not once g1ue, b"t rather much abhorre and when he had made perfca: fatisfaaion 1< u condcmne. And though lobcall her af~~elijh finijhed. 7• And when body and foule' were wom4n,yethe doth it not, becaufe fhe went aparting, Father~ into thy h"ndi 'f conimendmJ bouttoperfwadehimtoblafphemeGod; but /Pirie. Thela!lwordsof Stenenwere. 1 • Bebecaufe !bee was ofthe minde oflob~ friends 'bold, {foe the heaxt•open, andthe Sonne ofm•n and' th?ughttha~ hefioodtoa much tn aeon. flawding aer~e_righe handof God. •· Lord{efm' Ctttofhts ownenghteo~fne~e. Now thevery rec~memy fP:r:t. ,. Lord, 14_] not thU jinne tO ~eamngofhcrcounfelhs tbLS: BlelfoGod,that thm charge. Of Polycarpe, Thou art a trlie 1~, husband, no do!'bt thouart by theextremiGodwithoHt !Jing, thmfore in allthing' 1 praift tle of thmc affl1l9:10n atde.rhs doore: there· theeaudbiejfo thee,andglorifie thee bj the ttern•ll fore begm_now atIcngth to lay afiderhe great God, andh:gh PrieJI lefiu Chrifl ehin' onely be. o~erweenmg whlch thou haftof thtne owne loJs~·dSon?~e, by whom~andwithwho~, t 0 thu t:~nd' Lu!Ie :h ~4· Verfe4J• loh.x 9 . :6,&7· M:nb,t7. ... Iohs9 • .s. Vme;o Lu:C. 13• .•. Ali.7-s• f9,60. rtghteoufnelfe, acknowledging the hand of thr ho!JSpirit, bee allglory nowandfor mer. Of God·vpon t~ee f?r thy finncs, 'onfeffe them lgnat>m, I c4re not whM /,!nde uf dc.rh 1 die·: Euf:b 1, Vntohlm, !Jlue lam·the glory, pr~yfor the lamthebreadij'the Lord; dnilmuftbegromrd ;,c.Jo. pardon of them , and end thy dates•· Thts l•tth the teeth of Dyom, lh<t 1 m•y be cltam bread